Anonymous ID: 7c557d May 23, 2024, 7:12 p.m. No.20907213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7223 >>7224


a pattern recognizer of sorts you could say

he runs one narrative, purposely using the well poisoning fallacy to discredit it and make it seem so outlandish that no normalfaggot would touch that topic - the jq, hence why even the welcome message has been changed now and this is the bad cop routine

this narrative would include the 1488 memes, the jew on knees headshot, heil hitler memes and so on

then, under a different ip of course, runs the counter narrative to the one he just well poisoned as if he's fighting against that now 'well poisoned narrative' while offering up the vatican as the "real bad guys" and proclaiming to be the good cop