Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.20905016   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Great Pandemic Walkback


The pattern is now clearly established. Major figures in and around the pandemic response are slowly walking back all the major claims surrounding the global compulsory regime that ruled life for two and a half years. And each statement is pointing to the same reality. The critics were correct all along. Yes, the very people whose social media accounts were throttled and banned for spreading supposed disinformation.


Consider the statement by Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His tenure there overlapped with the beginning of the lockdowns but he always seemed out of his element, outrun and overwhelmed by the bureaucratic miasma that washed through the agency at the time.


He has always tried to be a team player but you can sense his bitterness today. He knows the power of his words and is choosing them carefully now. In the past, he has said decisively that the idea that the pathogen was a gain-of-function lab leak was indeed possible. He was never a great enthusiast for the vaccine, even making a video in 2020 in which he said that a homemade mask might be more effective.


In other words, he was never on board with the whole plan. He was even excluded from meeting with Fauci/Birx and company.


Now he has come out and said what many people said from the beginning. He says that healthy people under the age of 60 never really needed the shots, and, further, that the injuries from the shots are high and must be recognized and acknowledged. True, this is information that everyone who has kept up already knows. What’s significant is the source.


“Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines … we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated,” Dr. Redfield said.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.20905026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TD Bank Fires More Than A Dozen After Anti-Money-Laundering Failings, Says Report


The anti-money-laundering scandal at Toronto-Dominion Bank, currently under investigation by the US Justice Department, has sparked an internal reorganization at the Canadian bank, leading to the termination of over a dozen employees.


According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, citing a source familiar with the situation, the employees were fired for failing to maintain the bank's anti-money-laundering standards.


The person said action was taken against certain leadership in the anti-money laundering function and people working in US bank branches who were found to have breached TD's internal code of conduct, which employees agree to each year. Some employees were fired as criminal charges were brought against them. Other disciplinary steps were imposed on staff where the bank determined there were minor infringements, the person added. -WSJ


At an investor conference earlier today, following TD's financial results for the second quarter, President and Chief Executive Bharat Masrani said an internal investigation into the failings has progressed. He said the bank had fired employees responsible for the failings. Neither the source nor the bank released further details about the exact number of firings and or names of the fired workers.


"We have significantly strengthened the leadership of our US anti-money-laundering function," bank spokeswoman Elizabeth Goldenshtein said, adding the bank has brought in top talent with experience transforming and leading anti-money-laundering programs to ensure this lapse never happens again.


Earlier this month, WSJ revealed a Justice Department investigation into TD Bank's internal controls focused on how Chinese drug gangs used the bank to launder money from US fentanyl sales. The bank set aside $450 million to resolve one of those inquiries and expects more penalties.


Following the earnings report, Bloomberg Intelligence's Paul Gulberg and Ethan Kaye pointed out that the $450 million reserve for an anti-money laundering probe could exceed that amount as it only addresses negotiations with one regulator.


TD Bank's Canada-listed shares moved lower by 1.3% in the session, down 7% since WSJ's report on the DoJ probe earlier this month

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 11:42 a.m. No.20905052   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin. Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times


In March 2018, Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry was caught secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal that funded terrorism across the Middle East.


Obama’s former Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials. The above photo was taken as Kerry left the restaurant in Paris.


Around this time, President Trump withdrew from the sham Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump knew the deal with the Iranian mullahs was not working.


John Kerry reportedly told the Iranian officials to “wait out” Trump’s presidency for more accommodating policies from Democrats.


In April 2021, John Kerry was caught on audio sharing information on Israel’s covert operations in Syria with Iran’s foreign minister. This was treasonous behavior. The information was NOT in the public domain as Joe Biden’s administration suggested.


In March 2024 House Republicans demanded John Kerry disclose details about his “shadow diplomacy” with the Iranian regime during the Trump administration — warning that Kerry’s actions may have violated the federal Logan Act.


Earlier this week, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed that he has new emails that show Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry blocked MULTIPLE FBI attempts to arrest two dangerous Iranian individuals during Obama’s nuclear negotiations with the Iranian regime.


The documents show that Kerry’s State Department stopped eight arrests in order to protect the Iran nuclear deal, including arrests of terrorists.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 11:46 a.m. No.20905062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat


The bloc is trying to intimidate Georgia over its foreign agents law, Irakli Kobakhidze has said


Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has claimed that a European commissioner told him he could end up suffering the same fate as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt last week.


In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kobakhidze said that the unnamed commissioner warned him during a recent phone call that the West would take “a number of measures” against him if his government pressed ahead with a law requiring foreign NGOs in Georgia to disclose their funding.


“While listing these measures, he mentioned: ‘you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful’,” he wrote.


Fico was shot multiple times as he met with supporters outside a government meeting in the town of Handlova on May 15. He was rushed to hospital, underwent emergency surgery, and is currently recuperating from his injuries. His would-be assassin – allegedly a 71-year-old poet who disagreed with Fico’s suspension of military aid to Ukraine – has been charged with attempted murder and may face terrorism charges.


