Anonymous ID: 9db66d May 21, 2024, 7:10 p.m. No.20898350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8393 >>8413 >>8662 >>8668 >>8828 >>8831 >>8838



Today: Moms Across America just got back their toxic metals testing results for baby formula


They tested 20 brands including organic, “All of them, a 100% of the 40 samples tested positive for toxic aluminum and lead. All of them. 80% of the samples had lead levels that were higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water. This is very disturbing. Lead is super toxic and harmful for brain development.


At 41,000 parts per billion of aluminum in one of the goat's milk baby formulas, that level was 4,000 to 40,000 times higher than the other heavy metals that were found in the, in baby formulas. And that level, when consumed on a daily basis at a normal rate, the way babies normally do, will exceed what the FDA allows in drinking water, or for consumption for of aluminum for a preemie baby.


So these babies are getting toxic levels of aluminum in this goat's milk baby formula. It's called, Cabrida. The highest aluminum levels detected was 200 times higher than what the EPA allows in drinking water.


That's in that goat's milk formula. The 57% of the samples tested positive for arsenic, 55% for mercury, and 35% for cadmium. Levels of mercury in 4 of the samples were detected above the amounts allowed by the FDA in drinking water, that's 10%. And levels of cadmium in, both samples of one formula were nearly twice the level allowed in drinking water. So the cadmium can cause cancer.


Mercury is very toxic as well, can cause all kinds of sicknesses. 6 of the 20 formulas were positive for all 5 toxic metals in both samples.”


“We had hoped at least some of them, perhaps maybe the organic ones or the goat milk formulas, would not have toxic heavy metals, but we were wrong.”