Anonymous ID: 9fdcf6 May 23, 2024, 5:29 p.m. No.20906681   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6686 >>6701 >>6712 >>6747 >>6830 >>7122 >>7274 >>7367


Note:dough below for rally notes


President Trump in Bronx, NY


Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.







POTUS - We inspired the world!

President Trump: I'm here tonight tonight to declare that we are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very, quickly. We're going to bring safety back to our streets. We're going to bring success back to our schools. We're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. We're going to reduce taxes. We're going to bring businesses and big taxpayers back to New York.

President Trump: We have filthy encampments of drugged-out homeless people living in our places that we've spent so much time with children, where they used to play. We have lunatics killing innocent bystanders by pushing them onto the railroad tracks for sport…our subways are squalid and unsafe, the ceiling tiles are falling down, and they look worse than a third-world country. The medians of our highways are crumbling, our sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles, and trash, but worse of all, the discarded needles form people that so desperately are in need of help. And we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving America the middle finger.

TRUMP- "Get me the Snake please"

President Trump pointing to examples of construction corruption in New York City.

"There were no other bidders on the project"

President Trump: They said, "we would like to set up tables so you sit down", I said I don't want to sit down for a debate. Let's go! So we're not sitting down. We're going to be standing up for the debate.

President Trump: Old fashioned American common sense is exactly what I intend to bring back to the White House, just like we had for four years.

>>20906098 AMAZING! Happening Now in THE BRONX! - dan scavino twat and mp4 vid

President Trump: As soon as I get back into the Oval Office, I am going to pick up the phone and I'm going to call your mayor and your governor, and 'm going to say, "This is President Trump, and I want to come back and help." Look, you have a democrat governor, you have a democrat mayor, and we are going to work with them, and we are going to get this state, and this city, at a level that it's never seen before…we're going to be helping them a lot…it doesn't matter whether they're democrats or republicans, because this is about our city and our country, and it's really about the people.

President Trump: We're going to do whatever it takes to fix our roads, bridges and highways. We're going to take back our parks, not just for children, but for everybody. We're going to renovate New York subway system, so it no longer looks like it hasn't been cleaned since 1932, but rather, it will be the most beautiful transit system anywhere in the world…we're going to let New York's Finest do it's job. The Transit Cops do their job. We're going to make it safe.

President Trump: Under Biden, it's a disaster; real middle-class income has fallen over two thousand dollars a year…that's a difference of eight thousand dollars. Real earnings for African-Americans are down 5.6 percent; African Americans are getting slaughtered. Hispanic Americans are getting slaughtered. And these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact, and the biggest negative impact, is against our black population, and our Hispanic population, who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything they can lose. They're the ones who are affected the most from what's happening. Not only the fact that you've lost the use of your schools, your parks, and your hospitals.

President Trump: Joe Biden, his inflation, has cost the average New York household a staggering twenty-four thousand dollars…the Biden Price Hikes very much caused the runaway inflation, the likes of which I don't think we've ever seen before…costing the average New York families a thousand dollars a month, just in the inflationary costs

President Trump: We blew the hell out of one side, Iraq. So now Iraq is a subsidiary, essentially, of Iran. Congratulations to the geniuses that got us into that mess.


Anonymous ID: 9fdcf6 May 23, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.20906686   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6701 >>6712 >>6747 >>6830 >>7122 >>7274 >>7367


President Trump: There's no way that those hostages [taken by Hamas], and some will be alive, but many of those hostages are dead.

President Trump: Another lesson [from his father], when times are tough, sometimes that's when you perform the best. You have to learn that about yourself.

>>20906308 djt: 3999.99 - Qdrops 3999 and 4000

President Trump: It's very important to know what you want. You have to set your sights high. Set your sights so high, higher than you every though possible, and make your goals big, and go after it. That's why I say we won't just make New York a little better, we want to make New York a lot better, better than it ever was before.

President Trump: When I take office, we are going to restore public safety and the rule of law in New York City. That starts with stopping the pouring into our country of millions and millions of illegal immigrants, which are causing a new category of violence called migrant crime.

President Trump: I think they're building; they want to get us from within [illegal alien invasion]. I think they are building an army…they are building something, they have something in mind.

djt: these are killers, many of you are here today (contractors)


Anonymous ID: 9fdcf6 May 23, 2024, 5:33 p.m. No.20906701   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6712 >>6720 >>6747 >>6830 >>7122 >>7274 >>7367



President Trump: The flood of migrants is putting crippling burdens on our communities, your schools, hospitals, parks, and public resources.

President Trump: When I am in the White House, I will stand up to the marxist DAs and Soros prosecutors, and we will tell them, "No more. We're not going to stand for it." We will not let them destroy our communities, we will not let them destroy our country. There's a fifty-three increase in felony assaults on your subways…that's in a short period of time. Since 2019, murders are up more than twenty percent, shootings are up more than thirty percent. I'm, going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime.

President Trump: I also want to work with your mayor and your governor, happen to be democrats, to clean up the homeless encampments, so that you can once again enjoy your parks and your public spaces. Right now, you don't have public spaces, they're occupied by migrants in tents…your lifestyle and the American Dream will be with you once again.

>>20906465 rubin (white hat) i want a apoligise for the Puerto Ricans. aoc you have become a false prophet.

>>20906472 Horry Sheet. Rapper POTUS called up sporting the Kekistan colors!

President Trump: Years ago, people with severe mental illness were in mental institutions, and then a certain governor, I won't mention the name because at this point, what difference; they dumped all of them into the streets because they said those institutions were too expensive to run, so now they live on our streets, and that's what we have. This is no good for anybody. It's bad for the people who need help, and it's bad for the people of our city, and it's a horrible, horrible, way to live. I want to work in partnership with your local leaders, democrats; pretty much all, and move the severely mentally ill off your streets and back into a place where they can get help, and the help that they desperately need.

President Trump: We're going to restore peace through strength. We're going to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

>>20906519, >>20906525 djt statement with links

djt: we are going to make our city and you can emblazen this, we are going to make america great again

music plays hold on i'm coming



Note:dough below for rally notes


President Trump in Bronx, NY


Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.







POTUS - We inspired the world!

President Trump: I'm here tonight tonight to declare that we are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very, quickly. We're going to bring safety back to our streets. We're going to bring success back to our schools. We're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. We're going to reduce taxes. We're going to bring businesses and big taxpayers back to New York.

President Trump: We have filthy encampments of drugged-out homeless people living in our places that we've spent so much time with children, where they used to play. We have lunatics killing innocent bystanders by pushing them onto the railroad tracks for sport…our subways are squalid and unsafe, the ceiling tiles are falling down, and they look worse than a third-world country. The medians of our highways are crumbling, our sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles, and trash, but worse of all, the discarded needles form people that so desperately are in need of help. And we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving America the middle finger.

TRUMP- "Get me the Snake please"

President Trump pointing to examples of construction corruption in New York City.

"There were no other bidders on the project"

President Trump: They said, "we would like to set up tables so you sit down", I said I don't want to sit down for a debate. Let's go! So we're not sitting down. We're going to be standing up for the debate.


Anonymous ID: 9fdcf6 May 23, 2024, 7:08 p.m. No.20907206   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7212 >>7216


anon started that dig

many anons helped pinpoint france arles

and the fact that beebo was there in shades making it obvious he was watching with a those shades was a hint to look behind.

this was surtinized beyond any doubt

great days.

that video also gives you the full picture how the fveys tried to take down by papa..

there is a lot there,

you have to view it through an anons eyes.

not just a short flashy video.

done years ago.

it was like catching a massive fish and proof.

great times, great days.

the best feeling for an anon.

Anonymous ID: 9fdcf6 May 23, 2024, 7:54 p.m. No.20907376   🗄️.is đź”—kun


the woman was his wife hannah

The man who keeps me laughing': Airplane hijacker's wife gushed about the 29-year-old in dozens of Instagram posts detailing their happy marriage

Richard Russell has been revealed as the man who hijacked a jet in Seattle and took it for a joyride that ended in a fiery island crash Friday evening

His wife Hannah had documented their six happy years of marriage on Instagram

She gushed about 'the man who keeps me laughing' in several photo captions

The Seattle-based couple traveled the globe together thanks to Rich's job



PUBLISHED: 17:06 EDT, 11 August 2018 | UPDATED: 23:11 EDT, 11 August 2018