Anon knows some 40-50 yr old professionals who literally live on Uber Eats deliveries. They don't even have three days of food and water in their homes.
Farmer anon out here in rural flyover country hasn't had fast/restaurant food in 30 years.
Anon knows some 40-50 yr old professionals who literally live on Uber Eats deliveries. They don't even have three days of food and water in their homes.
Farmer anon out here in rural flyover country hasn't had fast/restaurant food in 30 years.
That's an endorsement that will never see her get hired anywhere.
"On our team in some form." KMAO
Setting the stupid bitch up to fail bigly.
So this cannibal was a monkey fucker, too??
These are not truckers or having to travel for work. One lives a block from the biggest grocery store in town. And has two fatass teens who won't even walk across the street. Then they complain when they gotta get up off the couch to answer the door for food delivery. Never seen anything like it. Told friend anon I'd have beat the lazy plumb out of them long ago.