Morning anons. Sorry to interrupt the shit posting and shills but some nice fresh research for the bread.
I have been looking at the Q London pics again - rechecking my prior work … which really needed it. Not sure if there are 2 seperate sets of pics the Hyde park ones and the NSA-ROT ones (At least 2015, no cycle way) - I need to go back to the ROT set. I am just going to focus on one of the Q pics, the zoomed out one with the "The city" sign. Anyway, Q posted ..
London pics [prev].
Year determined?
Find the markers [street/surroundings updates]
For this pic I am going to say early 2014 - possibly late 2013 due to the clothing and the LG G2 release "..first released in September 2013"
Google map link -,-0.1342423,3a,75y,74.88h,99.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sxu4E8G_ctCCLtS-2Hqf3_g!2e0!5s20140501T000000!7i13312!8i6656