Anonymous ID: 5d48cf May 24, 2024, 12:49 p.m. No.20909991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9995 >>0300

Bradley Thayer: NATO's Direct Involvement In Ukraine Is "Playing Into Xi Jinping Hands".This is getting very hot very quickly in the China/Taiwan situation. Ukraine & NATO are making things worse.




Anonymous ID: 5d48cf May 24, 2024, 1:06 p.m. No.20910061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0132 >>0197 >>0288 >>0341 >>0476 >>0592 >>0642 >>0721 >>0759

Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy




JASON De SENA TRENNERT: Founder, Chairman, and Chief Investment Strategist, Strategas Securities, LLC


Mr. Trennert is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Strategas and its related companies. In addition, as Chief Investment Strategist, Mr. Trennert is known as one of Wall Street’s top thought leaders on the subject of markets and economic policy. His research pieces are read by leading institutional investors and corporate executives across the globe. Strategas has been ranked as Wall Street's leading macro-only research firm for seven straight years.


In 2006, Mr. Trennert co-founded Strategas, which originally began with just five employees. Today, the firm employs over fifty research analysts, institutional salesmen, and sales traders at its offices in New York and Washington D.C. Prior to founding Strategas, Mr. Trennert was the Chief Investment Strategist and a Senior Managing Director at International Strategy & Investment (ISI) Group. Jason is a regular guest on business news programs broadcast by CNBC, CNBC Italia, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg TV. He is the author of three books about investing and the investment business. My Side of the Street was published by St. Martin’s Press in May 2015. He is a frequent contributor to The Wall Street Journal's op-ed pages.


Mr. Trennert’s two most notable calls involved coining the phrase “TINA” as it relates to equities in a world of perpetually low interest rates and his early recognition of the potential allure of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. His op-ed “The Stock Market and “The ‘TINA’ Factor” was published in The Wall Street Journal in April 2013. “What the Donald Got Right” was published in Investor’s Business Daily in May 2011. His piece “Donald Trump is Underowned” appeared on the website Real Clear Markets in August 2015. Mr. Trennert credits his often out-of-consensus calls to his frequent travels to visit clients in 45 states and 25 foreign countries.

He is committed to a number of Italian, Italian-American, and Catholic causes in New York and abroad. For his efforts he was honored at the 66th Annual Columbus Day parade in New York and was awarded the honorific of Cavaliere by the Republic of Italy on June 2, 2017. Mr. Trennert is on the Board of the Columbus Citizens Foundation and a Trustee of the National World War II Museum.

He has an MBA from The Wharton Schoolat the University of Pennsylvania and BS in International Economics from Georgetown University.

Anonymous ID: 5d48cf May 24, 2024, 1:57 p.m. No.20910273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0298

The Establishment's "Coup Failed Because You" | Steve Bannon Thanks The WarRoom Posse



Anonymous ID: 5d48cf May 24, 2024, 2:44 p.m. No.20910378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0476 >>0592 >>0642 >>0721 >>0759

24 May, 2024 19:49

Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

A “small helium leak” won’t stop US aerospace firm from carrying astronauts to the International Space Station, NASA has stated


Boeing said on Friday that it will conduct its first astronaut launch in June. The test flight, which will see its Starliner capsule carry two people into space for the first time,was canceled earlier this month due to a rocket defect and a helium leak.


The capsule will take off from Cape Canaveral in Florida aboard a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket on June 1, NASA and Boeing officials said at a press conference. Should that launch date be missed, they added, June 2, 5, and 6 have been selected as alternate dates.


The Starliner will carry NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station. If successful, the reusable capsule will enter into regular service ferrying NASA personnel to and from the ISS.


Developed specifically for this purpose, Boeing’s Starliner project hassuffered years of delays and is roughly $1.5 billion over budget. Its first crewed flight was originally scheduled for 2017, but repeated technical glitches and certification issues saw that date pushed back to May 7 of this year.


However, the mission was canceled two hours before lift-off when an oxygen valve issue was discovered on the Atlas V rocket. Technicians then discovered a helium leak in the Starliner’s onboard propulsion system, and another two launch dates in May were scrubbed.


The leak has not been fixed, but NASA and Boeing concluded that it can be managed in flight and will not pose a threat to the astronauts. “We know we can manage this, so this is really not a safety of flight issue,” Mark Nappi, the vice president of Boeing’s Commercial Crew Program, told reporters on Friday.


NASA has “flown vehicles with small helium leaks” before, NASA manager Steve Stich added.


