Anonymous ID: 32cc75 May 22, 2024, 2:26 a.m. No.20899240   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9323

MAY 2024: The Month When The Whole World Knew The End-Times Have Arrived


The premise of this prophetic piece is that the Dark Side has never — EVER — been so desperate. And so brazen. And so reckless. As they are right now.

Which is why The Powers That Be are scrambling as never before.


Is this why the USA will see something very BIG happen this May?

Of course, the New World Order globalist cabal is perfectly aware of these HUGE earth changes coming down the pike as well.

A Bigger Than Biblical Earth Disaster is Coming

Which is exactly why these PROVEN genocidal maniacs will now resort to any scheme whatsoever in order to prevent them all from being hanged live on the Internet.

This month of May already started off with what is planned to be the biggest trigger event for the American Bolshevik Revolution. See: MAYDAY!!! MAYDAY!!! MAYDAY!!!

However, it’s the specific time period from May 16 though May 30 that promises to be the most earth-shaking and……..

MAY MAYHEM: Be Prepared for Major Attacks!

For those who doubt the inevitability of divinely ordained catastrophism throughout every sphere of life in 2024, just consider what Election Day will bring to the USA.

That, right there, guarantees that the American Republic will undergo unparalleled trials and tribulations with an outcome which is completely unknown at this crucial point.

Which means that the Khazarian perps will use this month of May to set the stage for all manner of warmongering and rumors of World War III, geoengineered weather disasters and Gladio-style false flag terrorist attacks, draconian assaults on both the First & Second Amendments, train wrecks and ship wrecks in any of the 50 states, supply chain disruptions and food supply collapses, as well as their favorite way to bring about the immediate cessation of whole societies—Plandemic 2.0.




The Uniparty election thieves only have 6 months until Tuesday, November 5, 2024; so they have a LOT of work to do to turn the current Bird Flu psyop into a full-blown national epidemic before they morph it into a global pandemic just in time to incite support for the WHO’s cataclysmic Pandemic Treaty being considered by the 77th World Health Assembly on May 27th.

Anonymous ID: 32cc75 May 22, 2024, 2:30 a.m. No.20899245   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9251 >>9702 >>9919 >>9956 >>9978

Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon


Moscow has called such remarks by officials in Washington “a fake”


Russia has placed a satellite in orbit that is likely capable of attacking US spacecraft, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder has claimed.


The satellite was launched by Moscow on May 16, Ryder told journalists during a briefing on Tuesday.


According to assessments by the Pentagon, the craft in question is “likely a counter-space weapon presumably capable of attacking other satellites in low Earth orbit,” he said. Its characteristics resemble those of “counter-space payloads” deployed by Russia from 2019 and 2022, the spokesman stated.


“Russia deployed this new counter-space weapon into the same orbit as a US government satellite,” Ryder said, adding that the Pentagon will be monitoring the spacecraft.


The US has “a responsibility to be ready to protect and defend… the space domain and ensure continuous and uninterrupted support to the Joint and Combined Force,” he explained. Washington will “continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to preserve a stable and sustainable space environment,” according to Ryder.


Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov rejected the Pentagon’s claims as misinformation. “I don’t think we should be responding to every fake coming from Washington,” he told journalists.



Anonymous ID: 32cc75 May 22, 2024, 2:45 a.m. No.20899267   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9273 >>9702 >>9767 >>9919 >>9956 >>9978

Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC


Peter Dutton has flagged a Coalition government could withdraw Australia from the world’s top criminal court over its stance on alleged Israeli war crimes.

Anonymous ID: 32cc75 May 22, 2024, 3 a.m. No.20899286   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9288 >>9372 >>9702 >>9919 >>9956 >>9978

Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed


A court has rejected a hospital system’s claim that its refusal to continue giving ivermectin to a dying woman was covered by federal law, stating that the law does not apply to the actions in question.


Mount Sinai South Nassau in New York City was twice forced to give COVID-19 patient Deborah Bucko, who was close to death after the system’s normal treatment failed, ivermectin under court order. Mrs. Bucko’s condition improved after she began taking ivermectin.


However, the system stopped the second round of treatment before the prescription ended, and Mrs. Bucko then died.


After being sued, Mount Sinai said the lawsuit should be thrown out because it’s immune under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act), which covers health care workers administering drugs and vaccines during a health emergency, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


“There is no refuting that the complaint is a frontal attack on the use of COVID-19 countermeasures as defined by the PREP Act,” lawyers for the hospital system said in a filing. “The complaint expressly implicates conduct encompassed by the PREP Act by alleging a claim for loss that has a causal relationship with the dispensing and administration of covered countermeasures to treat COVID-19. As such, the law requires its dismissal.”


The act has been successfully invoked in a range of COVID-19-related cases. Workers who injected a child with a COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent, for instance, recently won the dismissal of a lawsuit by citing the law.


The motion to dismiss by Mount Sinai, though, was rejected by New York Supreme Court Justice Randy Sue Marber.