Georgia’s parliament passed the ‘Transparency of Foreign Influence Act’ last week. The law requires NGOs, media outlets, and individuals receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities “promoting the interests of a foreign power” and disclose their donors.


While the act has been vetoed by Georgia’s pro-Western president, Salome Zourabichvili, parliament is expected to override the veto.


Despite similar yet more stringent foreign influence laws existing in the US, UK, and other Western nations, Georgia’s foreign agent law has been strongly condemned by US and EU officials, with Washington considering unspecified “actions” against Tbilisi and multiple EU members weighing sanctions, according to media reports.


“We have long been accustomed to this kind of insulting blackmail,” Kobakhidze wrote. “The parallel drawn with the attempted assassination of Robert Fico reminds us that in the form of the Global War Party, we are dealing with an extremely dangerous force that will do anything to bring chaos to Georgia.”


In an interview with Georgia’s Channel 1 on Wednesday,Kobakhidze argued that without a transparency law, foreign-funded NGOs operating in the country could easily foment a revolution akin to the US-backed ‘Maidan’ coup in Ukraine in 2014. “We want transparency… we don’t want to leave muddy water in this country, because a ‘Georgian Maidan’ could lead our country to very serious consequences, to its ‘Ukrainization’. We cannot agree with this,” he said.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 11:50 a.m. No.20905072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blinken lobbying for strikes on Russia – NYT


The top US diplomat wants Ukraine to be given permission to use American weapons beyond its borders


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pushing the administration of President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to attack targets deep inside Russia with American weapons, the New York Times reported on Thursday, referring to unnamed US officials.


The ban, according to the White House, was imposed out of concern that if US arms were used inside what Washington acknowledges as Russian territory it would trigger an escalation and potentially World War III. Blinken has been advocating for scrapping the restriction after making a “sobering” visit to Kiev earlier this month, the newspaper said, citing insider sources.


Ukrainian officials have claimed that being unable to target Russian forces across the border with American weapons led to the failure of its troops to prevent the recent Russian advances in Kharkov Region.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the offensive is a response to months of Ukrainian artillery and drone attacks in Russia’s Belgorod Region and that a buffer zone is required to deprive Kiev of the capability to make such strikes. The Times said that Ukrainian weapons “don’t pack the power and speed of the American weapons.”


Kiev has launched a lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill to pressure the White House over the issue and has some allies among lawmakers. A group of representatives signed a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Monday calling for the Ukrainian request to be granted.


During a hearing in Congress on Tuesday, Senator Michael McCaul displayed a map showing the strike range of ATACMS missiles – a weapon the US has donated to Ukraine – if Kiev were allowed to use them inside Russia. He called the outlined territory a “sanctuary zone” for Russian troops and accused the Biden administration of tying the hands of the Ukrainians behind their backs.


Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has urged increased NATO involvement in the conflict and has argued that the West should not fear Russia’s reaction. Moscow believes that Zelensky’s goal is to trigger an escalation to maintain his position.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.20905086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5093

Follow The Money: How Israel-Linked Billionaires Silenced US Campus Protests


An investigation reveals several wealthy individuals tied to numerous US universities as well as the military industrial complex and Israel fundamental in facilitating the crackdown against Palestinian solidarity anti-genocide protests.


Why have overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations against a foreign power’s actions been met with such a heavy-handed response?



The movement began on April 17 at Columbia University, where a modest Gaza solidarity encampment was established. Protestors hardly expected to be welcomed by university authorities but were shocked as university president Minouche Shafik immediately called in the NYPD – the first time the university had allowed police to suppress dissent on campus since the famous 1968 demonstrations against the Vietnam War.



Billionaire businessman and sports executive Robert Kraft, for example, publicly announced he was cutting the university off from his lavish funding over its failure to suppress the protests effectively enough. “I am deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country,” he said in a statement, claiming that Columbia was not protecting its Jewish students.


The turning point, Kraft said, was watching a publicity stunt by Shai Davidai, an Israeli-American academic at Columbia, who claimed his access to campus was revoked. Davidai had previously called the student protestors “Nazis” and “terrorists” and called for the National Guard to be set upon the encampment, obliquely referencing the Kent State University Massacre while doing so.



Another billionaire benefactor pulling his Columbia funding is Leon Cooperman. The hedge fund manager suspended his donations in October, citing student support for Palestine. “These kids are fucking crazy. They don’t understand what they’re doing or what they’re talking about,” he fumed, adding that they “have to be controlled.” One person who does know what he is talking about on this issue is Columbia’s Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History, Joseph Massad. Yet Cooperman demanded Massad be fired after the academic took positions on Palestine he objected to.


