Anonymous ID: f7d784 May 21, 2024, 8:41 a.m. No.20895999   🗄️.is đź”—kun


2nd the schwwwwaaabbbb


putin called him fair game! funny thing but even the bible refers to the correct solution. short story, heavily paraphased…

in the days of <insert name>, so and so became popular and lead many astray. we offed him and things went bact to normal; and then in the days of <insert name>, so and so became popular and lead many astray. we offed him and things went bact to normal.


the jews had a strategy that worked… become more popular then the boss - get off'd


no i am not calling for violence, i am calling for justice. not two tiered justice but real justice. the kind that sees murderers and rapists held to account and proper fucked for their wickedness! not this evil eSafety crap of hide the truth and pretend they love us all to death as they depopulate us! for shame eh!


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