Anonymous ID: 756db5 May 22, 2024, 6:17 a.m. No.20899753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9780 >>9858





well, that's false

You wish.


Jew haters are trash


seems to me he's understating it. Joe was already a threat to Democracy - him and his backers stole the election, etc, etc,

You don't even have to be mentally unfit (which Joe is anyway) to be taken out with the 25th amendment. All you need is a few people who want to use it. 25th Amendment has a very low bar. They planned to use it against Trump, that's why he was so constrained his first term. They use any excuse to claim it; such as, Danger to health of citizenry, since his ignores science and won't back injection campaign.

Trump was constrained.

I'd say it wasn't about the 25 th amendment.

but I'd look at Q post #2 ?

2 minute delta

and q post #25 ?


anybody else with ideas?

Anonymous ID: 756db5 May 22, 2024, 6:26 a.m. No.20899780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9858





yes, DJTrump was constrained to say anything about the Eugenics program since '25th Amendment' they'd have gotton rid of him.

He's playing Chess and he's playing to WIN


I doubt they are looking to replace Joe using the 25th amendment. If they were it would happen already.

It was a threat against Trump.


Look at #4836

They (pelosi and others) planned to take Trump out with the 25th; another fail for them.

But the cost was him backing the Eugenics program

see the reference

["people are dying'] they'd have used that against Trump

Anonymous ID: 756db5 May 22, 2024, 6:45 a.m. No.20899858   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They use any excuse to claim it; such as, "Danger to health of citizenry", since they would claim Trump ignores science if he wouldn't back injection campaign.


Trump was constrained.


I'd say it wasn't about the 25 th amendment against Biden, but that against Trump (He walked a tightrope the first term).


Remember the fanaticism for the injections. People were standing in line and praying for it.


Who thinks Dr. Shiva will take votes from Trump ( or would it be from Biden )

Shiva talks smack talk against DJT.


In any case, Millions were saved by the quick vax. And DjT's injections were lost by Biden. They wouldn't have been if they were the same (deadly)…

Medical estblishment exposed.