Anonymous ID: e9fa99 May 24, 2024, 2:20 a.m. No.20908299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8307 >>8893

the comet comes in 2033


Ordo Ab Chao


Ordo Ab Chao (Order From Chaos)


Its big, so big it gave the planet its wobble, the comet, the precession, the tilt - its all related.


It wont hit us, instead pieces will come off, leaving a path of destruction, that the Earth Orbit will pass through.


We will get hit twice, once as it goes towards the sun, again as it exits.


the Pharaohs knew, they carved into stone.


the coils of the snake are the precession, the daggers comet strikes.


If we are going into Aquarius, the tail points to the place it comes from.


It will come out of Scorpio, the sting in the tail,


they have been tracking it for 7 x 26500 year periods, or about 200,000 years…..


Agenda 2030?


the New World Order, a satanic conspiracy to enslave the world, they know its coming, they built stonehenge to track its coming.


they want all their ducks in a row, the digital currency, the microchips, the total control, by 2030.


When the comet comes, they will make their move.


they will install the AntiChrist.

Anonymous ID: e9fa99 May 24, 2024, 2:26 a.m. No.20908307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the comet will cause massive destruction of the northern hemisphere, but no one will be untouched.


Japan, Europe and US space agencies all launched missions to sample these comets.


Trump created Space Force.


the elites are building bunkers in New Zealand.


the comet will break up, and these pieces will cause multiple massive airburst events.


I discovered it, so I shall name it.


I will call it comet Ping Pong.

Anonymous ID: e9fa99 May 24, 2024, 2:30 a.m. No.20908312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323

It won't make any difference anyway…


Right now we are heading into the Maunder Minimum, and will get cold soon.


Rice won't grow when it's cold, the rice crops will fail three years in a row, and billions will starve.


China knows this, and they are desperate to build a railway to the west for food shipments.


the ice will drop powerlines, and ruin the grid, but that is not so bad.


the comet that is coming is going to Shoemaker us, and then it will get bad.