Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 12:50 p.m. No.20896729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6754

World Bank Launches Plan To Decimate Global Farming Under Excuse Of Cutting Carbon Emissions


The globalist-led World Bank issued a report recently that proposes the idea of making drastic cuts to global agriculture production in order to achieve "net zero emissions."


The plot involves centralizing the world's farms in the hands of just a few wealthy individuals who plan to cut almost one-third of the world's greenhouse gas emissions by radically altering the way food is grown.


The report touts the proposed changes in nice-sounding terminology that claims food production will continue in such a way as "to feed a growing population." The reality, though, is that the proposal threatens to eliminate large swaths of agricultural production that in turn could lead to famine and starvation.


"While the food on your table may taste good, it is also a hefty slice of the climate change emissions pie," claims Axel van Trostenburg, a World Bank figure.


The good news is that the global food system can heal the planet – making soils, ecosystems and people healthier, while keeping carbon in the ground. This is within reach in our lifetimes, but countries must act now: simply changing how middle-income countries use land, such as forests and ecosystems, for food production can cut agrifood emissions by a third by 2030."


The end of food

Instead of promoting diverse agricultural practices that local family farmers have been honing for centuries – such practices are good for the environment rather than bad – the World Bank wants to throw the baby out with the bathwater by getting rid of agriculture entirely in some areas.


We are seeing that push in the Netherlands and other parts of Western Europe. And now the World Bank is proposing even more agriculture reductions because it claims the climate is warming from all the food people are growing.


"Action should happen across all countries to get to net zero, through a comprehensive approach to reducing emissions in food systems, including in fertilizers and energy, crop and livestock production, and packaging and distribution across the value chain from farm to table," the World Bank says.


As usual, the globalists are proposing a one-size-fits-all solution to standardize farming practices even though local ecosystems vary widely from place to place. It does not matter to them, though, because the investment returns from their proposal are massive.


"Annual investments will need to increase to $260 billion a year to cut in half agrifood emissions by 2030 and to reach net zero emissions by 2050," the World Bank says.


"Making these investments would lead to more than $4 trillion in benefits, from improvements in human health, food and nutrition security, better quality jobs and profits for farmers, to more carbon retained in forests and soils."


Greed is once again ruling the day, and the shortsightedness of these globalists will spell their own undoing. Once they, too, run out of food, all that money they are stealing will be worthless because there will be no food left for them to buy with it.


"Ultimately, the World Bank’s ambitious project to restructure global agriculture underestimates the risks of unintended consequences, including food shortages, economic disruption, and increased hardship for the most vulnerable," warns Watts Up With That.


"History teaches that centralized interventions in complex systems such as global agriculture often lead to outcomes opposite those intended, driven by a failure to account for the organic and evolved nature of these systems. The portrayal of these interventions as low-risk and high-return is not only misleading but potentially dangerous, paving the way for a future where the global food supply is less secure and more susceptible to the whims of bureaucratic mismanagement."

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 12:57 p.m. No.20896759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6764 >>6863 >>6866 >>6870 >>6879 >>6892 >>6908 >>6941 >>6949 >>6950 >>7041 >>7275 >>7476

Canada Rapidly Criminalizing Anyone Who Opposes Transgenderism


If you oppose any form of LGBT gender ideology – this includes holding the belief that there are only two genders, male and female – then the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) wants to lock you up for being part of the "anti-gender movement," as they are calling it.


LGBT tyranny gone wild

It could never be a simple matter of conscience, morality and common sense for a person to hold the belief that LGBT is unnatural and a threat to young people. According to CSIS, any opposition to LGBT ideology constitutes an Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE) movement that poses a "significant threat to Canada's national security."


CSIS also berated those who believe in only two genders as being "homophobic" and "transphobic." This includes Christians who hold to "religious interpretations" and "conspiracy theories," or who manifest "a generalized fear of sociocultural change."

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 1:03 p.m. No.20896773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6785 >>7041 >>7275 >>7476

House GOP Bill Would Give Benefits To Americans in the Israeli Military


The legislation would grant IDF soldiers the same protections as US military personnel while they're on active duty


A bill introduced in the House by Reps. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) and Max Miller (R-OH) would extend certain benefits for Americans serving in the US military to American citizens in the Israeli military.


The legislation, introduced on May 17, would give Americans in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).


The SCRA protects US service members from civil legal action while they’re on active duty and for up to a year after. The USERRA protects the civilian employment of active and reserve military personnel when they’re called to active duty.


“Over 20,000 American citizens are currently defending Israel from Hamas terrorists, risking their lives for the betterment of our ally,” Reschenthaler said in a statement on the legislation.


