State-enforced Thank You BREAD ID: 46a8f4 May 21, 2024, 3:44 p.m. No.20897524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Gooks celebrate europe falling apart and elites are moving to america.


>Western policy on Russia-Ukraine has ‘completely failed’ – FM of NATO state


Sanctions have only hurt the EU and the conflict is far from over, Peter Szijjarto has said

The US and its EU allies are doubling down on failed policies and making “crazy” statements about sending troops to Ukraine, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said on Tuesday.


Szijjarto spoke at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation in Tokyo, as part of his visit to Japan. In his keystone address, the Hungarian diplomat explained Budapest’s dissenting position from “liberal mainstream” on the subject of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.


The Ukraine strategy developed by the US and the EU has “failed completely,” Szijjarto said.


“During the discussion of the first package of sanctions, more than two years ago, I raised the question about the purpose of the measures, and the answer was, to bring Russia to its knees economically and bring the war closer to an end,” he told the Japanese think tank.


> Is Russia on its knees? Far from it. Are we close to ending the conflict? Definitely not.


The sanctions have hurt EU economies instead, Szijjarto said. As one example, he pointed out that many countries boast of getting rid of Russian oil and gas, but end up buying them from third parties such as India – and at a higher price.


“We are now discussing a 14th package [of sanctions]. Don’t you get it? You failed at something 13 times over, and now you’re trying to do it for a 14th time? That’s a bit against Hungarian logic,” Szijjarto said, joking that this logic might be a bit controversial, given that a Hungarian invented the Rubik’s Cube.


Budapest’s position might contradict most of the EU, but it is in line with most of the world, Szijjarto added.


The Hungarian diplomat took issue with “crazy statements” made by leading EU politicians about sending NATO troops to Ukraine, noting that such talk is becoming “increasingly dangerous” and raises the risk of a direct conflict between NATO and Russia.

Putin defeated US plan for Russia – Nuland READ MORE: Putin defeated US plan for Russia – Nuland


“There is no way the Hungarian military will take part in this, there is no way Hungarian territory will host such actions, there is no way a single eurocent of the Hungarian taxpayers will be allocated for it,” Szijjarto vowed.


Hungary joined NATO in 1999 and the EU in 2003. However, Prime Minister Viktor Orban has dissented from the EU and US policy of arming Ukraine, urging instead a negotiated end to the conflict with Russia. Hungary has not sent any weapons to Kiev, nor allowed its territory to be used for their delivery, despite tremendous pressure from Brussels and Washington.



State-enforced Vote Buyer ID: 46a8f4 May 21, 2024, 4:01 p.m. No.20897594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>Syrian first lady diagnosed with leukemia

>Asma Assad is suffering from the acute myeloid strain of the disease, the presidency has revealed


Asma Assad, the wife of Syrian President Bashar Assad, has been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), his office revealed on Tuesday.


The condition was identified after the first lady underwent a series of tests following the onset of symptoms, the statement said. The 48-year-old will require isolation during her treatment, it added.


AML is a highly lethal type of cancer which affects bone marrow and can progress rapidly. Previous chemotherapy is a risk factor for the disease.


Asma Assad was previously diagnosed with breast cancer, but announced her full recovery in 2019 after receiving chemotherapy at a Syrian military hospital.


The British-born investment banker married Bashar Assad in December 2000, five months after he had taken power following the death of his father, Hafez Assad.

State-enforced Gay Adoptions ID: 46a8f4 May 21, 2024, 4:05 p.m. No.20897607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

< Russia bans adoptions to the globo homo


The ban that mainly affects NATO nations has been six months in the making. Russian lawmakers are putting the final touches on a bill that would block adoptions to countries that allow gender-reassignment procedures, State Duma deputy Vasily Piskarev revealed on Monday.


Piskarev, who chairs the Duma’s Committee on Security and Countering Corruption, previewed the ban last November, noting that it mainly affected NATO member states. Foster children need to grow up “in a normal family where there’s a father and a mother,” he said at the time.


“The document is at the final stages of revision,” Piskarev said during a parliamentary committee meeting on Monday. All the relevant ministries and agencies have already given their input, he added.


The initiative seeks to prohibit the adoption of Russian children into any country that allows gender changes “in any format,” whether through surgery or application of chemical puberty blockers.


The US and many of its allies have embraced such procedures in recent years, calling them “gender-affirming.” Numerous public officials across the West pledged their allegiance to the LGBT cause last week, on the “International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia” (IDAHOBIT).


Russia banned same-sex couples from adopting children in 2013 and imposed severe restrictions on sex changes last year. The Russian Orthodox Church has since proposed to ban international adoptions into countries that allow “gender reassignment” procedures, which was then picked up by the lawmakers.


Nationals of several countries are already prohibited from adopting Russian children. The 2013 ‘Dima Yakovlev Law’ banned adoptions by Americans, after a Russian orphan adopted by a Virginia couple was left in a car for nine hours and died of heat stroke.


