Anonymous ID: 5c6a80 May 24, 2024, 8:19 a.m. No.20909151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154 >>9410 >>9575 >>9750 >>9820 >>9842 >>9888

Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive AngerMay 24, 2024

Mollie Hemingway


Former President Donald Trump managed to pull off a campaign miracle with a wildly successful rally in South Bronx on Thursday night.

The Bronx is thepoorest boroughin New York City, andSouth Bronx is the poorest area. Most residents are black or brown, and they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. No Republican presidential candidate has gone anywhere near the area in decades.

On Thursday morning, heavy rains flooded the park where the rally was to be held. Bronx-based Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted “God is good” upon seeing the weather, believing it would keep Trump crowds away. She also taunted Trump for being the victim of Democrat lawfare, saying he had to rally in the Bronx because he was in the “legal version of an ankle bracelet.”

God is good regardless of political outcomes, of course. In this case, He dried Crotona Park in the Bronx before a raucous crowd of thousands poured in to hearone of Trump’s best campaign speeches yet.(True That!)

“Certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country,” one CNN reporter conceded upon seeing the crowds.

Trump barely mentioned the NYC show trial he’s being subjected to and mixed campaign staples with a declaration of love for New York City and the country at large.He seemed truly happy and at home.


“I was thrilled to be back in the city I grew up in, the city I spent my life in, the city I HELPED BUILD, and the city WE ALL LOVE — THANK YOU!” Trump said on Truth Social. Trump grew up in Queens but officially moved to Florida in 2019. His effusive praise for New York shows a remarkably positive attitude from the former president, given that the city and state are currently part of a Democrat campaign plot to bankrupt and imprison him.


Trump reflected on lessons from his success in New York City real estate, doling out career advice along the way, during his hour-and-a-half speech. A parade of local politicians and activists announced endorsements and support of Trump.

When he discussed his economic and immigration policy proposals for getting the country back on track, he argued that his policies would help everyone in the country. It’s part of a concerted effort by the Trump campaign to drive up votes from black and Hispanic voters who traditionally vote Democrat.

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or brown or white or whatever the hell color you are — it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans, and we are going to pull together as Americans!” Trump said.

The contrast with President Joe Biden couldn’t be starker. In three decidedly non-raucous speeches within the last week or so, Biden leaned into racial grievance politics. At a speech at the National Museum of African American History and Culture last Friday, Biden claimed America was beset by “forces trying to deny freedom of opportunity for all Americans.” He claimed there was an “insidious” resistance and an “extreme movement” led by his political opponent to hurt black people. In another disaster of a speech to the NAACP, the White House later had to make 10 corrections to it.

The same day as the NAACP speech, Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse College, a historically black men’s school in Georgia. In a self-centered speech riddled with some of his familiar falsehoods about his life and family, Biden painted a picture of a racist and evil country.

He said the country was under the “poison of white supremacy” and falsely claimed Americans were trying to put forth a national book ban to harm black people.

It’s “natural to wonder if democracy” actually works, he said. “What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street? What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black — black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?”

Biden also falsely claimed Georgia doesn’t allow anyone to drink water in voting lines and that black election workers are being constantly attacked.

Biden’s message is that the country is evil, racist, and full of hatred and thathe will fix it by emptying the Treasury to buy votes.

Trump, who has the benefit of having already had one very successful term as president, acknowledges the very real economic, social, and foreign policies the country faces. But unlike Biden, his optimistic campaign speeches show a man who seems to love the country, love its cities, love its people, and want the country to return to health.

Whether Biden’s race-baiting rhetoric orTrump’s unbridled multi-ethnic optimismwill win the day remains to be seen. The speech in South Bronxshowed how successful the latter can be.

Anonymous ID: 5c6a80 May 24, 2024, 8:33 a.m. No.20909184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9190 >>9410 >>9575 >>9750 >>9820 >>9842 >>9888

Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

Who Cares If Immigrants Commit Fewer Crimes?


John Daniel Davidson May 24, 20241/2

This week, Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy argued on the Senate floor that actually, you’re “statistically safer” living in an immigrant neighborhood because immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans.


“Whether you choose to want to believe the facts or not, that is not my decision, it’s your decision,” the senator from Connecticut said. “But immigrants commit crimes in this country at a rate lower than natural-born citizens. You may not believe that … but I hate to tell you, it is the truth.”


His comments came not just amid President Joe Biden’s unprecedented and ongoing border crisis but ahead of Senate Republicans’ second attempt so far this year to pass a bipartisan border security bill to address what Murphy called a “fake ‘immigrant crime wave’” designed to “breed fear and resentment of immigrants.” The bill failed.


