Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 5:38 a.m. No.20899583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9597


such efforts at operational conditioning set up a trigger to trigger people into behavior so that manipulators can control and slanderers can slander.

the manipulation and slandering are the purpose.

the effort is obvious. You know it's obvious.

it serves to divide. It creates an 'us and them' situation.

it's a time waster. It's a branding of behavior. It's designed to control and manipulate. I'm repeating myself.

so now explain why it's so important to you to keep it as an effort, why you need this, and why you decided to start doing it?

it arrived around the time the board seemed to have a regime change.

your turn, anon.

PS: you post images designed to slander and manipulate so I doubt you are going to give an honest answer,but instead devolve into something else.


no GO

Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 5:43 a.m. No.20899605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9611


no one is saying don't say good morning.

GM obviously doesn't mean 'good morning.'

it's a mocking and code for something else, anon.

it could mean a lot of different things.

It's an inside joke amoung a crew of people.

I've said it over and over: if you mean good morning then say good morning.

Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 5:45 a.m. No.20899613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9628 >>9712 >>9753


PS: I know I'm not a shill.

what you are? How do I know. Probably someone from media matters or other group here to keep tabs and condition behavior?

but I'd just be making that up.

the polarization of the anon is one of the features of the GM-psyoperation.

Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 5:48 a.m. No.20899627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9643 >>9647 >>9707


this is a tell for the shill conditioners. They make a false assumption and then keep insisting it's true all bread.

this one still has not suggested any purpose for using a two letter code for 'Good Morning'.

it has no explanation as to the fame-fag-ness of using such a code, nor why such code suddenly arrived on the board, and is so important to an obvious crew of 'frens'.


'just tell us'? which 'us', the crew who are directed to self-identify with the GM and the mimics who want to belong and think that they have 'frens' here?


your turn.

PS: I suspect you'll repeat your false assumption and continue with your badgering without answer any of my questions.

Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 5:55 a.m. No.20899656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9664 >>9686


it knows it lost the argument so it devolves into name calling. It can't repeat it's false assumption because I've called out how it parrots such.

it's got nothing left and it never explained by the GM thingie is so important to it that it badgers someone who points out it probably means 'G-Man' or 'Governmental Monitor' or

Governemental Malefescence' or any other kind of meaning.

once again, anon, if you mean "good morning" Just say "Good Morning!"

that way you won't act like a goofy mimic

Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 6 a.m. No.20899683   🗄️.is 🔗kun


see how it is. it shows a 'trigger'

this is what they seek to accomplish so that people here are like trained dogs and easy to control.

it's memes give it away. It never answered as to why it's defending something like this, why it is badgering me for a half an hour.

and it's sad that it lost the encounter and is shown to be a gatekeeper shill and bogus 'advocate' for 'bored culture'.


I figured if you filtered you wouldn't see my post so I didn't actually do anything more than a mental one but . . .

anyway, have a great day.

Anonymous ID: 9652da May 22, 2024, 6:18 a.m. No.20899755   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the accuser

  1. They are never going to give up. there point is that 'you are wrong'. They aren't there to have a discussion and try to see where there is agreement or disagreement. Their point is to dominate and try to drive away the person who dares to speak up and say what they see going on in the forum.

  2. When they are losing they change tactics and start name calling and insulting people.

they also slander them, this one says "I asked you to be honest, but you can't" that's just a slander. It never actually answered any of my questions.

  1. At some point in the discussin they will say your aren't intelligent.

  2. Why it spends so much time with me in badgering and insulting me and can't give it up when it's just me not understanding and asking for clarity and pointing out that it's an obvious psychological operatin, this two letter 'greeting, why it can't just stop?

maybe because it's assigned to me.


the point: when they put so much effort in protecting their mind-droppings and conditioning of mimics they are telling everyone else 'this is our effort, we own this, how dare you put footprints in our cement before it dries and bares fruit.'


time will tell what the purpose of the GM_psyoperation is. And it will be something with them smearing.

already they are trying to make it seem that thow who question it are antisemetic and haters. But that's not the case.


when it's this obvious and they are so stuck on defending nonsense, that is very telling.