Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 7:15 a.m. No.20904132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4173 >>4344 >>4554 >>4585 >>4614 >>4744

Trump reveals new debate format for upcoming showdown with Biden

Victor Nava May 22, 2024, 10:12 p.m. ET


Donald Trump revealed Wednesday that he hasagreed to “sit at a table” with Joe Biden— despite his strong preference to stand — during their upcoming debates.


The seated format was a request made by the 81-year-old president’s campaign team, according to Trump.


“I hear now we’re sitting at tables.I don’t want to sit at a table,” the 77-year-old former president told John Catsimatidis and Rita Cosby during an appearance on the “Cats & Cosby Show” on WABC 770 AM.


“I said, ‘No, let’s stand.’ But they want to sit at a table,” Trump said. “So we’ll be sitting at a table as opposed to doing it the way you should be, in my opinion, in a debate.”


The presumptive Republican nominee for president explained that his personalpreference would be to “walk out to a podium” and “stand for an hour and a half or two hours.”


“But they have [Biden] sitting at a table, so that’s not so good,” Trump said, calling theseated debate format “one of the many” requeststhe Biden campaign insisted on.


“But I agree to their requests because I want to debate him,” the former president told Catsimatidis and Cosby, noting that he intends to press Biden on the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.


“If [Biden] gets through the debate, they’ll say it was brilliant,” Trump argued.


The Trump and Biden campaigns have agreed to two scheduled debates, which include aJune 27 event hosted by CNN and a Sept. 10 showdown with ABC News.


It’s unclear if the seated format will be for both debates.


There will beno live audience at either forum, in accordance with the Biden campaign’s request.


The agreement between the two camps cuts out the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, which has organized the head-to-head events since the 1988 election cycle.


Both campaigns have signaled a willingness to participate in a vice presidential debate as well, but the details of that event have not been agreed upon.

Biden wants the veep debate aired on CBS, while Trump prefers that the contest be hosted by Fox News.

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 7:33 a.m. No.20904184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4216 >>4237


Thx anon


Analysis (ai): "The Hollow Men" reflects the despair, apathy, and spiritual emptiness of a post-World War I society. Eliot uses imagery of decay and lifelessness to portray the hollow existence of these individuals, who lack purpose, emotion, and connection.


Compared to Eliot's earlier work, such as "The Waste Land," the poem is more fragmented and pessimistic. The shifting perspectives and disjointed language mirror the fragmentation and disillusionment of the post-war world.


"The Hollow Men" resonates with the modernist era, capturing the sense of alienation and existential angst prevailing in society. It reflects a loss of faith, both in traditional values and in the ability of humanity to find meaning and purpose in life.


last lines of the poem.

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 7:55 a.m. No.20904265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4308 >>4554 >>4614 >>4744

Senator Ted Cruz @SenTedCruz


WATCH: Senator Cruz RIPS Secretary of State Blinken for catastrophic foreign policy failures of Biden administration


2:50 PM · May 21, 2024



(this is good)

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 7:59 a.m. No.20904273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4276


I propose that some anon that has the skills, to buy a million of these flags at wholesale and send them all over social media!Millions will want them since NYTs had to be assholes.

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 8:03 a.m. No.20904285   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I just wonder do any of these "scholars" consider raising that Flag, Alito could be a joking or something, since he is a Supreme Court Justice, andthey get all the cases that are appealed to the SC?

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 8:42 a.m. No.20904418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I noticed that, I bet Bidan ordered SS to have more cars than PDJT, he's a jealous and very ill fucker, so two ambulances are needed if his brain falls out of his head

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 9:14 a.m. No.20904551   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4598 >>4614 >>4671 >>4744

FILE PHOTO: Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze.


23 May, 2024 13:21

Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat

The bloc is trying to intimidate Georgia over its foreign agents law, Irakli Kobakhidze has said


Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has claimed that aEuropean commissionertold him he could end up suffering the same fateas Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attemptlast week.


In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kobakhidze said that the unnamed commissioner warned him during a recent phone call that the West would take “a number of measures” against him if his government pressed ahead with a law requiring foreign NGOs in Georgia to disclose their funding.


“While listing these measures, he mentioned:‘you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful’,”he wrote.


Fico was shot multiple times as he met with supporters outside a government meeting in the town of Handlova on May 15. He was rushed to hospital, underwent emergency surgery, and is currently recuperating from his injuries. His would-be assassin – a 71-year-old poet who allegedly disagreed with Fico’s suspension of military aid to Ukraine – has been charged with attempted murder.


Georgia’s parliament passed the ‘Transparency of Foreign Influence Act’ last week. The law requires NGOs, media outlets, and individuals receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities “promoting the interests of a foreign power” and disclose their donors.


While the act has been vetoed by Georgia’s pro-Western president, Salome Zourabichvili, parliament is expected to override the veto.


Despite similar yet more stringent foreign influence laws existing in the US, UK, and other Western nations,Georgia’s foreign agent law has been strongly condemned by US and EU officials, with Washington considering unspecified “actions” against Tbilisi and multiple EU members weighing sanctions, according to media reports.


“We have long been accustomed to this kind of insulting blackmail,”Kobakhidze wrote. “The parallel drawn with the attempted assassination of Robert Fico reminds us that in the form of the Global War Party, we aredealing with an extremely dangerous forcethat will do anything to bring chaos to Georgia.”