What should we make of Murphy’s little speech? The notion that immigrants are somehow more upstanding and law-abiding than people born in the United States is an old argument that Democrats and slack-jawed libertarians trot out every time Republican lawmakers try to fix the border or raise any objections to illegal immigration. But sinceMurphy — who, let’s be clear, has never lived in an immigrant neighborhood— trotted out the argument this week, let’s address it head-on.


The first problem is conflating legal and illegal immigrants. Setting aside whether we should increase or decrease the number of legal immigrants, or whether legal immigration is a net positive for the country,there’s no question that 100 percent of illegal immigrants commit crimes. Every single one of them commits a crime the moment they illegally cross the international border between the United States and Mexico. Even those who claim asylum only do so as part of formal removal proceedings — removal, because no matter their particular background or reason for coming to America, they have unlawfully entered the U.S., and as soon as they’re arrested by Border Patrol their deportation process begins. Adjudicating asylum claims is part of that process, not an exemption from it.


At least that’s how the law is supposed to work. The Biden administration has found creative ways to ignore or bypass U.S. immigration law, but the fact remains that it’s illegal to enter the country except through a port of entry, and if you sneak in between ports of entry then you’re committing a crime.


Why is this important? Because the studies that Democrats like Murphy and the open-borders crowd at places like the CATO Institute often cite conflate legal and illegal immigrants, which skews the data and gives the misimpression that all immigrants are somehow better and more upstanding people than American citizens. For example, a 2023 Stanford study found that since 1960, immigrants have been less likely to be incarcerated than those born in the U.S. and that immigrants haven’t committed more crimes than the native-born population since 1870.


Interestingly, the Stanford study found that since 2005, Mexican and Central American immigrants actually do have higher incarceration rates than native-born Americans. This is because the U.S. Census data the researchers relied on didn’t distinguish between “criminal acts” and “immigration-related offenses,” as the researchers put it, as if there’s a difference between the two. (For what it’s worth,the relevant data suggest illegal immigrants do commit crimes at a much higher ratethan both legal immigrants and the native-born.)

Anonymous ID: 5c6a80 May 24, 2024, 8:35 a.m. No.20909190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9410 >>9575 >>9750 >>9820 >>9842 >>9888




But set all that aside for a minute. Let’s posit for the sake of argument that Murphy is right, that immigrants — legal and illegal — commit fewer crimes than the native-born U.S. population. Is that a good reason to do nothing in the face of mass illegal immigration? Some 10 million foreign nationals have illegally entered the country since Joe Biden took office. We’ve imported a whole new population from every corner of the world, one that will change America for generations to come no matter what policies we put in place now or in the future. Many of these foreign nationals, whatever their criminal history or lack thereof, are here to stay.


Here’s why that’s a problem: No one asked American voters if they wanted this new population. Americans had no say whatsoever about a seismic shift in our country’s makeup that didn’t have to happen. Why did it happen? Several reasons, most salient among them is a desire on the part of Democrats to reconstitute what they hope will be a majority coalition that will keep them in power. They’re losing the support of historic Democratic voting blocs, namely blacks and Hispanics and the white working class, and their hope is that these voters can be replaced by newly arrived immigrants.


On an even more basic level, mass illegal immigration is a serious problem because it compromises our integrity and coherence as a nation. America isn’t just an idea — despite what liberals and many self-styled conservatives might think. America is primarily a people with a recognizable culture, language, customs, folkways, and traditions. Most Americans would like to preserve these things and pass them on to our children. Importing millions of foreigners from all over the world will destroy all that. It will change the character of the nation in a sudden, jarring, and artificial way. Objecting to that prospect isn’t racist or bigoted, it’s natural and patriotic. As Americans, we have a right to demand an end to illegal immigration — and also to demand that legal immigration serve the interests of the American people, not the millions of foreigners who want to come here.


Understood in that light, why should we care whether immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the native-born? Even if every illegal immigrant who sneaks over the border is a doctor or a scientist or a hard-working entrepreneur who just wants to come to America for a better life, at this point I don’t care. If we’re going to be a country and a people, not just consumers or cogs for global capital, then we can’t allow millions of people from other countries and cultures to pour over our border and into every corner of America.


So the next time schoolmarmish politicians like Murphy scold us about being inferior to immigrants because we’re more likely to commit crimes,the proper response should be: I don’t care. I’m an American. This is my country. Close the border.