Cooperman has enormous influence at Columbia precisely because he is one of its chief income sources. In 2012, for instance, he donated $25 million to support the construction of the university’s new Manhattanville campus.



A third billionaire backer using his financial clout to pressure Columbia is Soviet-born oligarch Len Blavatnik, who demanded that the university protestors be “held to account.” Leaked messages reveal that for Blavatnik, this meant using the full weight of the law against protestors.


Blavatnik was a member of a secret WhatsApp group created in October 2023 that included many prominent Americans, former Israeli prime ministers Naftali Bennett and Benny Gantz, and Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog. Its mission was, in its own words, to “change the narrative” in favor of Israel and “help win the war” for U.S. public opinion. This included donating to pro-Israel political candidates and trying to pressure black celebrities such as Alicia Keys, Jay-Z and LeBron James to publicly “condemn antisemitism” – i.e., attempting to conflate the protestors with racists.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.20905119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5160 >>5287 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

YouTube openly brags about how it’s openly manipulating elections by banning videos that don’t represent establishment narratives


Google's YouTube video platform is switching gears in the lead-up to the 2024 election in order to rig the election against unapproved candidates.


In a new blog post, YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."


YouTube is not just interested in rigging the United States election, though; the changes arrived just prior to the European Parliament (EP) election, which is also right around the corner.


YouTube says its goal is to present "an overview of our efforts to help people across Europe and beyond find helpful and authoritative election news and information," meaning YouTube will disseminate only approved information for public consumption to sway people's voting habits.


"The overview is the usual hodgepodge of reasonable concepts, such as promoting information on how to vote or register for voting, learning about election results, etc., that quickly morph into yet another battle in the 'war on disinformation,'" warns Reclaim the Net about what YouTube is really up to.


"And what better way to 'support' an election (and by extension, democracy) – than to engage in another round of mass censorship? /s."



In 2023, YouTube removed 35,000 video uploads in EU

In the same above-linked blog post, YouTube also admits, and quite proudly, that it pulled down 35,000 videos that were uploaded in the European Union (EU) in 2023, with many more also coming down this year.


All of the videos purportedly contained information that violate the video platform's policies, including "certain types of election misinformation" – are there certain kinds of election misinformation that YouTube allows, we wonder?


It is not just artificial intelligence (AI) that is raking YouTube and pulling down "offensive" content, either. Reports indicate that YouTube has become a well-oiled machine "at scale" where "global teams of reviewers" search for videos to remove with the help of machine learning algorithms.


YouTube's excuse for behaving this way is that it simply wants to help it users "learn about the issues shaping the debate." In order to do that, one component of the effort involves "dealing with harmful content," which really means that YouTube is trying to shape the debate rather than simply facilitate it.


"Our Intelligence Desk has also been working for months to get ahead of emerging issues and trends that could affect the EU elections, both on and off YouTube," the blog post explains.


"This helps our enforcement teams to address these potential trends before they become larger issues."


Furthermore, under no circumstances will YouTube allow any kind of coordinated influence campaigns to occur on the platform from now on, "regardless of the political viewpoints they support." If Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) believes it has spotted such a campaign, it will immediately share the information with law enforcement, including EUROPOL.


While YouTube does admit that AI in general can potentially be used to destroy an election, its management insists that this type of AI is okay.


"When viewers search for 2024 European parliamentary candidates, an information panel will appear above the search results, highlighting candidate information, such as their political party, and link to Google Search," YouTube says. "Below the information panel, there may also be a link to the candidate's official channel."


"In the final weeks of the campaign, on the YouTube homepage, we'll show reminders on where and how to vote."

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:14 p.m. No.20905128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5160 >>5287 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats


Republican California State Assemblyman Bill Essayli condemned his Democratic colleagues after they voted against advancing a bill requiring California law enforcement agencies to cooperate with federal authorities when dealing with illegal immigrants convicted of sexually exploiting children.


California has adopted so-called “sanctuary” policies, which limit the cooperation of state and local law enforcement officers with federal immigration authorities. Essayli introduced legislation, AB 2641, to cut into these “sanctuary” policies by requiring local law enforcement officials to detain and transfer to federal authorities any immigration suspects who have “been convicted of a crime of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of minors, or crimes committed against minors, as specified, or crimes committed against a minor that require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act.”


Essayli attempted to force a floor vote on his bill on Tuesday, with a motion to suspend the rules and go to the floor vote, but the effort failed in the Democratic supermajority California State Assembly.


Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Jim Wood, a Democrat, cut off Essayli’s microphone as he began to describe the bill while motioning to bring it to a floor vote on Tuesday.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.20905131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blinken Says He Wants To Work With Congress To Punish the ICC


The Biden administration opposes the ICC case against Israeli leaders after backing the court against Russia


Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday said he wanted to work with Congress on legislation to punish the International Criminal Court (ICC) for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.


