Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 2:18 p.m. No.20914157   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yes, Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I will fear no evil…


>>20913904 lb

maybe murdered 'cause he was a prominent anti-vaxxer and they need to prove its dangerous to avoid the injection.

can's have all the people who drop dead suddenly to have avoided the vax.

Also the Covid itself is a bio-weapon and spike could stay in one's system even with out the injection.

Remedies are a good choice for everyone, prophylactic.

Especially with Bird Flu seeming to be on it's way this summer.


or just plain Quinine, Ciccona Bark tea.

from We Are the News archive Germananon march 2020


" “In this article, I’ll present quotes from official sources about their own diagnostic test for the coronavirus. I’m talking about fatal flaws in the test…


Because case numbers are based on those tests (or no tests at all), the whole “pandemic effect” has been created out of fake science.”


And along with that, posted in comments on the article, compilation of citizen videos - “where’s the pandemic?”"

Funny Taliban were anti-covid-19 hysteria! (picrel)


Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 3:05 p.m. No.20914351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4425



She puts down South Bronx.

And the Dems are supposed to be the champions of the disadvantaged, marginalized and minorities.


Losers lives in her own narrow bubble; enables by faulty (on purpose) voting machines.

Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 3:25 p.m. No.20914425   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Losers lives in her own narrow bubble; enabled by faulty (on purpose) voting machines.




"Get out of town" she say.

"You're not New Yorkers"


She not from NYC; she's from same town as crooked Supreme Court Chief Justice ROBERTS.

They went to High School together and were in the same clique of friends then.

what a coincy-dink!

What are the chances?

Total provincial outlook here.

She's a NAZI

Bet Roberts would back her if she started rounding up "dissidents" "dangers to society"

Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 3:33 p.m. No.20914460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522


The future is less than 100% determined.

that's why the farther in the future something would be, the less easy it is to see (by someone who has that power)

The reason the future is free is because the SELF is free.

That's a power of God.

Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 3:41 p.m. No.20914518   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Probably referring to a lack of authentic humans?

Not everyone with a human body is a full-fledged human?

It's an extra step.

That's why most religions / cultures have initiation ceremonies.


I believe all times that have passed and with the NOw are connected. That's why some people experience synchronicities?


Future connects to NOW via intention?

Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 3:55 p.m. No.20914641   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"we see it anyway"

Behar is a lunatic.

Total hypnotism.

they look at MAGA and it registers as Swastika.


Totally GONE!

I wonder what conditioning some of them have gone through?

…To be a talking-head on TV?

Joy was on radio first.

Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 4:11 p.m. No.20914721   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The TV heads on MSNBC / or was it CNN (what's the difference?) attempted to address the news that the "use of excessive force" was layed out in black and white.


And so one idiot who claimed he had been a judge and a police officer both, said:

"But you know they would never put that in writing"

No kidding. The actual order to kill was absent from the document, which the idiot thought to point out?

However, since such an order could not be put in writing, to which the supposed ex-Judge (who knows if lying?) attested….

That fact that is was implyed in the lay-out / context of the raid kinda proves the actual order was actually given, but orally.

That's the implication.

The obvious implication.

ALSO: "it's just our routine practice"

Of course it is:

  1. killing MLK

  2. Killing Malcom X -through proxy

  3. Killing certain agents (or sheep -dipping them) per the use of the 9/11 staged attack (which we covered -up)

[there's many moar that I missed]

  1. Tuscon shooting. Staged to kill a judge.

  2. Joker Killing at Batman movie opening, Aurora Colorado - part of a series to terrify the public and move to confiscate private gns.

  3. Sandy Hook / Boston Bombing; -same (McCabe was balls deep in those)

  4. Ruby Ridge. figured a way to shoot a man and his dog on his own property, with help of ATF

8 Waco , Burn down a place housing many children under pretence of saving them.

  1. OK Bombing, needed distraction from our set-up of the first bombing at Trade Tower complex.




i WOULDN'T say all was based upon the 'stupidity' of the American People; I 'd say it was the deliberately engineered complacency which caused the ignorance of what's really going on.

picrel William Cooper

Who was also taken out by a "raid" gone wrong.

they do this all the time

Anonymous ID: 09c2ea May 25, 2024, 4:28 p.m. No.20914831   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Biden's planning for a conviction, and jailing.

Wow is he dumb.

He thinks people will turn to him well afterward.



Stupid is as Stoopid does.

The Brute Force O'Biden

What next ANTIFA with machete?