Anonymous ID: 0560f0 May 23, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.20905155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5323

Trump's 32-year-old 'human printer': The rise of Natalie Harp, the ex-president's ultra-loyal aide

By Sarah Ewall-wice, Senior U.S. Updated: 12:54 EDT, 23 May 2024


Day after day as Donald Trump speaks before cameras outside his hush money trial he wields stacks of papers referencing legal experts. Choosing and providing them is the job of Natalie Harp, 32, an ultra-loyal aide who is now a fixture in Trump's entourage.In MAGA world they call her 'The Human Printer'and few have more access to the potential next President of the United States.

Harp, 32, a platinum blonde, whose nickname was first reported by The Bulwark, carries in her duffle bag a portable printer, batteries and plenty of paper to feed Trump's insatiable desire for news.


When not at the trial she follows her boss around the golf course in a buggy complete with her printing equipment. It serves as a mobile office. She often rides in her own golf cart that is specially equipped with a laptop and computer so she can deliver updates to Trump

• So who is Natalie Harp, and how did she become he information gatekeeper to the ex-president?

• Harp hails from California where she grew up in a devout Christian family.

• In 2015 she graduated from Liberty University, the evangelical Christian college in Lynchburg, Virginia.

• The same year, Harp was diagnosed with bone cancer and went on to have unsuccessful chemotherapy twice,


Harp is often seen accompanying the 2024 presidential candidate, 76, on his daily golfing trips, riding in her own golf cart that is specially equipped with a laptop and computer so she can readily show Trump positive stories about himself


In 2018 Trump's Right to Try law allowed her to seek an effective treatment for her Stage 2 bone cancer after others had failed. The law allows patients to apply to use experimental drugs that have not been FDA-approved. Harp said she was able to get effective treatment for stage 2 bone cancer after Trump signed the Right to Try law. She also spoke about her cancer battle at the 2020 Republican National Convention in a speech she later pinned to the top of her Twitter page. 'When I failed the chemotherapies that were on the market, no one wanted me in their clinical trials. 'They didn't give me the right to try experimental treatments, Mr. President. 'You did, and without you, I'd have died waiting for them to be approved.'


Harp says Trump's law saved her life. Speaking in 2019, she said: 'I'm not dying from cancer any more thanks to President Trump, I'm living with cancer.' She went on to host a TV show The Real Story on the One America Network.


Trump has described Harp as 'lighting up the television screen like very few people I’ve ever seen do it.


After forging a successful career at OAN - where her segments took aim at Democrat policies and were often peppered with references to her faith - Harp was poached by Trump. In March 2022 she left the One America After a career as an anchor at OAN, she joined Trump's communications team.


On Wednesday, the pair were seen cruising around Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, where Harp was seen wearing a chic pink tennis outfit with a black skirt and skintight hot pink top with a matching hat. She accessorized with a comfortable pair of white tennis shoes.


As Trump likes to see news stories on paper, rather than on a cell phone, her role has become hugely important. The stories she prints out help shape his view of the news coverage. Throughout the hush money trial she has been seen in Trump's motorcade and in the courtroom. She has a desk outside of Trump's office at Mar-a-Lago and is readily available to join him on meetings or trips.


Harp has also reportedly also taken on some of the responsibility for Trump's Truth social account. However, that appears to have led to her becoming involved in the latest furor surrounding the president.


This week Trump's Truth Social account reposted a video suggesting victory in the November election would lead to a 'unified Reich'.Joe Biden accused Trump of using 'Hitler's language' and the post was later deleted.


Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt issued a statement saying the video had been 'reposted by a junior staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court.' It has since been reported that the 'junior staffer' was Harp. She has not commented on the incident and Trump's private reaction is not known.


However, allies of the president rallies around Harp.Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator, said: 'Natalie Harp is a professional, smart, talented individual who has proven herself to be an asset to President Trump. I have complete confidence in Natalie.'

Anonymous ID: 0560f0 May 23, 2024, 1:40 p.m. No.20905411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

Kerry Kennedy Leads ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Campaign Against Her Brother’s White House Bid

(Boo Hoo Kerry Kennedy wants the public to attack her brother for Pedo Joe’s sake, what a lovely family!This idolatry of the Kennedy Family has to stop, they are all obvious nuts and radicals, and think more of themselves, then anyone could. Their father and uncle would be ashamed of them.)


By Adam Nagourney May 21, 2024, 2:27 p.m. ET

When members of the Kennedy family joined President Biden in Philadelphia to endorse his re-election — and denounce the presidential candidacy of the best-known Kennedy of this generation, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — one person stepped forward to make the family’s case: his younger sister Kerry.


“Nearly every single grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Joe Biden,” Ms. Kennedy said as her siblings, and Mr. Biden, flanked her onstage. “That’s right: The Kennedy family endorses Joe Biden for president.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s sister has become the face of the Kennedy family effort to block his candidacy and re-elect. That was not the first time that Ms. Kennedy, the seventh child of Robert and Ethel Kennedy, had been the face of the family’s pushback against her brother. As Mr. Kennedy has emerged as a skeptic of Covid-19 vaccines and a purveyor of conspiratorial theories on the assassination of his father, it has fallen to Ms. Kennedy to distance her family from the brother she has long held close and to guard the legacy of a proud and private family as it fades from the political stage.


To a large extent, Ms. Kennedy’s siblings say, her outsize role is an outgrowth of the affection she has displayed toward her brother since they were children playing on the grounds of the family estate in Hickory Hill, Va. — and the disappointment she feels now. It is political as well: She argues that her brother’s insurgent campaign threatens the re-election of Mr. Biden and is aware that her family could shoulder some of the blame should Donald J. Trump return to the White House next year. WTF?