In an interview with Georgia’s Channel 1 on Wednesday, Kobakhidze argued thatwithout a transparency law, foreign-funded NGOsoperating in the country could easilyfoment a revolutionakin to theUS-backed ‘Maidan’ coupin Ukraine in 2014.


“We want transparency… we don’t want to leave muddy water in this country, because a ‘Georgian Maidan’ could lead our country tovery serious consequences, to its ‘Ukrainization’. We cannot agree with this,” he said.


(The EU and US are MAFIA groups, the EU elections in June have to kick these people out. I hope the guy recorded it, can they report it to Interpol?)

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 9:27 a.m. No.20904613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

23 May, 2024 08:28

Kiev backtracks on Russian ‘orcs’ smear ban

The Ukrainian media regulator had urged journalists not to use dehumanizing language, but later withdrew the instruction


Ukraine’s media censor has withdrawn instructions urging news outlets not to use insults when referring to Russian troops and officials. The country’s National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting hastaken down an advisory on the widespread Ukrainian media practice of labeling Russians “orcs” and “retards.”(Well "the retards" are winning the Operations, so what does that make you?)


Guidelines on covering frontline news released earlier this month by the Council,urging journalists to avoid dehumanizing languagewhen describing Russian military personnel, had remained largely unnoticed until Wednesday, when some of the content was highlighted by the media.


The advisoryclaimed that insults “are not ethical or justifiable” in journalismand can fuel tensions in Ukrainian society. It also said the use of derogatory language “does not further objective and open coverage” of news, and may “undermine perception of media outlets as reliable sources of information.” Inflammatory rhetoric could also prolong the hostilities, it suggested.


”Journalism should remain objective towards all belligerents,” the regulator said. However, as of Thursday, that advisory is no longer on the Council's website.


Use of language to dehumanize Russians in the Ukrainian public sphere, and especially by media organizations, has taken several forms.


Some Ukrainian news organizations, such asUNIAN, make a point of using derogatory terms for Russians in their output. UNIAN is the country's dominant online news provider, with a market share of some 19%, and isowned by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky's1+1 media group. He is a key backer of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.


It has become common practice in Ukraine not to capitalize the name of the country and its leader, President Vladimir Putin. Last September, the Ukrainian commission on language standards issued a formal opinion stating that such practice was legitimate anywhere except in official documents.


Before the conflict with Russia erupted in February 2022, Zelensky's government had cracked down on critical media outlets in what it claimed to be a fight against Russian propaganda.


Since then, Kiev has further tightened its gripon the news landscape byreplacing all national televisionbroadcasts witha single ‘Freedom Marathon’. The New York Times reported earlier this year that Ukrainians were tired of the programming, because it had turned into “little more than a mouthpiece for the government.”


(close to 20% of the nation are ethnic Russians, and many more Ukrainians speak Russia, so they are ok with calling them namesWhat a hideous country)

Anonymous ID: 791291 May 23, 2024, 9:47 a.m. No.20904671   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4744


6 Jan, 2024 12:25

Ukrainians tired of ‘state propaganda’ on TV – NYT

A once widely watched 24/7 news program has lost viewers because it painted “too rosy a picture” of the conflict with Russia, the paper reports


Ukrainian viewers are turning away from Telemarathon United News, around-the-clockmulti-channel broadcast_set up as single source oftelevised informationabout the conflict with Russia, because it has turned into a “little more than a mouthpiece for the government,” the New York Times has reported.


Telemarathon United News was created on the order of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and gets 40% its funding from the government. Opposition channels have been denied participation in the project.


The broadcast has been jointly produced by Ukraine’s six leading networks since the start of the fighting between Moscow and Kiev in early 2022. The NYT report this week described the 24/7 broadcast as“a major tool of Ukraine’s information war,” which was “crucial… forholding the country together.”


But, after two years of conflict, “Ukrainians have grown weary of Telemarathon,” the paper acknowledged. Viewers now increasingly complain that it “often paints too rosy a picture of the war, hiding worrying developments on the frontline and the West’s eroding support for Ukraine,” it said.


Telemarathon’saudience has shrunk from 40%of Ukraine’s total viewership in March 2022 to just10%, according Svetlana Ostapa, deputy chief editor of Detector Media, a Ukrainian media watchdog.


“Everyone is fed up with this picture that says‘We’re winning, everyone likes us and gives us money,’”the head of the Kiev-based Institute of Mass Information, told the NYT. “It’s state propaganda.”


Detector Media’s Igor Kulias said that throughout 2023, Telemarathon had emphasized “the effectiveness and skill of the Ukrainian forces,” whileRussian troopswere portrayed “as being in a state of panic, experiencing significant losses and surrendering en masse.”However, it was “a completely different reality” from what was actually happening on the ground, he pointed out.


According to Kulias’ data, more than 68% of the political guests of the program last year were from Zelensky’s Servant of the People party.


Golos party MP Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, who heads the Ukrainian parliament’s committee on freedom of speech, claimed earlier this month that Telemarathon had blinded people to the fact that the conflict with Russia would be a prolonged one and would require more sacrifices.


The NYT stressed that the experts see Ukrainian viewers switching away from Telemarathon, often to reality shows and entertainment programs, as “a sign of wider popular disenchantment with the government, as victory on the battlefield becomes elusive.”


(UNIANis the country's dominant online news provider, with a market share of some 19%, and isowned by oligarch Igor Kolomoisky's1+1 media group. He is a key backer of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky.)