aren't they all?
because someone said it is necessary, that makes it so?
mind control is never necessary. nor is secrecy or deception.
you can be selected with or without your interest and will. why do you think epstein and myriad other honey pot ops exist. To find those to 'ask' and thus select.
not true. TRUTH is always the better path.
You lie to your kids about Santa? anon didn't. we differ to the core.
If the union of the world cannot survive 100% truth, it is a sand castle, and illusion of unity anyway, that should endure the totality of revelation, come what may. And casualties are not relevant to eternal, repentant souls.
I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. John 14:6
correct, there is no argument. being asked and being selected is the same thing. in either case, one accepts or refuses.
ruse = lie
tool of the enemy
there is no cost we cant recover from. Did not Jesus pay the ultimate cost, and defeat death? No fear, and certainly no support of deceptions from this and many other anons.
100% revelation - no 60/40, 80/20 BS.
Jesus is the TRUTH. Who dare withhold that truth from the bride? Only the enemy.
not so much
if one asks you to do something, you can accept or refuse the request
if one selects you for something, you can accept or refuse the request
shit aint that hard, Craig
no such thing
ALL of them
74 =104?