Blinken was asked by Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing if he would support legislation to counter “the ICC sticking its nose in the business of countries that have an independent, legitimate democratic judicial system.”


Blinken replied, “Given the events of yesterday, I think we have to look at the appropriate steps to take to deal with again, what is a profoundly wrongheaded decision.”


The ICC was previously sanctioned by the US under the Trump administration for its plans to investigate alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The Biden administration reversed the sanctions, but the US pressure worked to get the court to announce the focus of its Afghanistan investigation would be on the Taliban and ISIS-K.


The ICC’s chief prosecutor announced warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant on Monday for their role in the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, which implicates Blinken and other top US officials for supporting the onslaught. The ICC is also seeking warrants for Hamas leaders for the October 7 attack on southern Israel and the taking of hostages.


The State Department has said it would rather Israel kill Hamas leaders than have them face trial in The Hague. “We absolutely believe that Hamas should be held accountable. That could either be through the prosecution of the war effort by Israel. It could be by being killed. It could be by being brought to justice in an Israeli court,” said State Department spokesman Matt Miller.


The Biden administration is opposing the ICC efforts against Israeli and Hamas leaders despite backing its warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The US says the ICC doesn’t have jurisdiction to pursue Israeli leaders since Israel is not a member of the court, but neither is Russia and Ukraine. While not having full UN membership, the State of Palestine is a signatory to the Rome Statute, making it a member of the ICC.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.20905147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5169

This seems very staged


IDF airs interrogation clips of terrorist father and son confessing to rape on Oct. 7


Abdallah Radi says he, along with his father and cousin, raped a woman in Kibbutz Nir Oz before his father murdered her


Two interrogation videos were released by the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday, showing Palestinian members of Hamas, a father and son, confessing to murdering and kidnapping people and raping women in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7.


The footage, which was released after it was reported by The Daily Mail, showed Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son Abdallah, 18 — both of whom were captured by the IDF in March — in a Shin Bet interrogation room describing their actions during the terrorist organization’s unprecedented terror onslaught in Israel, which targeted many civilian families in their homes and revelers at a music festival.


Both Jamal and Abdallah told the interrogators that they were members of Hamas, with Jamal saying he was a member of the terrorist organization’s security forces, and Abdallah saying he did not have a specific job yet because he was only 18.


Based on the testimony given by the two men, they crossed the fence into Israel from southern Gaza’s Khuza’a together with three men — two named Ahmad and one named Hassan — and “either killed or kidnapped” in every house in which they had found people.


Abdallah identified one of the Ahmads and Hassan as his cousins, saying that his cousin Ahmad was the one who convinced him to take part in the attack.


“I said no at first, but he kept trying to convince me, and we went,” he said.


Jamal, the father, told the interrogators that in the first house, the group shot and killed a couple in their late 40s before Hassan split from the group. Abdallah claimed the couple had been dead when they arrived.


In the next two houses they entered, Jamal said they kidnapped a woman and her daughter and a couple in their 50s and handed them over to other Hamas members who were in the kibbutz.


Asked why they murdered the first couple and kidnapped the rest, Jamal said it was because “the door was open, but they came out of the bomb shelter and surprised us.”


Jamal said that in the next house, he saw a woman in leather shorts in the living room with a few other terrorists.


“I took her to another room and had sex with her. She was screaming, she was crying, and I did what I did, I raped her,” he said.


Jamal initially told the interrogators that he alone had raped the woman and that he left her crying on the bed and didn’t know what ultimately happened to her.


Abdallah, however, said he and his cousin, Ahmad, also raped the woman and that his father had killed her.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.20905154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Could Oct. 7 attack have been prevented? IDF reveals Netanyahu received prior warnings


Prime Minister Netanyahu had previously claimed that reports of warnings before October 7 were false.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received four warning letters between March and July 2023 from the Intelligence Division concerning how Israel’s "enemies" perceived the societal divides in the State of Israel and their effect on Israel and the IDF in particular, the IDF confirmed on Thursday.


The information was obtained in response to a Freedom of Information request by the "Success" movement.


The prime minister's office later on Thursday denied that these letters warned of an impending attack by Hamas. "Not only is there no warning in any of the documents about Hamas's intentions to attack Israel from Gaza, but they actually contain completely opposite assessments," the statement said.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.20905175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5264

Oreo, Proud Partner Of Group Championing Gender Transition For Kids, May Get Bud Light Treatment, Watchdog Warns


The cookie company Oreo may be the next company to be targeted for its capitulation to the LGBT agenda, a watchdog organization warned.


Oreo, whose parent organization is Mondelez International, has boastedof its partnership with the group PFLAG for years. Last October, Oreo co-sponsored PFLAG’s 2023 National Convention.


PFLAG “actively lobbies against state laws that seek to protect minors from medical butchery, pushes so-called “gender-affirming” procedures onto school-aged children as young as three years old,” Mia Cathell of Townhall noted. “PFLAG also battles to place pornographic books in public schools and libraries where children can easily access them.”