Anonymous ID: 5c6a80 May 24, 2024, 8:38 a.m. No.20909202   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9410 >>9575 >>9750 >>9820 >>9842 >>9888

(I know this video was posted already butthe full article is great)

President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

May 23, 2024


Posting to Truth Social account, President Trump shared a video with the background narration of Victor Davis Hanson last night.


The outline as spoken eloquently by VDH, walks through the fear of the entire apparatus of the political left; a fear created by their inability to destroy everything that Donald J Trump represents. {Direct Rumble Link}


REMEMBER: The need for control is a reaction to fear. Often people write the professional political leftists within the IC, Deep State and DOJ/FBI apparatus do not look fearful, act with fear, nor do they operate from an appearance of fearfulness. However, that counterpoint is wrong. It is exactly fear that creates the severe need for control. The more fearful they are, the more vitriolic and dangerous their triggered need for control becomes.


The way to destroy the professional political left is to laugh at them. Laugh and ignore the communists. Ridicule evil. Belittle them. Force them to exhibit their insufferable need for control. This natural ability to be their toxic kryptonite is the gift that Donald J Trump represents, and the best part is he doesn’t create it.


Donald John Trump is authentic to himself.=Even when he is in the middle of battle, President Trump lives, breathes and engages in the mechanisms of lifethe same way he would if the battle was not happening around him. President Trump is oblivious to how difficult the terrain around him is. Trump lives as Trump would live,absorbing the attacks upon him as fuel for his own sense of purpose.


Every attack against Trump only makes the purpose of him seem bigger, stronger and bolder,which makes Donald Trump a uniquely natural destroyer of leftism. President Trump walks at the center of the hurricane wind that surrounds him, and close allies who veer away from a very tight orbit quickly get destroyed by the intensity of the attack winds.


I am openly a person of faith. I also accept things as they are. After watching closely, I believe the only aspect of the man that reconciles withthe visible outcome is that Donald John Trump is surrounded by protection. Prayer works.


I am also at peace, because we will win.

Anonymous ID: 5c6a80 May 24, 2024, 10:23 a.m. No.20909519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9526 >>9536


There’s something else they are doing, since mid 2020 when I got sick with high fever (no jab) my legs are messed up and little scabs are showing up all the time on my lower legs. The veins are red blue and patchy skin. Never happened in my life.


Got a detox i can use?

Anonymous ID: 5c6a80 May 24, 2024, 11:40 a.m. No.20909752   🗄️.is 🔗kun

24 May, 2024 15:20

Zelensky’s legitimacy is over – Putin

Russia will onnnly hold peace talks with actual legitimate Ukrainian authorities, Vladimir Putin has said


Russia must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the legitimate Ukrainian authorities to engage in meaningful and legally binding talks to conclude the conflict between the two nations, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, noting that Vladimir Zelensky’s legitimacy was over.


The president made the remarks in Minsk on Friday during a joint press conference with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. Putin was asked for comment on Zelensky’s presidential term running out earlier this month and the impact of this development on potential talks.


Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness to engage in talks with Ukraine to wrap up the hostilities, stating that negotiations must be based on “common sense” and acknowledge “realties on the ground,” while taking the preliminary agreement reached early into the conflict as the foundation.


“But with whom to negotiate?That’s a peculiar question, I agree. We realize that the legitimacy of the incumbent head of the [Ukrainian] state is over,” the Russian leader stated.


The upcoming “peace summit,” scheduled to take place in Switzerland next month and actively promoted by Kiev is designed, among other things, to prop up Zelensky in his role, Putin suggested.


“I think one of the goals of this conference for the Western community, the sponsors of today’s Kiev regime is to confirm the legitimacy of the current – or not already – head of state,”he suggested, adding that “such PR moves are meaningless for legal documents.”


It’s up to Ukraine’s legal system, its “parliament, constitutional court and some other governing bodies” to determine whether Zelensky is now a legitimate leader or not, Putin suggested. As forRussia, in order to engagein any meaningful talks with Kiev,it must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the country’s legitimate authorities, the president stressed.


Zelensky’s term expired on Monday, while no elections were held under the pretext of the martial law introduced by Kiev early in the conflict with Russia. The Ukrainian Constitution explicitly prohibits holding parliamentary elections under such circumstances, yet does not mention presidential elections. However, while setting the length of the presidential term, it also specifies that power is transferred the moment a new president is sworn in.




(He’s right you know! Zelensky has a problem, he either calls a snap election with the possibility of Ukraine rejecting him, or this Operation goes on for years. Zelensky’s poll numbers are going down the longer the war lasts.)