Anonymous ID: bdeb17 May 22, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.20900513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0518 >>0538 >>0547 >>0566 >>0708 >>0776

Some People Surprised – The FBI Was Prepared to Use Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During Mar-a-Lago Raid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets Portion of article 1/2

Grassley was admitting what has been visible for years. I mean, who are we kidding? If Republicans were in charge of the Senate Judiciary, Reform/Oversight, or Intelligence committees, do we really believe that anything would be different? Before responding to that cynicism, remind yourself, they were for four years, January 2015 through January 2019, Republicans in charge of oversight. It was exactly when Republicans were in charge of Main Justice and FBI oversight that Main Justice and FBI were targeting political candidate Donald Trump.

In July 2021, the DOJ OIG produced an absolutely damning Inspector General investigation of FBI conductin the rape and sexual assault of U.S. Gymnasts, revealing how FBI agents facilitated Nassar’s sex crimes by taking no action despite numerous witness statements to them.Worse yet, the FBI never reported the sexual assaults to local law enforcement… and to top it off, the rank and vile FBI agents lied during the investigation of their conduct, and the DOJ under AG Bill Barr, and now under AG Merrick Garland, refused to prosecute the FBI liars. The entire IG report [Must Read pdf Here] reveals layer-upon-layer of FBI wrongdoing, misconduct and false statements in an effort to cover up their activity when the internal investigation of their conduct began. This report is a total condemnation of the FBI rank and file. It really is quite stunning. (LINK: )


• BACKGROUND on FBI – As we discovered in January of 2023, the FBI was fully aware of the terrorist who was planning to shoot the synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, and yet they did nothing.

• The FBI knowledge of the shooter, Malik Faisal Akram, who was known as Faisal Akram, was confirmed by The Daily Mail. Akram ranted, prior to his travel to the U.S, that he wished he had died in the 9/11 terror attacks. He was a regular visitor to Pakistan, and reportedly a member of the Tablighi Jamaat group set up to ‘purify’ Islam. To say the U.S. intelligence system knew Faisal Akram would be an understatement.

• The FBI was also fully aware of the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers, before they executed their plot. The FBI took no action. The Russian police twice warned the FBI that the Tsarnaev brothers were going to carry out a domestic terrorist attack on the USA, the FBI did nothing.

• The FBI knew about the San Bernardino terrorists, specifically Tashfeen Malik, and were monitoring her phone calls and communications before her and Syed Farook executed their attack killing 14 people and leaving 22 others seriously injured. The FBI took no action.

• The FBI knew Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad Alissa before he executed his attack. The FBI took no action.

• The FBI knew in advance of the Pulse Nightclub shooter (Omar Mateen) and were tipped off by the local sheriff. The FBI knew in advance of the San Bernardino Terrorists (Tashfeen Malik). The FBI knew in advance of the Boston Marathon Bombers (the Tsarnaev brothers) tipped off by Russians. The FBI knew in advance of the Parkland High School shooter (Nikolas Cruz). The FBI knew in advance of the Fort Hood shooter (Nidal Hasan), and the FBI knew in advance of Colorado grocery store shooter Ahmad al-Aliwi Alissa. The FBI took no action.

• The case of the first recorded ISIS attack on U.S. soil was in Garland, Texas in 2015.

• The FBI not only knew the shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi) in advance, BUT the FBI ALSO took the shooters to the venue and were standing only a few yards away when Simpson and Soofi opened fire. Yes, you read that correctly – the FBI took the terrorists to the event and then watched it unfold. “An FBI trainer suggested in an interview with “60 Minutes” that, had the attack been bigger, the agency’s numerous ties to the shooter would have led to a congressional investigation.”

Anonymous ID: bdeb17 May 22, 2024, 10:17 a.m. No.20900547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0708 >>0776



• Remember, shortly before the 2018 mid-term election, when Ceasar Syoc – a man living in his van – was caught sending “energetic material that can become combustible when subjected to heat or friction”, or what FBI Director Christopher Wray called “not hoax devices”? Remember how sketchy everything about that was, including the child-like perpetrator telling a judge later that he was trying to walk back his guilty plea, because he was tricked into signing a confession for a crime he did not create.

• Or more recently, the goofball plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer that involved 18 suspects, twelve of them actually working for the FBI as the plot was hatched?

• And we cannot forget the January 6th. DC protest turned insurrection effort, which is clearly looking like an FBI inspired and coordinated effort; and unlike Syoc, despite the numerous CCTV cameras and resources in the area, they cannot find who placed the pipe-bombs?

• Have we forgotten the Atlanta “Olympic Park Bombing”, and the FBI intentionally setting up transparently innocent, Richard Jewel?

• What about the FBI failing to investigate the assassination of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens in Benghazi. Did we forget when Robert Mueller’s FBI waited 19 days after the Benghazi attack before showing up at the compound?…. Journalists from the USA were walking around the compound after 48 hours, but it took the FBI another two weeks before the first investigator arrived…. All evidence long destroyed.

