You ain’t gonna make it.
See ya there
U2s, Satellites…you name it. On top of control of every security camera around you. Remote viewing. Very “special” tools. Read declassified FOIAs
God would never tell you to kill anybody you fucking faggot. Get the fuck out of here
They use electromagnetic fields and Nazi torture methods to torture you and even killing some.
MK Ultra is ACTIVE -Q proof
Be vigilant especially in DOMESTIC TERRORIST ran states. They are tracking you and might even try to kill you.
You’re a disinformation shill stop relying on people to not read the Bible. You’re projecting, you nasty woman.
Counting down the days until suicide weekend.
We got a book burning faggot here
They definitely have control of Grid. Deff can pump gas into tight areas as well as static. Full blown nazis.
What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
Jan 31 2020
What happens when people WAKE UP?
They will not be able to walk down the STREET.
Watch the water
A liddle man
Satanism, Ritual Abuse, and Multiple Personality Disorder: A
Sociohistorical Perspective
Fauci’s a homo for the record
My favorite part is when you imitate Trump.
Imagine trying to blackmail someone and it backfires