Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:01 p.m. No.20898314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8471

Seriously Anons and WI citizens must listen

Judge Michael J. Gableman Details What Must Be Done To Help President Trump Win Wisconsin. Robin Voss is paid and owned by China, thats why he fights against the 2020 steal and trying to prevent Trump from winning in 2024==


Fight on the recall of Robin Voss! Must listen, no joke! Wisconsin Election Commission is working on behalf of Voss. Remember what they did in 2020! (How did WI not can them?)


Voss and Brian Shimmy (both Republicans) sent out a message to his district not to sign the petition to kick Voss out. Voss is on the board of two Chinese companies making a ton of money.


Voss blocked a bill to would have stopped China from buying up WI farmland, thats how he earns his money. Gableman said Pompeo came and warned Voss he was in bed with China. He didn’t care!


He blackmails the legislators that work with there and he threatens he’ll hire investigators into their previous lives. They are all afraid of him.


3 events on Racine this weekend to collect signatures check out RacineRecall.orgevery patriot has to sign for this recall of Voss== We need all hands on deck this weekend to recall him.


I promise you if Voss is still in office in November, Trump will not win the 2024 election in the state. He controls the WI Election Commission. Every patriot needs to sign the petition. It must be overwhelming.


Voss has been a “Never Trumper” from the get go, he hates Trump andthen lied that he supported President Trump and Trump supported him 2020. When he eeked by with 260 votes he came out and said he “hates President Trump and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he’s not the nominee in 2024”




Too bad the BIF won’t do their job and are owned by “Who Know’s Who” possibly by China, (plus others), they’d be pretty helpful saving America from destruction if they weren’t!

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:08 p.m. No.20898341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8556 >>8579

Harnwell: Senior Ukraine Commander Astonished At Lack Of Fortified Defenses — Suggests "Corruption"


Zelensky being exposed!




Denys Yaroslavskyi, Commander of the Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit: “There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. They just walked in, without any mined fields…Either it was an act of negligence, or corruption. It wasnʼt a failure. It was a betrayal” The BBC adds that Yaroslavskyi says “officials had claimed that defences were being built at huge cost.”


$Billions of taxpayers’ cash — “huge cost” — have been given to Zelensky with zero controls.Was Mike No-Johnson informed of this corruption in the secret intelligence briefing that persuaded him to stab MAGA in the back over the $61bn?==

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:17 p.m. No.20898385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8424

Aaron Gulbransen Details Human And Child Trafficking Going On In The United States




(To the trolls, bots and shills that don’t like these videos, scroll on by assholes. I assume you are adults and know how to do this, except the bots. Or block all videos that way you won’t torture yourselves)

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:27 p.m. No.20898428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Raheem Kassam Details The MSN Lying About Tucker Carlson Starting A New Show In Russia



Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:31 p.m. No.20898441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8446

>>20897866 (You) Julie Kelly: FBI Authorized Use Of Deadly Force During Mar-A-Lago RaidPN


Hareem asks an important question:“what did the DeSantis regime know about the Feds raiding Mar A Lago”. He had to know because the Feds would have to get permission on the raid

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:43 p.m. No.20898463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge Merchan’s Daughter Worked With Anti-Trump, Democrat-Aligned Lawfare Group.


Authentic Campaigns, a Democrat-aligned digital media and fundraising firm where Judge Juan Merchan‘s daughter Loren serves as a partner, counts theBrennan Center for Justice among its clients.


The Brennan Center is a group tied to the efforts to remove former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election ballot in Colorado. The Democrat-aligned lawfare group’s connection to Loren Merchan presumably bolsters Trump’s attorneys’ accusations that the hush money judge, through his family, is conflicted and should recuse himself from the ongoing trial.


Earlier this year, theBrennan Center for Justice filed an amicus brief before the United States Supreme Court, asking it to rule against former President Trump’s appealof a Colorado State Supreme Court decision that would have removed him from the state’s presidential ballot.


On March 4, 2024, The National Pulse reported that the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with Trump and threw out the state court decision.

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:49 p.m. No.20898474   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump Trial Witness BARRED By Corrupt Judge Reveals What He Would Have Said.


Former Federal Election Commission (FEC) Commissioner Bradley Smith has revealed what he would have told the jury in former President Donald J. Trump‘s hush money trial if Democrat-aligned Judge Juan Merchan had allowed him to testify.Smith, aHarvard-educated campaign finance lawyer, was slated to address claims made by District Attorney Alvin Bragg‘s prosecutors that the former President had violated campaign finance law.