The Washington Post reported in February that an estimated 23,380 American citizens are serving in the Israeli military. Many are dual citizens who were already living in Israel, but as of November 2023, about 10,000 people living in the US had traveled to Israel to report for duty with the IDF after receiving draft notices. According to Responsible Statecraft, 21 American citizens serving in the IDF have been killed in Gaza, and one was killed in northern Israel near the Lebanon border.


Reschenthaler said his legislation will “ensure we do everything possible to support these heroes who are standing with Israel, fighting for freedom, and combating terrorism in the Middle East.”


It’s unclear what the chances are for Reschenthaler’s bill to pass Congress and become law, but there is strong support for the Israeli military among House Republicans. For example, Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) is an IDF veteran who recently wore his Israeli uniform on Capitol Hill, and he did not receive any backlash from his colleagues for showing up to work in the House wearing the uniform of a foreign military.


Republicans have introduced a slew of pro-Israel legislation over the past few months to show staunch support for the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, including bills to impose harsh punishments on college protesters. One bill introduced by Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) would send protesters to Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 1:06 p.m. No.20896783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6839 >>7041 >>7275 >>7476

Gallant Tells Sullivan Israel Will Escalate Military Operations in Rafah


Biden threatened consequences if Israel launched a major operation in Rafah but hasn't taken any action as it continues to escalate


Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made clear to US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in a meeting in Israel on Monday that Israel will escalate in Rafah despite the White House’s supposed objection to a major military operation in the city.


“We are committed to broadening the ground operation in Rafah to the end of dismantling Hamas and recovering the hostages,” Gallant told Sullivan, according to a statement from the Israeli minister’s office.


President Biden has threatened consequences for Israel if it launched a major attack on “population centers” in Rafah, but he has not taken action as Israel continues to escalate its operations in the city.


The UN estimates that over 800,000 civilians out of the 1.4 million who were sheltering in Rafah have already evacuated, and aid groups are warning that the places they are going lack water supplies and other basic necessities.


The US claimed it was opposed to an Israeli plan to attack the city without accounting for the civilians but has continued to back Israel as it’s ordered evacuations with no clear place for civilians to go.


The White House said in a statement that Sullivan reiterated to Gallant and Israeli military chief Herzi Halevi the president’s “longstanding position on Rafah.” He also expressed to them and other Israeli officials the US’s “unwavering support for Israel.”


The vital Rafah border crossing also remains closed to aid shipments, and the White House said Sullivan discussed “the importance of Israel and Egypt concluding talks to reopen the Rafah crossing as soon as possible.”

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 1:14 p.m. No.20896813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ombudsman: Health Ministry didn’t check 82% of reports on COVID vaccine side effects


Comptroller says ministry failed to sufficiently combat vaccine misinformation during pandemic, made decisions on vaccine’s safety based on incomplete data


State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman’s office released a report Tuesday criticizing the Health Ministry’s conduct during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing that the ministry didn’t process or analyze thousands of reports it had received about various vaccine side effects.


In 2021, the Health Ministry received some 345,200 reports on side effects caused by the coronavirus vaccine, sent by hospitals and Health Maintenance Organizations, the Comptroller’s Office said, but just 18 percent of reports were accurately recorded in the ministry’s database. The other 82% of reports were lost due to technical errors and system malfunctions.


The Health Ministry also failed to process an additional 33,000 reports filed by the public regarding side effects due to limited ability to analyze reports filed anonymously. Adding to that, a lack of manpower in the ministry’s Department of Epidemiology meant that reports that contained identifying details were also unable to be reviewed and investigated.


As a result of the missing data, the Health Ministry based its findings on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine on just 55,000 reports.


The majority of the side effects that were successfully recorded were mild, the Comptroller’s Office found, and included complaints such as low fever and pain at the vaccine site.


However, there were instances of more serious side effects as well, including roughly 200 reports from women experiencing changes in their menstrual cycles after receiving the vaccine. Although the Health Ministry recorded these side effects, it did not investigate them in a timely manner, the Comptroller’s Office stated.


In practice, the Health Ministry was found to have investigated just 1,000 instances of severe side effects. Of that number, it examined 275 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, the majority of which resulted in the patient needing to be hospitalized.


In response to the findings detailed in the report, the Health Ministry said Tuesday that it had accurately collected all reported instances of side effects, saying that it had collected the data in a new system rather than in the ministry’s usual database.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 1:18 p.m. No.20896832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6846 >>7041 >>7275 >>7476

Rudy Giuliani pleads not guilty to nine charges in Arizona 2020 electors case


Kelli Ward, the former Arizona Republican Party chair, and at least 11 other people were also arraigned in the case.