On Wednesday, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), a Mondelez shareholder, will appear at the annual shareholder meeting and present a proposal warning shareholders that the company is endangering profits by its association with leftist and LGBT causes. The proposal states:


Mondelez placed its iconic snack label, Oreo, in partnership with radical LGBTQ activist group PFLAG. The cookie brand sponsored the group’s conference this year, whose centerpiece theme was to advocate for the placement of sexually explicit books in school libraries.


The company lists the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner as one of its many “Partners and Industry Memberships.” UN Human Rights paints a moral equivalence between Hamas and the State of Israel, mostly downplaying the vicious and unprovoked attacks of the terrorists while more frequently condemning Israel’s military response in Gaza, where the terror group uses civilians and hospitals as shields to cover its weapons stockpiles and tunnel systems.


“NLPC’s resolution calls upon the multinational snack giant to scrutinize areas of risk where it has engaged in disturbing relationships with outside organizations, such as the one Oreo has with PFLAG. Other examples in the proposal cite Mondelez’s support for the Marxist, anti-law enforcement group Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, and the company’s partnership with the anti-Semitic UN Human Rights,” NLPC declared.


“The political winds have shifted from just a few years ago, yet Mondelez is still living in the past as if nothing has changed,” NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty stated in a press release. “Now that the extreme transgenderism push has inevitably progressed to endanger children, corporate involvement in social justice issues is more treacherous than ever.”

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:37 p.m. No.20905191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5196 >>5219

Usury: The Crime of the Ages. “Bankers’ Greed”


Many historians believe, as do I, that the happiest period of history in the Christian West was during the High Middle Ages within the towns that had grown up most notably within Germany, Italy, France, and England.


Probably the most accessible chronicle of what life was like then may be found in Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.”


At the centers of these towns were the Gothic cathedrals which were both spiritual and technological hubs. Characteristic of the economic life of the era was the fact that the Church had outlawed usury. This was the key to personal freedom.


The dividing line between that era and our own came into being around 1500, when the German Fugger family persuaded the Pope to begin to allow usury, a practice which quickly spread.


This practice assured that, gradually, all the wealth of society would inevitably accrue to the bankers, especially when they gained the privilege of creating paper money or book-entry credits “out of thin air” and then lending it at interest.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.20905213   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Israel assassinated on May 23 a prominent commander of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the group responded by firing dozens of rockets.


In a statement, the IDF said that it killed Nasser Farran who was a “prominent” commander of Hezbollah responsible for the manufacturing and procurement of weapons.


Farran was killed in a drone strike in the town of Kafr Dajjal in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah confirmed his death, but did not provide information on his role. The same strike wounded three children who were aboard a mini bus that was passing nearby at the time.


The IDF alleged in its statement that Farran was heavily involved in “the production of Hezbollah’s strategic and unique weapons.”


Some of the facilities under Farran command were struck in recent months, the IDF said, noting that the assassination is part of ongoing operations to “cause a blow to the build-up of the Hezbollah terror organization with weapons designed to attack the Israeli home front.”


Falaq rockets at a newly-established headquarters of the 91th Division in the settlement of Ayelet and another of the 769th Brigade in the settlement of Beit Hillel.


Hebrew media said that 30 rockets were fired from southern Lebanon in the first attack with the launcher being hit later by the IDF and at least five were fired in the second. No casualties were reported, only material losses.


In two other statements, Hezbollah announced that its fighters struck surveillance equipment of the IDF in the sites of Metula and al-Rahib using suitable weapons.


The four attacks were carried out in support of the Palestinian people and resistance in the Gaza Strip and as a response to the assassination in Kafr Dajjal, the group noted in its statements.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20905225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just who or what is the Lucis Trust summoning on ‘World Invocation Day’?


The Lucis Trust, which has a long history of working with the United Nations, will be celebrating the World Invocation Day tomorrow (23 May). This event has been consistently observed on the “day of the Gemini full moon since 1952,” according to the Lucis Trust website. The annual event has to align with astrological cues. Last year, the World Invocation Day was held on 3 June which naturally featured a Gemini full moon. (Tomorrow also happens to be the Buddhist holy day of Vesak).


An integral part of the event is the Great Invocation which summons the “spiritual energies of Light, Love and Purpose.” The following mantra, appealing to the “Mind of God” itself, will presumably be chanted by adherents worldwide to accelerate the “evolution of human consciousness and the elevation of the Planet.” Here it is, in all its claptrap glory:


The Great Invocation


From the point of Light within the Mind of God


Let light stream forth into human minds,


Let Light descend on Earth.


From the point of Love within the Heart of God


Let love stream forth into human hearts,


May the Coming One return to Earth


From the centre where the Will of God is known


Let purpose guide all little human wills –


the purpose which the Masters know and serve.


