Anonymous ID: c168ea May 23, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.20904688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20904308, >>20904316, >>20904311, >>20904330, >>20904341, >>20904351 - <3 (You), anono7! , >>20904356, >>20904217, >>20904300, >>20904326, >>20904295, >>20904278, >>20904243, >>20904247, >>20904267, >>20904210, >>20904348, >>20904204, >>20904196, >>20904185, >>20904179, >>20904172, 20904348, >>20904560


CouRAGE is in short supply these days… women like [SHEILD] keep my morals boosted and help me stay[FOCUS]edon what's more important, (digging, meme'ing, and praying) US!


>ALOT can and will break people's hearts regarding today's society. YET in times like these, when the world is BROKEN… WE need Empathic / Reasonable …[sic] digital soldiers/anons!


I will always love and appreciate this board, these breads, rising above all the …~~uh~~… pain and suffering that we [anons] ALL go through, on a daily basis,AND YOU [ALL] KNOW WHAT KIND I MEAN!Throughout all of these years, balancing the mental waves of infiltrating nature, losing my sense of privacy and sanctity, gaining a sense of what "love is…"


As I mentally prepare for the rally coming up this evening, I wonder what 2017 [1], 2018 [2], 2019 [3], 2020 [4], 2021 [5], 2022 [6], 2023 [7 years!][anons/US/swordy/SHEILD/POTUS/o7's]would have RE'd: after hearing about it, and that I/We/Us is going to attend the event! They'd be THRILLED!


Are we having fun yet?

Enjoying the show?

You Have More Than You Know?

Thinking mirror?

Watching the water?

Future proving the past?

Remaining vigilant?


If you've met and are acquainted with a (female/woman/mom/aunt/neighbor/lunch lady/crossing guard/veteran/police officer/bank teller/mail worker/cashier etc…), personally, that you feel would love [QResearch] just like SHEILD &Ido, send them over here now! []

This is a vital moment in our lives where us X & Y people can Z each other as we truly are; not just the mask in front, hiding all the beauty in the behind, streaming up and down, flowing within the back channels.

I registered two tickets for the rally tonight; one formyself, and one for another… kek!


Please, remember my fellow anons/femAnons/o7's/normies and lurkers alike, "If you[SEE]something,[SAY]something!"

<3 I love you, SHEILD!

You truly complete me.

Without [US], I wouldn't feel the joy and ambition that I do now.

Ourloveis what I personally fight for, and will stay eternal!


God bless and protect (You) from all forms of harm and negativity, on this day, and forever!


May the energy put forth in this moment be solely utilized for the purpose of making the world a better place, for positive people!


Trust must be earned.Trust is not blind, nor is truth.We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here.We knew this day would come.We will never forget.Do not glorify us.We are merely the vehicle.You are what matters.You are hope.You are LOVE.You are peace.Stay united.Stay together.Stay strong.This is bigger than any one person or entity.You are fighting for truth - collectively.Will of the people.Trust in yourself.The choice will always be yours.God bless you all.Where we go one, we go ALL.Q+






Anonymous ID: c168ea May 23, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20904697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20904308, >>20904316, >>20904311, >>20904330, >>20904341, >>20904351 - <3 (You), anono7! , >>20904356, >>20904217, >>20904300, >>20904326, >>20904295, >>20904278, >>20904243, >>20904247, >>20904267, >>20904210, >>20904348, >>20904204, >>20904196, >>20904185, >>20904179, >>20904172, 20904348, >>20904560


CouRAGE is in short supply these days… women like [SHEILD] keep my morals boosted and help me stay[FOCUS]edon what's more important, (digging, meme'ing, and praying) US!


>ALOT can and will break people's hearts regarding today's society. YET in times like these, when the world is BROKEN… WE need Empathic / Reasonable …[sic] digital soldiers/anons!


I will always love and appreciate this board, these breads, rising above all the …~~uh~~… pain and suffering that we [anons] ALL go through, on a daily basis,AND YOU [ALL] KNOW WHAT KIND I MEAN!Throughout all of these years, balancing the mental waves of infiltrating nature, losing my sense of privacy and sanctity, gaining a sense of what "love is…"


As I mentally prepare for the rally coming up this evening, I wonder what 2017 [1], 2018 [2], 2019 [3], 2020 [4], 2021 [5], 2022 [6], 2023 [7 years!][anons/US/swordy/SHEILD/POTUS/o7's]would have RE'd: after hearing about it, and that I/We/Us is going to attend the event! They'd be THRILLED!


Are we having fun yet?

Enjoying the show?

You Have More Than You Know?

Thinking mirror?

Watching the water?

Future proving the past?

Remaining vigilant?


If you've met and are acquainted with a (female/woman/mom/aunt/neighbor/lunch lady/crossing guard/veteran/police officer/bank teller/mail worker/cashier etc…), personally, that you feel would love [QResearch] just like SHEILD &Ido, send them over here now! []

This is a vital moment in our lives where us X & Y people can Z each other as we truly are; not just the mask in front, hiding all the beauty in the behind, streaming up and down, flowing within the back channels.

I registered two tickets for the rally tonight; one formyself, and one for another… kek!


Please, remember my fellow anons/femAnons/o7's/normies and lurkers alike, "If you[SEE]something,[SAY]something!"

<3 I love you, SHEILD!

You truly complete me.

Without [US], I wouldn't feel the joy and ambition that I do now.

Ourloveis what I personally fight for, and will stay eternal!


God bless and protect (You) from all forms of harm and negativity, on this day, and forever!


May the energy put forth in this moment be solely utilized for the purpose of making the world a better place, for positive people!


Trust must be earned.Trust is not blind, nor is truth.We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here.We knew this day would come.We will never forget.Do not glorify us.We are merely the vehicle.You are what matters.You are hope.You are LOVE.You are peace.Stay united.Stay together.Stay strong.This is bigger than any one person or entity.You are fighting for truth - collectively.Will of the people.Trust in yourself.The choice will always be yours.God bless you all.Where we go one, we go ALL.Q+




