>Or Group Message
Net Send Command Syntax
net send {name | * | /domain[:domainname] | /users} message [/help] [/?]
way back in doze 3.1 / NT, it was way simpler to say Good Morning. you picked up the phone, dialed the number, shot the shit and said gm! the best of times! then came twatter and it's 140 charactor limit… the birth of perverse mispellings in order to fit in that limit!
so it's twitters fault we say gm instead of good morgun, da? da!
lan party quake / doom / duke nukem / unreal tourney
there will always be those who don't want or need interaction, those who find any reason to complain, those you will stab you in the back over stupid shit, and those who appreciate that same gesture of a good faith greeting! and those like me … who don't gibs a shit about hurt feelz and do it for sport!