“I love Bobby,” she said in an interview. “It’s heart-wrenching to be in this position.” But Kerry Kennedy’s decision to help lead an inevitably awkward effort against a family member also reflects her concern about the legacy of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, the organization founded upon her father’s death in 1968 that she has led for 15 years.


As its president, she has championed causes that reflected her father’s work: international human rights, fighting against disparities in health care and advocating for immigrants. In some cases, the positions that have been embraced by her brother, particularly his opposition to Covid vaccination, have run directly counter to the mission of the organization.


Kerry feels a special burdenwith his candidacy — a burden that impacts her work in a negative way,” said Christopher G. Kennedy, one of their brothers. “She has supported hundreds of human rights activists around the world. Her abilities would be diminished if the Kennedy name is associatedwith fringe thinking, crackpot ideas and unsound judgment. ” (These people wouldn’t believe the truth even of the CIA/SS came and told them personally because they are fringe thinking crackpot ideas?Apparently Kerry makes a lot of the money from Pharma companies and are fine with killing Africans and Asians in poor countries. She’s only supporting Bidan because she doesn’t want to loose the money.)


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declined to comment on his sister’s role in the Biden campaign.“I think I’ll stay out of this controversy,” he said in a text message…


Ms. Kennedy’s view on the potential impact of her brother’s candidacy is not shared across the family. “I think the mistake the media makes is to think that his appeal to people is solely based on his relationship to our family,” saidDouglas H. Kennedy, another of their brothers, who has not joined his siblings in the pushback because, he said, of his work as acorrespondent on Fox News. “I believe his followers are unaffected by his siblings’ or cousins’ concerns. His supporters believe in his message. I don’t think people coming out against him will have a great effect on that support.”


The Biden campaign disagrees. It is moving to deploy Ms. Kennedy, as well as other family members, in swing states in the coming months if her brother continues to make it onto ballots. “I’ve told the Biden campaign that I’ll campaign wherever they want me to go,” she said. Biden campaign officials said their polling showed that many people do not know much about Mr. Kennedy or what he stands for, and that Kennedy family members are particularly effective at filling in the gaps…..

Anonymous ID: 0560f0 May 23, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.20905446   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Of course they did, they were trying to prevent Trump from sharing them because they & NARA refused to release the declassified documents.What's strange is that they think the American people would have a worse opinion of them, but that is not possible. We'd believe any crime they committed at this point.

Anonymous ID: 0560f0 May 23, 2024, 2:16 p.m. No.20905565   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prosecutors plan to use highly personal evidence in Hunter Biden trial

Hunter Biden’s former wife and another ex-partner could be called to testify, and intimate texts on drug addiction could be offered as evidence.


By Matt Viser May 21, 2024 at 6:45 p.m. EDT

Hunter Biden, in a trial scheduled to get underway in two weeks, could face testimony from his ex-wife and his brother’s widow, with whom he became romantically involved, according to new filings from federal prosecutors that illustrate just how messy the seemingly simple court case could turn.

The filings from special counsel David Weiss provide a window into prosecutors’ plans and how they may reopen some of the most painful moments in the Biden family’s past,potentially embarrassing not only Hunter Biden but also a presidentwhose political career has long been defined by a close-knit family that stuck together through difficult times.


In black and white, the court papers detail the depth of family members’ turmoil as they struggled to grapple with the death of President Biden’s oldest son, Beau, in 2015, and the drug and alcohol addiction of his younger son, Hunter. The family divisions were deepened when Hunter began a romance with Beau’s widow, Hallie.


Hunter Biden has been charged with falsely declaring — on a form he was required to fill out to buy a gun in 2018 — that he was not using illegal drugs. By calling women close to Hunter Biden as witnesses andintroducing contemporaneous text messages, prosecutors appear to be trying to prove he was in fact abusing drugs at the time he filled out the form. Biden has admitted he was using drugs at the time, including in his memoir.


“I am afraid you are going to die,” Hallie wrote to Hunter at a time when he was in possession of the gun, according to one of the text messages entered into the court record by prosecutors. Two minutes later, she added: “And I can’t live without you.”


Hunter Biden’s lawyers declined to comment for this article. Federal prosecutors also declined to comment.


Hunter Biden has largely stabilized his life, his friends and associates say, having remarried and relocated to California, but those close to him and the president worry about the toll the upcoming trial could take on someone who has struggled with addiction for much of his life. While he has viewed the process of making amends and admitting mistakes as part of his recovery, the court documents show just how painful some of that could be.


“I am not doing this. You have to get sober for your 5 kids and me,” Hallie Biden wrote in another text message. “Bottom line. Or you lose everyone slowly.”


Much about the case is not in dispute. In Hunter Biden’s published memoir, which prosecutors have submitted as evidence, Hunter Biden described himself as someone who was “up twenty-four hours a day, smoking every fifteen minutes, seven days a week.” “All my energy revolved around smoking drugs and making arrangements to buy drugs—feeding the beast,” he wrote.


Prosecutors in their latest filings indicate that they will use the text messages to confirm and flesh out details from the book, such as one message in which Hunter Biden describes waiting for a drug dealer at an intersection in Wilmington. “I was sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th Street and Rodney,” he wrote.


Prosecutors are also planning to show images of drug paraphernalia and of Hunter Biden smoking crackthat were backed up on his Apple iCloud account or his laptop. The case centers on a claim Biden made, onthe forms required to buy a gun on Oct. 12, 2018, that he was not addicted to illegal drugs— when, the indictment says, “he knew that statement was false and fictitious.”…long article