However, before testifying, Judge Merchan severely limited the scope of Smith’s testimony — allowing him to essentially only address the history of the commission and a handful of legal definitions.



“Judges instruct the juries on the law, and they don’t want a battle of competing experts saying here’s what the law is,” Smith saidin an interview with the Washington Examiner.


He added: “They feel it’s their province to make that determination.


The problem, of course, is that campaign finance law is extremely complex, and just reading the statute to people isn’t really going to help them very much.”Addressing District Attorney Alvin Bragg‘s dubious claims regarding federal election law, Smith said he would have “[laid] out the ways the law has been interpreted in ways that might not be obvious.”



“You read the law, and it says that anything intended for the purpose of influencing an election is a contribution or an expenditure,” Smith explained, adding:“But that’s not, in fact, the entirety of the law.


There is the obscure, and separate from the definitional part, idea of personal use, which is a separate part of the law that says you can’t divert campaign funds to personal use.”Based on federal law, Smith said: “I can tell you my personal beliefis that clearly paying hush money, or paying for a nondisclosure agreement, does not constitute a campaign expense.”


(These people are so fucked, its pretty funny)

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 7:51 p.m. No.20898478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brad Miller And Kelli Ward Detail The Criminalization Of Free Speech On Elections In AZ



Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.20898558   🗄️.is 🔗kun


InterestingJosh said “you could tell the DeSantis’s form of populism was almost generated by Ai”


So what did DeSantis do to reproduce Trumpism into DeSatanism, use AI? I think so, that was the most prescient observation I’ve heard thus far. How he totally lost it. I bet he wished he was AI on the campaign trail.


Did AI tell DeSadist, to start criticizing and betraying Trump or did his human ego get so mad like a child and fucked it up?


You have to admit,Trump doesn’t need AI to rile and insult his opponents. He’s a natural!

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 8:55 p.m. No.20898628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8713


That was a truthful and accurate perspective on democrats and the 2024 election. Dems that are think about voting for Trump he will be president forever and never leave!


They actually think Trump will try to be President forever. They took the meme video too seriously, Trump forever


3:50 PM · Jun 21, 2019

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 9:12 p.m. No.20898657   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He could only be concerned because its true and in the court records. Trump didn’t make those up, they are the DOJ and FBI documents.


PS: Comey is NOT asking the public to vote for Bidan, he’s giving the signal of assassination anyway it can be done. There are a lot of sleepers out there

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 9:42 p.m. No.20898766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google cuts mystery check to US in bid to sidestep jury trial

By Mike Scarcella

May 20, 2024 6:47 PM UTC · Updated 3 hours ago


May 20 (Reuters) - Alphabet's (GOOGL.O), opens new tab Google has preemptively paid damages to the U.S. government, an unusual move aimed at avoiding a jury trial in the Justice Department's blockbuster antitrust lawsuit over its digital advertising business.


Google disclosed, opens new tab the payment, but not the amount, in a court filing last week that said the case should be heard and decided by a judge directly. Without a monetary damages claim, Google argued, the government has no right to a jury trial.


The Justice Department, which has not said if it will accept the payment, declined to comment on the filing. Google asserted that its check, which it said covered its alleged overcharges for online ads, allows it to sidestep a jury trial whether or not the government takes it.


The Justice Department filed the case last year with Virginia and other states, alleging Google was stifling competition for advertising technology. The government has said Google should be forced to sell its ad manager suite.


Google, which has denied the allegations, said in a statement that the Justice Department “manufactured a damages claim at the last minute in an attempt to secure a jury trial.”


The company said the government has said the case is “highly technical” and “outside the everyday knowledge of most prospective jurors.”


The Justice Department will have a chance to respond to Google's arguments before a judge considers the question at a hearing scheduled for June 21 in Alexandria, Virginia, federal court. The trial is set for September, currently before a jury.

Stanford Law School's Mark Lemley told Reuters he was skeptical Google’s gambit would prevail. He said ajury could ultimately decide higher damages than whatever Google put forward.


“Antitrust cases regularly go to juries. I think it is a sign that Google is worried about what a jury will do,” Lemley said.


Another legal scholar, Herbert Hovenkamp of the University of Pennsylvania’s law school, called Google's move "smart" in a post on X. “Juries are bad at deciding technical cases, and further they do not have the authority to order a breakup,” he wrote.


The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 2016 case that an offer for “complete relief” did not wipe out a class-action claim. But Google argued its payment is different, because it submitted an actual check and not merely an offer.


