The Death Sentence for Pedophiles will Spread
As it Spreads, Pedophiles will Flee to "Safe" zones
According to my kekulations
California, New York & San Francisco will be their Final Destinations
The Death Sentence for Pedophiles will Spread
As it Spreads, Pedophiles will Flee to "Safe" zones
According to my kekulations
California, New York & San Francisco will be their Final Destinations
Nuremberg II isn't a pipedream
It's Good Vs. Evil
The[y] Have their Champion
God is Willing to be your Champion
you only have to ask him
Prefect timing forOctober Surprise
I'll Pray for you
Divine Interference Brought me here
Q Enticed me to stick around
But I Stay Because of Anons
There is no Covid
There is no Bird Flu
There is only the Vax
The People that want to Murder 7.5billion people
Are not to be Trusted when they say They care about your health
Portland is an Antifa Main Base of Operations
We Pleaded with the Normie
We Gave them Evidence
We Gave them Facts
We even Prayed
But the only thing they understand is Death
Now that there is Death
They Awaken
It didn't have to be this way