From the centre which we call the human race


Let the Plan of Love and Light work out


And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


If the Great Invocation appears like a sinister manifesto, it is simply because it is nothing other than one! Guised under the mumbo-jumbo of New Age esoterism, its primary goal is to hasten the return of the “light” and “Coming One” to Earth. Any guesses as to whom these appellations represent? I am also reminded of the mysterious “thousand points of light” which was invoked more than once by former US President George H.W. Bush.


I will include passages from the Lucis Trust itself to illustrate what the Great Invocation is all about.


The energies of Divinity are abundantly available and, when the Enlightened beings who occupy the realm of soul are invoked, this higher love flows through us into the world. Through widespread use of the Great Invocation on World Invocation Day, humanity becomes the bridge between spirit and matter, transmitting spiritual energies and distributing them to the entire planetary life.


Together, we can release energies which will enable humanity to give birth to a new civilisation, bringing illumination to the darkness and unification to that which has been divided.


The universal Christ, embodying the Principle of Love, is the head of Hierarchy and oversees all aspects of its work. As the “Coming One,” the World Teacher, He works for all humanity – people of all religions and those of no religious persuasion at all. He represents the fullest expression of divinity to which human beings can aspire. When the Great Invocation invokes the Coming One, it invokes this potentiality.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.20905249   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5380 >>5400

Netanyahu 'Invokes Another Genocidal Biblical Reference' While Scolding The ICC


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made yet another veiled allusion to the biblical war of extermination against "Amalek" during his speech denouncing the ICC, Mondoweiss reports.


From Israeli writer Jonathan Ofir in Mondoweiss, "Netanyahu's response to the ICC invokes another genocidal biblical reference":

[F]or Netanyahu, the ICC news was an occasion to once again make allusions to the biblical war of extermination against "Amalek." This was the same biblical reference Netanyahu invoked in a statement on October 28 at the outset of the Israeli ground invasion in Gaza. "Remember what Amalek did to you," he said, quoting the biblical verse where God commanded the Israelites to wipe out the enemy nation of the Amalekites down to their babies and animals. South Africa submitted Netanyahu's statement at the ICJ as evidence of Israel's genocidal intent in Gaza.


This time, Netanyahu is using the same reference to rally the nation against its enemies — which apparently now includes the ICC — using coded language in the Hebrew version of his rant against the Court. Apparently, Netanyahu believes that if he makes his Amalek references more vaguely, that they will fly under the radar.


[…] [Contrary to Netanyahu's speech in English, Netanyahu's speech in Hebrew for Israeli consumption] ended with a Hebrew phrase — "Netzah Israel lo yeshaker" — which means "the Eternal One of Israel shall not lie." This was the phrase he directed at "the lies at The Hague," as he said in the statement. The significance of this phrase will not be apparent to the general public, as it draws upon loaded codes in both biblical and Zionist history and mythology.


The phrase itself comes from Samuel I, 15:29. Context here is everything.


King Saul was admonished by the prophet Samuel for not completely eradicating the Amalekites — Saul had spared their king Agag and "the best of the sheep and cattle," which the Israelites "were unwilling to destroy completely." According to the Bible, this level of annihilation was not enough and displayed King Saul's supposed weakness. That is why the Prophet Samuel admonished the biblical king:


"The Lord anointed you king over Israel. And he sent you on a mission, saying, 'Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; wage war against them until you have wiped them out.' Why did you not obey the Lord? Why did you pounce on the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the Lord?"


Saul seeks to defend his actions, but Samuel delivers an uncompromising message:


"You have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you as king over Israel!"

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.20905258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5291

United States Reaches Over $310 Million Settlement with Norfolk Southern to Address Harms Caused by East Palestine Train Derailment

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:57 p.m. No.20905270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5287 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.20905273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

60 Members of a Violent Gang Charged With Drug Trafficking and Firearms Violations in Ponce, Puerto Rico

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 1:05 p.m. No.20905288   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New X Policy Forces Earners to Verify Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Company


X, formerly Twitter, is now mandating the use of a government ID-based account verification system for users that earn revenue on the platform – either for advertising or for paid subscriptions.


To implement this system, X has partnered with Au10tix, an Israeli company known for its identity verification solutions. Users who opt to receive payouts on the platform will have to undergo a verification process with the company.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 1:16 p.m. No.20905326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5334 >>5367 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion


Sweden agreed on a plan for long-term military aid to Ukraine for EUR 6.5 billion ($7 billion), Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said on X on May 22.


The aid is planned for three years — from 2024 to 2026.


The funds will be spent on long-term donations of additional military equipment and the purchase of new equipment for direct deliveries to Ukraine, Kristersson said.


Since Russia's full-scale invasion, Sweden has provided Ukraine with 15 military aid packages, he said.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 1:34 p.m. No.20905390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots


Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.