Kelli Ward, the former Arizona Republican Party chair, and at least 11 other people were also arraigned in the case on Tuesday, according to the Associated Press. Ward and nine others have pleaded not guilty thus far, and her trial begins Oct. 17. They were arraigned for conspiracy, forgery and fraud charges that Arizona authorities announced last month.


There is a total of 17 defendants.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 1:26 p.m. No.20896850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6867 >>7041 >>7275 >>7476

Ted Cruz: ‘In A Very Real Sense’ Biden Has ‘Funded The Death Squads That Murdered Jews’


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed President Joe Biden this week for policies that he says have led directly to Jews being murdered by terrorists.


Cruz made the remarks during an episode of his “Verdict” podcast with co-host Ben Ferguson while talking about new updates from Israel’s war against Hamas and the political impact that it’s had in the U.S.


He said that the fallout of Hamas’ October 7 attack “somehow doesn’t seem to be very relevant to Joe Biden to the Democrats calculus” for the upcoming election.


“When he came into the White House, they systematically attacked Israel, they also funneled over $100 billion to Iran, they funded Iran, they funded Hamas,” Cruz said in referring to Biden’s relaxing of sanctions enforcement against Iran. “Now, they funded Hamas, both through Iran, because 90% of Hamas funding comes from Iran. They funded Hezbollah through Iran, because 90% of Hezbollah’s funding comes from Iran, but they also sent hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza, which they knew would go directly to Hamas and be used for terror killings, Joe Biden, which he somehow didn’t tell this to the college kids in the commencement address, in a very real sense, have funded the death squads that murdered Jews.”


Cruz also took a shot at Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY), saying that he is “the second greatest friend Hamas and Hezbollah has ever had.”


“And by the way, and historically, Schumer has always said, I’m an Israel guy,” Cruz said. “He’s defined himself as the defender of Israel. And he is right now defending Hamas and supporting Joe Biden and cutting off weapons to Israel. Like Chuck Schumer, the language and words he said for 30 years are all being turned on their head because Schumer, just like Biden, just like the rest of the Democrats is terrified of the radical left, that is their base.”

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 1:41 p.m. No.20896926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7041 >>7275 >>7476

The Problem Isn't Civil Disobedience, It's Civil Obedience


Our society does not have an antisemitism crisis. It doesn’t have a crisis of far left radicalism, Islamist extremism, support for terrorism, or fomenting of dissent by foreign powers.


Our society has a moral crisis. A cruelty crisis. An imperialism crisis. A militarism crisis. A propaganda crisis. An insincerity crisis. A stupidity crisis. An obedience crisis.


Empire managers and imperial spinmeisters try to pretend there’s some horrifying existential emergency involving hatred of Jews or love of Hamas or some other ridiculous nonsense in our society, because the empire too is in a state of crisis. People are waking up from its lullaby of propaganda and are rejecting its narrative manipulation like never before, which is why instead of relenting and accepting the empire’s destruction of Gaza, opposition to it is only growing stronger.


So the authorized custodians of imperial narratives flail around desperately trying to regain some control by spinning all the civil disobedience we are seeing in a way that makes it seem like some sort of problem which needs to be fixed. But as Howard Zinn said, “Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience.”

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.20897052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7275 >>7476

Former Program Director at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights and Nephew Arrested in Kickback Scheme

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.20897060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7069 >>7275 >>7476

“Incognito Market” Owner Arrested For Operating One Of The Largest Illegal Narcotics Marketplaces On The Internet

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:15 p.m. No.20897085   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7115

American-Israel Mercenary Benjamin Reuben Captured During Failed Coup-Attempt in the Congo


American-Israeli mercenary Benjamin Reuben has been captured after a failed coup in the Congo.


Reuben is allegedly a paid mercenary who, published reports claim, acts for former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Yossi Cohen, and also, allegedly, Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler.


The video below, taken in the Congo, is said to show Reuben on his knees, begging for his life after the Coup he allegedly engaged in, failed:

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:22 p.m. No.20897115   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So . . . child forced labor, blood diamonds, gun-running to dictators, mercenaries trying to overthrow governments. THAT is today's (so-called) "God's Chosen.'


Sorry, I don't see these particular individuals as being that. Nope. Not at all.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.20897133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7188 >>7275 >>7476

Fat Leonard bribery cases fall apart because of prosecution blunders


Few Navy officers entangled themselves in the Fat Leonard corruption scandal more than Steve Shedd. In court documents and testimony, the former warship captain confessed to leaking military secrets on 10 occasions for prostitutes, vacations, luxury watches and other bribes worth $105,000.


