Trump sales F-35 stealth jets to Turkey it proves Trump is a puppet like shitskin Obama.
Jeff Sessions took a big shit on Trump and the American people.
Chicago is coon town.
Who hurt Trump the most since he was elected President?
Nigger's are just stupid.
In America nigger's are sgit nobody wants them around.
Bozo, blacks are only 12% of the population and 90% of blacks in America hate white peopleโฆ.
Get out of LA LA Land.
Blacks are only 12% of the population and 90% of blacks in America hate white peopleโฆ.
Q needs to get out of LA LA Land.
See the problem with this is the picture of Corey Lewandowski has his hand on this Afroid's hip. That is not ass, but hip bone and as this man sized Afroid was probably mistaken by Corey Lewandowski as that Afroid quarterback Colin Kapernick creature who is always protesting, Corey was probably just telling the shemazon to get back into the game as he thought this was an NFL player.
Fuck off faggot Obongoโฆ.
When did Barry say this?