Anonymous ID: c5010b May 23, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.20905248   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We know what side THE HILL is on;


When will the mirage of TRUMP,the crook - dissolve?

Look too close at the details and there's nothing there.

Anonymous ID: c5010b May 23, 2024, 1:42 p.m. No.20905426   🗄️.is 🔗kun


non sequitur

doesn't even make sense.


likely a Satan-pedo


Look and think too closely at the details and there's nothing and you'll recognize the author


there. ^

supports Biden and thinks Q / Trump is at fault


Anonymous ID: c5010b May 23, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.20905490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5586 >>5726



they do what they want


going back for a Century.

some examples

  1. WACO

  2. Murder of Black Panthers while they were sleeping.


they, as a matter of course and systematically deny citizens' rights.

They think they are the ELITE and have their own code of honor and alliegence; which is not to the Constitution of the United States nor to its people.

They have a good PR in Hollywood (figures. "Money talks, BS walks")

That's about it.

They infiltrated the Anti-War movement because they work for War mongers, even when the entire population is anti-war.

They need the dirty PR to hop up their disgusting wars.

They work for the NWO lads, no kidding.

Trump is Peace-President that's why they figured they could raid his Property and Kill him.

Unfortunately he was not home.

Cry moar, FBI

How many volumes will it take to catalog all their crimes?

Crimes of commission and of ommision.

Just their failure to vet various power-people who gained control in our Country.

What were the repercussions of that crime?

It propagates in waves of destruction, which would be difficult even for a Super Computer to calculate.

They themselves probably fail to fully comprehend all the harm they have done?

"They know not what they do [as pertains to the full extent of it]"

May God forgive them.