Anonymous ID: 663c6e May 23, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20905223   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5382 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735


Greg Price


🚨BREAKING: The House just passed a bill to repeal the District of Columbia's law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections.


Just 52 Democrats voted in favor of it.


143 Dems voted against.


7:07 AM · May 23, 2024




Anonymous ID: 663c6e May 23, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.20905234   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5287 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735


Robby Starbuck


The Biden Admin’s desperate plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane. Remember, she’s investigating child trafficking at the US border and how the Biden Admin may be involved.


Rep. @WarrenDavidson

exposed a tactic the Biden admin is using that involves threats that affect the kids of Guatemalan congressmen. He then directly confronted Secretary of State Tony Blinken about why the Biden Admin’s trying get Guatemala’s AG thrown out of office as she investigates how the Biden Admin may be involved in or funding child trafficking at the border. Here’s the new tactic 👇🏼


Biden’s State Dept. threatened to CANCEL the visas for Guatemalan Congressmen’s kids who go to school in America if the reps didn’t support removing the Attorney General.


This is a huge escalation in their efforts to remove the AG and it comes on the heels of my exclusive interview with the Secretary General of Guatemala’s AG office that went viral last week with over 4M views on @X



The Secretary General was also threatened BEFORE our interview by someone claiming to carry a message from the US Embassy that he was "playing with fire" if he did the interview.


At this point, the behavior of the Biden Admin only makes me more suspicious that the AG in Guatemala has stumbled onto something damaging to the Biden Admin.


I’ll post that interview again in this thread for anyone who missed it last week. This is eerily similar to how Biden got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was in the middle of investigating issues that involved the Biden family.


I’ll remind you, Guatemala’s AG recently raided an NGO that Jill Biden used to be the chair of. Maybe that’s part of why Biden’s trying to retaliate? At any rate, it doesn’t look good for the Biden admin to try to throw out another nation’s Attorney General under any circumstances but it looks especially corrupt under these circumstances.


Let me know what you think. đź‘€

0:33 / 1:03

7:02 AM · May 23, 2024




Anonymous ID: 663c6e May 23, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.20905238   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5246 >>5255 >>5287 >>5289 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735






House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)


CBDC is one of the greatest threats to our freedom b/c the gov’t could track every dollar you spend and even “turn off” your money


7:07 AM · May 23, 2024


