>0407 EDT
GM break the seal anon.
CaliFags don't have a chance at that first jelly donut.
She read Monica's book.
>Joins Alex Jones
She interviewed Uncle Clif a couple weeks ago.
She was all I like how you're kinda out there dude.
Then he mentioned the Khazarian mafia hiding behind the Jews.
Whoa whoa Clif let's not get carried away here stick with the standard spoopy please!
Half the posts on Evening Shift:
SP doing his thing.
Then GM started doing his thing.
Pig showed up with the usual.
Which drew Pig Hater's ded cat memes out.
Then SP & Pig started giving each other high fives because nobody else was.
Then came the lawyer posts by each side trying to get the anon jury to pick sides.
SSDD but at least the breads were moving fast since Vatican took the evening off.
And you have admin powers with the ability to do a QR Declas via the hashes?
Otherwise, you're gonna need to put together a graphics intensive gotcha timeline like everyone else has to do.
This board would have already been long ded if it weren't for the Board Wars.
Most don't like to admit that which I get and understand.
Special GM shout out to all Board War veterans!
Yes, after hiding in the shadows for a long time.
No doubt the deltas are getting spoopier by the day.
That said, don't anybody start datefagging and getting the nowfags riled up.
kek well played
And to think some here are trying to shut the GM Crew down.
Good luck with that.
My memberberries are only recalling Wray getting that treatment.
From a solo perspective anyway.
Yes, he made the collage along with the other usual suspects.
But, did anyone besides Wray get the BRX (nice how that rhymes with Text)?
>moar fuzzy berries
Did the X mean take Wray off the list of shitheads?
Or, ayo hol up take him off the Trust list?
Yes, the Group X.
Which is why I think Wray's solo X was him being taken off the Trust list because he must have fucked Q Team over midstream.
Yeah, but that's the thing.
Rarely doesn't anyone tell you to trust someone unless it appears like you shouldn't.
Like a fren that says I know it sounds sketchy man but he came through before so I trust him now.
>Oh my it's really glowing in here now.
Huh? Which posts
>Only a glowie would ask that question!
No, seriously, which posts?
>The glow is really off the charts now!
Oh, I get it, you guys are the glow nvm.
Yes, there is a wake-n-bake component to many such GM posts.
Not me sadly, tho, gotta go workfag and they only allow hangovers at the gig.