A “cartel” led by the U.S. government allegedly bribed large pharmacy chains like Walgreens and CVS with billions of dollars in contracts to promote COVID-19 vaccines and not fill prescriptions for ivermectin.


Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the government’s scheme to suppress the Nobel prize-winning drug using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.


The article highlights the controversy surrounding ivermectin, a drug that was “baselessly maligned” by the government, media and medical establishment despite its demonstrated efficacy against COVID-19.


The authors noted former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s recent disclosure that he was taking ivermectin for long COVID — or for his COVID-19 vaccine injury, which he implied but didn’t confirm.


Cuomo admitted, “We were given bad information about ivermectin,” and asked, “The real question is, why?”


While Cuomo fell short of taking responsibility for his role in quashing the drug and shaming vaccine refusers, his reversal on ivermectin sparked a new round of debate about the broad conspiracy to suppress effective and inexpensive therapeutics during the pandemic.


Pharmacies ‘brazen in their refusal to fill ivermectin prescriptions’


In their article, the Thorps quoted Dr. Pierre Kory’s book, “The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic,” describing the suppression of therapeutics occurring at the height of the pandemic.


“In the wake of the global horse-dewormer propaganda campaign, hospitals started pulling ivermectin from their pharmacies,” Kory wrote.


Kory, a pulmonologist and co-founder and president emeritus of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, described hospital health systems threatening to fire employees if they prescribed the drug and pharmacies becoming “even more brazen in their refusal to fill ivermectin prescriptions.”


Some of these same pharmacies claim they are still prohibited from filling ivermectin prescriptions as a COVID-19 treatment, according to the Thorps.


According to Kory, the results of over 100 trials show that ivermectin could have effectively treated the virus and saved countless lives.


Paying pharmacies not to fill ivermectin prescriptions was only one element of a multi-prong strategy that included threats against doctors, ranging from shaming to loss of hospital access.


The Thorps cited the case of Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who had her hospital privileges suspended for speaking out about her success treating patients with ivermectin.


Despite the suppression of ivermectin, credible sources reported U.S. Congress members in 2021 were taking the drug for COVID-19.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.20905440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5449 >>5459

Mapping which countries recognise Palestine in 2024


The State of Palestine is recognised by 143 countries around the world. Norway, Spain and Ireland will join that list.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.20905452   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Insurance Data Showing the U.S. Excess Death Crisis Slides Behind a $10,000 Paywall


An actuarial society's research depicted a huge surge in non-covid deaths in young insured workers. Is it pulling back on sharing its findings


The Society of Actuaries has put up a five-figure paywall for access to new reports on COVID mortality that in the past have revealed shocking rates of above-normal, or “excess,” deaths.


In a post on its website, the SOA—a national source of risk data for life insurers—said it will charge $10,000 for four updates of post-pandemic deaths through next February.


“This new series of group life mortality quarterly reports and data are only available for purchase,” SOA communications manager, Michael Nowak, confirmed in an email. Previous reports—which showed young workers dying at far higher excess rates than senior citizens—are still available on the SOA website, he said, and new, less technical ones will be released to the public at an unspecified time.


Some industry watchers suggested the non-profit society, whose members pay dues, may be trying to develop a new business model. But it also may be attempting to extract itself from the contentious and politically charged issue of excess deaths and, moreover, what is causing them.


Nowak would not grant my request to interview an SOA official who recently told a trade publication that deaths in young insured adults in 2023 were still far above normal. “Very important information in our reports we’ve been studying,” the official told me before our communication was cut off.


Moreover, in an email, Nowak included an advisory, writing, “Please know that the SOA Research Institute data and reports on COVID-19 mortality does not validate any claims made to suggest a causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and mortality.”


I had not asked about such a relationship.


The society’s primary job is to help insurers set rates based on the likelihood of injury and death, an indisputably technical and costly task. But because it is considered an unbiased source of trend information, its reports have also helped define the pandemic toll on working-age, insured people. While SOA has the right to use its reports as it sees fit, their loss would be a blow to pandemic information.


In six articles published in mainstream venues, Dr. Pierre Kory, president emeritus of FLCCC Alliance, and I have used Society of Actuaries findings to call attention to the unheralded problem of excess deaths in America. In the first nine months of 2023, 158,000 more Americans died than normal, fifty times the toll in the World Trade Center attacks and more than in every U.S. military conflict since the Vietnam War.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.20905488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5506 >>5558 >>5687 >>5735

Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'


As Kenya's President Ruto visits Washington today, concerns mount over U.S.-backed plan to quell violence in the gang-embattled nation


Kenyan troops are expected to touch down in Port-au-Prince today, marking the start of a much-anticipated peacekeeping mission. Their arrival coincides with that of Kenyan President Willian Ruto in Washington, whose official state visit to the U.S., meant to strengthen bilateral ties between the U.S. and Kenya, continues today.


