Anonymous ID: a44cbd May 23, 2024, 10:26 a.m. No.20904799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Apologies if this has already been posted

Lotsa people dying, retiring, disappearing these days


"Princess' stepdad 'goes missing' in middle of the night from luxury California area

"Authorities are 'concerned' after Attilio Brillembourg, 53, step-dad of the Danish/Greek Princess Tatiana, went missing in a dimly-lit rural area of California at 1am on Saturday

"Attilio Brillembourg, 53, from New York, was last seen around 1am of Saturday morning in an opulent neighbourhood near Escondido Falls. He was reportedly wearing no shoes after disappearing in an area with steep hillsides and no street lights at night.

"Details about the circumstances of Brillembourg’s disappearance have not been disclosed."