I just caught up from the last few breads, and I gotta say THANK YOU.. seriously. You're awesome for even addressing this issue about having a side-chick chat location. Solves a lot of potential problems.
One thing I think is slightly adverse to the one anon's POV- that we admit defeat when we make moves like this.. There's more to it than that.
The way I've been describing this whole thing to my one irl friend has been to compare it to the Civil War. The confederates were disorganized at first, but they adjusted and formed new strats which ended up securing the W.
They win if we don't adjust. Make them spend more resources to stop us. Economy is free for us, not for them.
IMO At one point, we are gonna have to breach this "holy" anon status and know who we're talking to so we can work together when all this gets too heavy for 8ch to hold… Those who step up can make a huge difference (like Q, like our Patriots, and like you are, being a good BO)…
I just hope we have all the tools we need when we need them.
<3 BO, BV, and all real Anons