Old marketingPRfag here
There's no such thing as bad publicity
It doesn't matter how people get woken up.
The methodry isn't the point, only the end result matters.
I think this whole crazy thing is about informed speculation.
There's literally no point in confirming who/what Q was originated or coordinated by.
That fact is what's pissing the Left off so much; there's no possible way to counter it.
And now we're all out here, with our interest levels usefully piqued to start PAYING ATTENTION to governmentfags.
Should have been doing it all along.
The cabal was spoiled by operating in the dark with no attention for years.
We turned the lights on, and they have no way of turning them off. No wonder they're panicking.
Darkness to light.
I've been enjoying the process of all these rabbit hunts. It's fun, in its own way, despite the fact that we find things that make us angry or horrified.
Truth is beautiful, frens