Google has faced two antitrust trials in recent months, but only one involved a jury.


In that case, a jury in San Francisco ruled for “Fortnite” maker Epic Games that Google illegally barred competing Android app stores and forced developers to use its payment system for in-app transactions.

In the other case, a Washington, D.C. federal judge is weighing allegations that Google has unlawfully stifled competition for web search. The court heard closing arguments this month but has not ruled.


The case is United States et al v. Google LLC, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, No. 1:23-cv-00108-LMB-JFA.


Read more:

Google seeks non-jury trial in US ad tech lawsuit, filing says

Google defends app store, fighting Epic Games' bid for major reforms

Google asks court to throw out US advertising case

U.S. targets Google's online ad business monopoly in latest Big Tech lawsuit

Anonymous ID: c893eb May 21, 2024, 10 p.m. No.20898801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8809

I was inside the court when the judge closed the Trump trial, and what I saw shocked me

Alan Dershowitz, March 21, 2024

I have observed and participated in trials throughout the world. I have seen justice and injustice in China, Russia, Ukraine, England, France, Italy, Israel, as well as in nearly 40 of our 50 states.

But in my 60 years as a lawyer and law professor,I have never seen a spectacle such as the one I observed sitting in the front row of the courthouse yesterday.

The judge inDonald Trump’s trial was an absolute tyrant, though he appeared to the jury to be a benevolent despot. He seemed automatically tobe ruling against the defendant at every turn.

Many experienced lawyers raised their eyebrows when the judge excluded obviously relevant evidence when offered by the defense, while including irrelevant evidence offered by the prosecution.

But when the defense’s only substantive witness, the experienced attorney Robert Costello, raised his eyebrows at one of New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan’s rulings, the court went berserk.

Losing his cool and showing his thin skin, the judge cleared the courtroomof everyone including the media.

For some reason, I was allowed to stay, and I observed one of the most remarkable wrong-headed biases I have ever seen. Thejudge actually threatened to strike all of Costello’s testimonyif he raised his eyebrows again.

That of course would have been unconstitutional because it would have denied the defendant his Sixth Amendment right to confront witnesses and to raise a defense.

It would have punished the defendant for something a witness was accused of doing.

Even if what Costello did was wrong, and it was not, it would be utterly improper and unlawful to strike his testimony — testimony that undercut and contradicted the government’s star witness.

The judge’s threat was absolutely outrageous, unethical, unlawful and petty.

Moreover, his affect while issuing that unconstitutional threatrevealed his utter contempt for the defense and anyone who testified for the defendant.

The public should have been able to see the judge in action, but because the case is not being televised, the public has to rely on the biased reporting of partisan journalists.

But thepublic was even denied the opportunity to hear from journalists who saw the judge in actionbecause he cleared the courtroom.

I am one of the few witnesses to his improper conduct who remained behind to observe his deep failings.

Even when journalists do report on courtroom proceedings, their accounts must be taken with a grain of salt.When you watch CNN or MSNBC, you generally see an account of a trial that never took place.

They spin the events so much that reality is totally distorted.

I experienced that distortion firsthand yesterday, when I saw one of my former students and research assistants, a CNN legal analyst namedNorman Eisen, during a break and went over to him and asked him about his family. We chatted for a few minutes in the most friendly way.

But NBC, the Daily Beast and other media decided to make up a story about the event.They claimed that I had a spat with my nemesis, rather than a friendly conversation with a former student. Their account was made up, yet it was circulated through the media.

To his credit, Eisen wrote to the media to correct the account, saying that the person sitting next to him would confirm the media’s false reporting. I doubt we will see a retraction.

This minor incident is simply the tip of a very large and deep iceberg of false reporting about the trial that can only occur because the proceedings are not being televised.

There are television cameras in the courtroom, and they record and transmit every word, but not to the public; only select reporters in the overflow room see what the cameras transmit.

There is absolutely no good reason why a trial of this importance, or any trial, should not be televised live and in real time. Allowing the public to see their courts in action is the best guarantee of fairness. As Justice Louis Brandeis wisely said a century ago, “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.”


Once television came along and everyone could watch the games live, the accounts became far more accurate, because we could see everything for ourselves.

A similar phenomenon would operate if trials were televised; it would force commentators to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

Today there is no check on partisan reporting of trials and exaggerations and personal opinions are rampant.

The American public is the loser.

Alan Dershowitz is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School.

(Is the judge being blackmailed? Is that why he let Dersh stay there?)