• Then, there’s the entirety of the FBI conduct in “Spygate”, the demonstrably evident FBI operation to conduct political surveillance against Donald Trump using their investigative authorities; and the downstream consequences of a massive institutional effort to cover up one of the biggest justice department scandals in the history of our nation.

• The original effort against Donald Trump used massive resources from the DOJ and FBI. Heck, the coverup operation using the Mueller/Weissmann special counsel used more than 50 investigative FBI agents alone.

• And of course, the FBI still had 13 extra agents available to rush to a NASCAR racetrack to investigate a garage door pull-down rope that might have been perceived as a noose; but the serial rape of hundreds of teenage girls, eh, not-so-much effort – even when they are standing in front of the FBI begging for help.

• [At this point, I am increasingly convinced by evidence there are elements within the FBI that are enablers involved in sex trafficking, human smuggling, abduction, counterfeiting and money laundering as part of their operational mission.]

• The FBI didn’t make a mistake or drop the proverbial ball in the Olympic gymnast case, they intentionally and specifically maintained the sexual exploitation of teenage girls by doing absolutely nothing with the complaints they received.This is not misconduct, this is purposeful.

• Then, as if to apply salt to the open wound of severe FBI politicization, what did the FBI do with the Hunter Biden laptop?

• [Notice I’ve set the issue of the disappearing Huma Abedin/Anthony Weiner laptop –in the known custody of the FBI– over there in the corner, next to missing investigation of the Awan brothers.]

• More recently, the FBI executed a search warrant on the home and office of Project Veritas and the founder James O’Keefe. While the raid was taking place, a New York Times reporter called O’Keefe to ask him about his thoughts on getting raided…….


This is how theFourth Branch of U.S. Government is now the supersedingapparatus above all other branches. {GO DEEP} Obama, Brennan Holder created it, cemented it, and made it impervious to any effort to remove it.


The Fourth Branch of Government is corrupt; heck, theJ6 committee was defending the corrupt FBI, participating with the corrupt FBI, selling a joint J6 operation that involved the FBI. The corrupt media have aligned with the corrupt FBI, and the justice institutions in/around this legal framework are self-aware and fully autonomous.

DOJ and FBI, through the authority of DHS, now have theability to monitor every single aspectof every life that might seek to challenge or destroy the corrupt system.

In essence, Skynet -the ultimate end game of political surveillance and targeting outlined by Edward Snowden- has been activated. We the People are the enemy of the state.


Jackboots are very real, and they are wearing FBI logos on their shirts.

Anonymous ID: bdeb17 May 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m. No.20900566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0708 >>0776


>DOJ OIG produced an absolutely damning Inspector General investigation of FBI conduct





Anonymous ID: bdeb17 May 22, 2024, 11:12 a.m. No.20900710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0714 >>0776

Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

May 21, 2024 | Sundance |


Donald Trump Jr. generally maintains the weakest judgement skills amid the Trump family organization. In part, DJT Jr.’s poor judgement seems to be an outcome of his own sense of self-importance and rather openly inflated ego. (kek)

Today Donald Trump Jr. brought the professional MAGA grift teamto New York City; some of the pros have a history that does not exactly align with the truthful and earnest side of justice. One of theworst offenders, within MAGA Grift Inc., isPam Bondi.


Apparently, many people are unaware that former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi was one of thekey architects of the false and corrupt prosecution of George Zimmerman. As Florida AG, Pam Bondi selected her former campaign manager, Angela Corey, as special prosecutor to frame George Zimmerman using extreme Lawfare.


Angela Corey was a real piece of work and corrupt to the core. It wasBondi’s selection of Angela Corey that led to the completely manufactured witness #8that became known as Rachel Jeantel. In New York City, Judge Merchan might be corrupt, political and ideologically twisted, but the manufacturing of a fake witness in Florida was far worse than anything Merchan has done in his courtroom.

Literally, Bondi, Corey and a guy namedBernie DeLaRionda manufactured a witnessin Jeantel that never had any information about the Zimmerman case. This was originating LAWFARE in the extreme.


Pam Bondi, with a plank in her eye, doesn’t exactly have the room to talk about the splinter in Judge Merchan’s. I know it doesn’t make MAGA Inc. happy when I point this out, but I cannot be intellectually dishonest. WATCH (prompted):


I have spent too much time researching the issues and the granular details of every person. As a consequence,I don’t think there’s a single person at this press conference not financially dependent on the Trump storyline. It’s all sketch.


To highlight my point. In the segment below, the worst of the worst element of Florida politics surfaces. RepresentativeMaria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) condemned the proceedingsagainst President Trump, while apparently counting on us not to rememberher full support for congressional Lawfareand the Nancy Pelosi constructedJanuary 6th commission.


Do better!


(Yikes seriously look at these republicansif pic drops I'll repost it)


1st video:


2nd Salazar:This video was really bizarre: