Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 5:12 p.m. No.20906616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6633 >>6721

>>20906362. (PB)


Trump was with his people. He grew up there. He was on fire! God I love PDJT and I know you picked him for the reason, he is the President for the people.


He shows every American Citizen counts, we are all his people. That’s his duty and assignment.


Truthfully I was not at ease him going there, and I’m sure it was a 100x worse for SS, but there were a lot of fighters there that would have protected him.


Wow, that was incredible!


If he could do a rally for anons that would be great, who knows, it could happen.if we anons would come out. Kek

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 5:45 p.m. No.20906749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the BronxPN


Guaranteed this arrogant bitch that made up the stories about Cuomo is gonna regret her stupid statements. She does not represent NYers. She represents the NWO.


Good luck Kathy, just dug your grave. And those who know, will fix the cheating of your machines.


God and the People know what you did, and it will be an explosion of Truth, the world has never seen.


Calling your citizens “clowns” energized them to reveal the truth. You are not even competent, everyone knows it.

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 6:10 p.m. No.20906875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7122 >>7274 >>7367

23 May, 2024 20:53

UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis (PHOTOS)

Members of Azov were greeted as heroes in London


British lawmakers cheered a delegation of the notorious Azov Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliamenton Wednesday, while former Prime Minister Boris Johnson called them “heroes.”

The neo-Nazi militia was founded in 2014 by white supremacist Andrey Biletsky, who designed its logo with symbols once used by the SS. It was eventually integrated into the Ukrainian armed forces, while retaining its Third Reich iconography. The battalion has been accused by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the UN ofmultiple human rights abuses, including rape and torture of civilians.


Three members of Azov visited London and spoke before a group of parliamentarians. Lieutenant Arseniy Fedosiuk and Ruslan Serbov had been captured in Mariupol in 2022, while the third, Sergeant Vladimir Vernygora, joined the unit in 2023.


Fedosiuk and Serbov were presumably among the Azov members Russia handed over to Türkiye on condition they not return to Ukraine until the end of the hostilities. Ankara later violated those terms and sent them back to Kiev.


During the parliamentary roundtable, the trio of Ukrainian militants spoke about the 900 or so Azov members still being held prisoner by Russia.


Azov, which is banned in Russia as an extremist organization, posted photos of the meeting on its X (formerly Twitter) account, thanking the sponsors of their parliamentary visit.


The event, they said, waschaired by Victoria Prentis MP, attorney general of England and Wales. The two other MPs they thanked by name were Sir John Whittingdale, former minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure; and Bob Seely MP, chair of the UK-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group. All three are from the ruling Conservative Party.


Fedosiuk, Serbov and Vernygora also posed with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who famously visited Kiev in April 2022 to torpedo any possibility of a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.


Johnson was photographed with the trio while holding an Azov bannerfeaturing the Wolfsangel symbol once used by the Waffen-SS Division Das Reich and several Wehrmacht units during WWII.


A video making the rounds on social media shows Johnsonspeaking at a reception for the Azov militants, urging the British government to give Ukraine whatever it wants – money, missiles, and air defenses.


“The single best investment that we can make in the defense of the whole Euro-Atlantic area is supporting Ukrainian heroes,” Johnson is recorded as saying. Former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace was also present at the event.


(UK anons show the people what your leaders just did, they are supporting Nazis. Yes the Nazis that the UK begged the US to enter WWII to save them. Your leaders are accepting Nazi tactics to control your citizens I’m sure you can find this info on other media than RT. Get to work UK anons and prove your country is in decline due to them. That’s why your elderly relatives cannot afford heat or food==. They’d rather defeat Russia, which they can’t, then feed and give warmth to your elderly. Heck as Covid proved, they’d rather eliminate them. UK friends we will help in any way we can, but its battle time.)


PS. The Tories are gonna lose so bad in your elections on July 4th They committed the most egregious sin they could!

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 6:26 p.m. No.20906989   🗄️.is 🔗kun


==Good idea a historian on Bannons War room. Patrick K. O’Donnell went to Legion to find out the truth about the wars, including VN, which they would never talk about. He said they never tell the family etc outside of that environment. He is one of the most accurate Historians and his books are always at the top. Check him out. Even my leftie brother reads his books, he loves accurate history. BTW Bannon will probably have him on for Memorial Day.


Patrick K O’Donnell Previews New Best Seller got the best review of new book “The Unvanguished” by WSJ


It at the top seller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Short video 7 minutes

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 7 p.m. No.20907180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes you are trying to be rude DS shill. There are butt hurts everywhere, and you are too sensitive, this may not be the place for you agent.


Faking manners don’t work her, your manager should have told you

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 7:13 p.m. No.20907217   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He’s right, the owner of the gas station is pissed off because he mother and father took 11-13 years to become legal citizens. They did everything that was required,they memorized the pledge and they were so proud to become legal Americans.

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 7:21 p.m. No.20907239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7251

Weird face showing up with clouds and moon tonight. My Mom would lay down on the ground with us and ask us what we saw in the clouds.


I love and miss my mother and father

Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 7:37 p.m. No.20907281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7301


Fuck you too. So many fairy shills here. They seem to gather on our mystic and intelligent night shift.


Night Shift is the Right Shift for Intelligent war. Propaganda must be defeated.


Love you night shift, not here a lot, but you guys are so chill. I respect that.



Anonymous ID: b5b9cc May 23, 2024, 7:43 p.m. No.20907307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7316 >>7319 >>7349


Too bad for you. You actually believed the agents before listening.


Sit down and shut up. Anons work on their biases caused by gossip.


I see you haven’t mastered that.


Sure you can dislike or hate him, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.