On the witness stand in a related case in 2022, Shedd also admitted that he had lied repeatedly to federal agents and betrayed his oath to defend the Constitution.


“You’re a traitor to the United States, aren’t you?” attorney Joseph Mancano asked the Naval Academy graduate.


“Yes, sir,” Shedd replied, acknowledging that he was “a disgrace” who “deserves prison.”


Yet because of mistakes by the Justice Department, Shedd might avoid punishment for his crimes.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:29 p.m. No.20897149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7275 >>7476

New York lawmakers relaunch bill to stop charities funding Israeli settlers


More than $60m from these charities has been sent to settler groups


A group of state-level lawmakers in New York have resubmitted a piece of legislation that would bar any charities in the state from sending tax-deductible money to Israeli settlers and Israeli military units in Gaza.


The Not On Our Dime! Act, reintroduced on Monday by New York assembly member Zohran Mamdani and Senator Jabari Brisport, comes in light of reporting from late last year that US residents have been able to raise funds for Israeli military units involved in the war on Gaza, as well as settler groups operating in the occupied West Bank.


The legislation, first introduced last year, would give the state attorney general the authority to sue and dissolve not-for-profit organisations that are found to be using their tax-deductible donations to support organisations funding Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank which are illegal under international law.


It would also give Palestinians harmed by settler organisations funded by New York-based charities the right to seek damages in American courts.


This time around, the bill would extend this authority to Israeli military units operating in Gaza, where Israeli forces have killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.20897185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7195 >>7236

Slovak Prime Minister Fico was shot in an armed attack 3 days after meeting with Azerbaijani President Aliyev.


The Iranian President's helicopter crashed hours after his meeting with Ilham Aliyev.

Anonymous ID: 393a76 May 21, 2024, 3:07 p.m. No.20897322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7476

Federal Contracts, Timing and Evidence: Private Equity Deals Impossibly Link Bidens to COVID-19 Before It Ever Existed, How Can That Be?


How can something exist before it ever exists? How could that thing be present before the very moment of its creation? How could “COVID-19” exist as a known thing in very specific ways when the term “COVID-19” had not yet been created and was not in existence?


These are fundamental and universally understood concepts that are entirely problematic to a COVID-19 narrative that has imploded into shambles. These matters don’t require any sort of investigative prowess or skill set to reconcile. Rather it’s as stated and it’s elementary – something can’t be a thing before that thing even exists. Everyone can understand that.



“COVID-19” was used for the first time ever when the WHO applied it to the “pandemic” on 11 Feb 20

Evidence indicates that “COVID-19” was in use by governments long before and as far back as 2017

The foreknowledge in using “COVID-19” before it existed indicates premeditation and criminal conduct

Contracts and evidence link the Department of Defense and the Bidens to “COVID-19” criminality

Black & Veatch, as a primary contractor for the Department of Defense, was awarded contracts by funding agency Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) | Sub-Agency of DOD. The DTRA contracts are identified as PIID 0004 and PIID 0001. The contractural place of performance for PIID 0001 and PIID 0004 is Ukraine. Under PIID 0004, Black & Veatch subcontracted Labyrinth Global Health, Inc. The scope of contracted work for Labyrinth Global Health, Inc. in Ukraine included a contracted line item dated 11/12/2019 that occurs before the first ever application and use of the term “COVID-19” by the WHO on 02/11/2020. The 11/12/2019 line item specifically includes “SME MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTATION AND COVID 19 RESEARCH.” Under the same contract PIID 0004, Black & Veatch also subcontracted Metabiota. Metabiota is directly tied to Hunter and Joe Biden through private equity via Rosemont Seneca, which contributed seeding funds to start Metabiota. Existing analysis and evidence thoroughly documents the Bidens’ invovlement with Metabiota.



Longstanding analysis and evidence by several years positions the specific term “COVID-19” back to 2017. The 2017 timeline is critical because “COVID-19” never existed until the WHO first established it as the moniker of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak on the date of 11 Feb 20. This is from my timeline analysis:


The evidence drawing back to 2017 exists on the same timeline page and was initially provided to me by Dr. Lynn Fynn. The evidence presents in the form of spreadsheets indicating the ordering of “COVID-19” test kits and supplies globally as occurring in the years of 2017-2019 and right up to the initial first reporting of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in China on or around 27 Dec 19. This spreadsheet, which is one of several originally submitted to me, clearly precedes the date of 11 Feb 20 by years.


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