Over the years that Boeing’s first manned flight has been delayed, the company leading competitor – Elon Musk’s SpaceX – has pulled ahead. SpaceX has been flying astronauts to the ISS since 2020, and the company’s Crew Dragon capsule has also been used by private spaceflight firm Axiom Space for three crewed missions to the station.


Both the Crew Dragon and Starliner projects received funding from NASA, with Boeing given $4.2 billion and SpaceX receiving $2.6 billion.

Back in 2022, Russian space agency chief Dmitry Rogozin stated that

Russian cosmonauts would not fly on the Starliner.


“It flew for the first time with trouble. The second time itcouldn’t fly at all. The delay of the launch has been going on for over two years now. Now, they will try to launch it. Butwe will definitely not put any of our cosmonauts [on board], we cannot risk their lives,” he told the Rossiya 24 TV channel at the time.


Several months later, Roscosmos and NASA signed an agreement whereby American astronauts would fly aboard Russian Soyuz MS spacecraft and Russian cosmonauts would take part in Crew Dragon flights once per year.


(This is crazy! Honestly with the bad and defective products, that Boeing has with their planes, the glider missiles being jammed by Russia, they shouldn’t take a chance on this!)

Anonymous ID: 5d48cf May 24, 2024, 3:52 p.m. No.20910586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0754

24 May, 2024 15:01

Top Ukrainian officials don’t believe Zelensky’s rhetoric – Guardian

Politicians are privately critical of what they perceive as unrealistic hopes of total victory, the outlet has said


High-ranking Ukrainian officials privatelyconsider Vladimir Zelensky’s statements aboutreturning to the country’s 1991 borders to be unrealistic, and only hope for the country’s survival, The Guardian reported on Friday.


According to the outlet, there is growing criticism towards Zelensky in Ukraine for maintaining“unrealistic hopes of total victory,”including the return of all former Ukrainian territories.


Zelensky’s roadmap to resolve the crisis, which he has been promoting since 2022, calls for a complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces from all territories within Ukraine’s 1991 borders, for Moscow to pay reparations, and for a war crimes tribunal to be held.


Moscow has described Zelensky’s ‘peace formula’ as an “absolutely hollow” ultimatum that is “divorced from reality.”


Even senior officials in Ukraine privately give a more cautious definition of victory, the article noted.


“Publicly, I support what the president says,” the report cited one of the officials as saying.“Unpublicly, I think we should survive as an independent western state that has the possibility of development.”


The outlet also pointed to growing anger in the country towards the West “for not doing enough, fast enough” for Ukraine. A government minister told the outlet that theUS Congress “will never be forgiven by the Ukrainian people” for the “endless” delaysin voting on the latest round of military aid.


There is also growing discontent with Zelensky’s performance; his presidential term expired on May 20, raising questions over his legitimacy as head of state, according to the report. Several separate sources told the outlet thatZelensky “obsessively” studies his ratings, which continue to drop.


Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Moscow is ready to engage in peace negotiations with Ukraine. However, any future agreement “will have to take into account the realities on the ground,” he said.


(This is a sign that ministers and top government people are getting ready to get rid of Zelensky. They may try to liquidate him and blame Russia, it will be something. Wonder if the CIA is directing them on the plans to get rid of him, because Bidan doesn’t want to do, although they all know.)

Anonymous ID: 5d48cf May 24, 2024, 4:02 p.m. No.20910617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0622 >>0623 >>0626 >>0630 >>0633 >>0642 >>0660 >>0673 >>0721 >>0759

WATCH: Trump Says Nikki Haley ‘Absolutely On The Team in Some Form.’


Former President Donald Trump told News 12 New Jersey’s Tara Rosenblum that neoconservative primary opponent Nikki Haley will “absolutely” be “on our team in some form,” following his successful Bronx rally in New York on Thursday.


A self-appointed bête noire of the MAGA movement, Haley and her donors have been attempting to position her for Vice President or another senior position in Trump’s cabinet should he win in November 2024.


“Well, I think she’s gonna be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, same thoughts,” Trump said, adding:


“I appreciated what she said. You know, we had a nasty campaign. It was pretty nasty. But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form. Absolutely.


”Haley’s partners, meanwhile, have been participating in phone calls with the Joe Biden for President campaign. Her family members have even been publicly claiming they will launch a bid against Trump at the Republican Party Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July.



Behind-the-scenes political intrigue


(I hope he’s really not going to do this, since he knows that she’s trying to fuck him at the convention. Since he knows that, he may be using a strategy. He knows she's not capable, he knows she's not loyal, so all of those statements is like him wishing people a "good life" after they arrested or something)