The deployment of Kenyan troops aims to alleviate the escalating crisis that has gripped Haiti since the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse in 2023. In the wake of Moïse’s death, gangs have thrived in the ensuing political power vacuum, prompting acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign in April and agree to the establishment of a transitional government brokered by foreign states, including the U.S.


But with a fragile government established only a few weeks ago and no clear plan for the military operation, doubts linger about how effective the Kenyan force can be in addressing the dire situation. Analysts fear that this is yet another U.S.-backed mission that fails to address the need for deeper structural change in Haiti.


While it may be Kenyan troops on the ground in Haiti, this mission is ultimately engineered by the U.S., Robert Fatton Jr., a professor at the University of Virginia, told RS. After all, it was the U.S. that co-sponsored a resolution in the United Nations Security Council requesting approval for Kenya to lead a multinational peacekeeping operation, a move that followed unsuccessful attempts to persuade Canada and Brazil to do so.


Washington pledged its financial and logistical support for the mission in a defense agreement with Kenya signed in September 2023. It was then that Kenya committed to deploying 1,000 troops to Port-au-Prince.


This is an unprecedented model for a peacekeeping operation, says Jake Johnston of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The U.N. is authorizing the multinational intervention but is not leading the mission itself, meaning the U.N. does not have direct oversight and responsibility for how the mission unfolds. With Haiti’s transitional government still on shaky ground, it’s not clear who will be held accountable for the mission’s execution.


The accord that outlines Haiti’s transitional presidential council mandates that a national security council is formed to oversee and define how international support will be carried out, including the Kenyan troops' involvement. But this council still doesn't exist, meaning the outgoing government and the depleted Haitian police force are stuck managing how resources come into Haiti.


“This is all a logistical coordination nightmare,” Johnston says. “You have a mission ostensibly designed to support and build local capacity, but which is being done without the involvement of the government that those same international actors helped put in power.”


Potential shortcomings of the mission don’t end there. The Kenyan troops are supposedly tasked to protect strategic sites in Port-au-Prince such as airports, the palace, and ministries. But it is unclear whether the forces are authorized to engage directly in combat, as well as if or how they will be integrated with the Haitian police force and military. Johnston says this is concerning given that these forces will be operating in densely-populated civilian areas.

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 2:06 p.m. No.20905524   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Al-Aqsa 'belongs only to Israel', says Ben Gvir during 'incendiary' visit


The far-right minister storms Al-Aqsa as three countries announce recognition of Palestinian state


In a video taken from the courtyards of the mosque, the far-right minister said the Jerusalem site "belongs only to the state of Israel".


"I made it clear: the countries that recognised a Palestinian state this morning want to give a reward to the kidnappers of the female soldiers and their many supporters in Gaza," Ben Gvir said in the video published on X, formerly known as Twitter.


"We will not allow any surrender that would even include a declaration of a Palestinian state."

Anonymous ID: ab0010 May 23, 2024, 2:11 p.m. No.20905542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are you chatting with a pro-Israeli AI-powered superbot?


Smart bots have emerged as an unexpected weapon in Israel’s war on Gaza.


As Israel's assault on Gaza continues on the ground, a parallel battle rages on social media between people and bots.


Lebanese researchers Ralph Baydoun and Michel Semaan, from research and strategic communications consulting firm InflueAnswers, decided to monitor how what seemed like “Israeli” bots have behaved on social media since October 7.


Early on, Baydoun and Semaan said, pro-Palestinian accounts dominated the social media space. Soon, they noticed, pro-Israeli comments increased vastly.


“The idea is that if a [pro-Palestinian] activist posts something, within five… 10… or 20 minutes or a day, a significant amount of [comments on their post] are now pro-Israeli,” Semaan said.


“Almost every tweet is essentially bombarded and swarmed by many accounts, all of whom follow very similar patterns, all of whom seem almost human.”


But they are not human. They are bots.


Bots can be good, or bad.


Good bots can make life easier: they notify users of events, help discover content, or provide customer service online.


Bad bots can manipulate social media follower counts, spread misinformation, facilitate scams and harass people online.


By the end of 2023, nearly half of all internet traffic was bots, found a study by United States cybersecurity company Imperva.


Bad bots reached their highest levels recorded by Imperva, making up 34 percent of internet traffic, while good bots made up the remaining 15 percent.


According to Baydoun, the pro-Israeli bots they found mainly aim to sow doubt and confusion about a pro-Palestinian narrative rather than to make social media users trust them instead.


Bot armies - thousands to millions of malicious bots - are used in large-scale disinformation campaigns to sway public opinion.


As bots become more advanced, it is harder to tell the difference between bot and human content.


“The ability of AI to create these larger bot networks … has a massively deleterious effect on truthful communication, but also freedom of expression because they have the ability to drown out human voices,” said Jillian York, director for International Freedom of Expression at international non-profit digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation.


This was partly due to the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) for generating text and images.