In August 2022, there was a proposal in the State Duma to expand the adoption ban to all “unfriendly countries.” Sending Russian children there would be a “blow to the future of the nation,” they argued, since the West “destroys traditional values.” President Vladimir Putin objected, however, saying that the way it was drafted, the bill would infringe on the rights of Ukrainians living in the territory of Russia.



State-enforced Homosexual Extremism ID: 46a8f4 May 21, 2024, 4:09 p.m. No.20897624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can someone explain the american obsession with failed states to me?

Why do american taxpayers need to spend trillions of dollars on NATO to separate Black Russia from mainland russia?

State-enforced Global Alienation ID: 46a8f4 May 21, 2024, 4:15 p.m. No.20897649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7844


< China warns US over Ukraine

>Beijing has pushed back against Washington’s “groundless” claims it is arming Moscow’s troops


Washington is deliberately prolonging the Ukraine conflict and seeking to profit from it, while “smearing” Beijing with false accusations, the Chinese deputy envoy to the UN told the Security Council on Monday.


During the meeting on the Ukraine conflict, Ambassador Geng Shuang addressed US claims that China was supplying Russia with weapons components, calling them “groundless” and “totally unacceptable.”


“China is not the creator, or a party to the Ukraine crisis,” said Geng. “Nor have we provided lethal weapons to any party in the conflict. We have not done… what the US has done, which is to deliberately prolong the fighting and profit from the crisis. We will not do that.”


The Chinese diplomat warned that the fighting in Ukraine is being prolonged by large quantities of weapons and ammunition of “expanding variety and scope,” supplied to Kiev by the US and its allies. Meanwhile, Beijing has consistently advocated for a ceasefire and a diplomatic settlement of the crisis.


“Weapons may end wars, but they do not bring about lasting peace,” Geng told the Security Council.


He reiterated Beijing’s position that US and EU sanctions on Chinese companies doing business with Russia are unilateral and illegitimate.


“China has a right to carry out normal economic and trade cooperation with all countries in the world, including with Russia, and such cooperation should not be interfered with or undermined,” the diplomat said. “We urge the US to stop attacking, smearing, and slandering China and spreading fabrications, and stop unilateral sanctions against, and unreasonable suppression of, Chinese enterprises.”


While the US and its allies have poured over $200 billion worth of weapons, equipment and ammunition into Ukraine – while insisting that does not make them party to the hostilities – they have repeatedly accused China of helping the Russian military by exporting dual-use goods, and threatened Beijing with sanctions.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry addressed the accusations directly last week, telling Washington that “diverting attention and shifting the blame is not the right way” to solve the conflict.


On Monday, Geng added that the US needs to “stop taking advantage of the Ukraine crisis to advance its geopolitical strategy, provoke bloc confrontation, and serve its own agenda.”

State-enforced GenderAffirmingCare ID: 46a8f4 May 21, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.20897679   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>President Pajeet shits his pants in pride and smells his fingers.


Modi ‘shocked’ by Iranian president’s death.

Expressing his condolences, the Indian PM underscored Raisi’s role in enhancing bilateral ties between New Delhi and Tehran


India stands with Iran in its time of sorrow, the country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi asserted on Monday in response to the death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter accident.


Raisi, 63, and his entire entourage, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Malek Rahmati, governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province, died in the accident. The Iranian leader had embarked on the trip after joining Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev on Saturday to inaugurate a dam.


Modi, posting on X (formerly Twitter), said he was “shocked and saddened” by Raisi’s demise, and added that his contribution to strengthening New Delhi’s bilateral relationship with Tehran “will always be remembered.”


In November last year, Modi discussed the turbulence in the Middle East and the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Modi expressed “deep concern at the terrorist incidents, violence and loss of civilian lives” while also reiterating India’s “longstanding and consistent position” on the Israel-Palestine issue. Both leaders also emphasized the need to prevent escalation, ensure continued humanitarian aid, and work towards the restoration of peace and stability.


Indian Foreign Minister Subhramanyam Jaishankar on Monday also took to X to express his condolences, recalling his “many meetings” with Raisi and Iran’s foreign minister, with the most recent taking place in January of this year.


Jaishankar travelled to Iran to discuss the volatile situation in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden shipping lanes, which have come under attack from Houthi rebels, allegedly backed by Tehran. He also held talks on Chabahar Port, as the two countries have been working on a strategic logistics and infrastructure project since 2018.


Last week, New Delhi and Tehran signed a 10-year deal allowing India to operate the port, which is seen as a gateway for unlocking India’s trade potential with Iran, Afghanistan, the Central Asian countries, Russia and Europe. The development of Chabahar is also vital for the North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), an alternative shipping route envisioned by New Delhi, Tehran, and Moscow.


The long-term deal, seen by New Delhi as benefitting the entire region, hasn’t gone unnoticed by India’s partners in the West. Hours after it was inked, the US State Department warned that anyone cooperating with Iran needs to “be aware of the potential risk that they are opening themselves up to.”


Reacting to the statement, Jaishankar suggested Washington should not take “a narrow view” of the project. The diplomat pointed out that the US has previously been “appreciative” of the fact that the port of Chabahar has “a larger relevance.”