Poison on sale.
Fucking take every one of these Nazi Covid Stormtroopers useless eater cunts down.
In Court.
>Trip test.
That's his pant shitting face.
She is pretty.
Low IQ are generally ugly. It's like a 2 for 1 combo. Then they supersize.
Faggot gets the digits.
they're almost all NPC's I guess.
Fox had 1 reporter going deep, A guy 'Cameron' iirc. He was going places no one else was until he was pulled by the masters of the universe.
Gonna need to see that shitposting license, Sir.
I didn't link him, so what difference, at this point, does it make?
Does he get paid as a result? No.
Clockfags wet dream right there.
Don't you worry about me anon. I got this.
TFW you go to great lengths to smuggle weed into Amsterdam, because you forgot you can buy weed in Amsterdam.
>with the red hairs…
fuck off homo.
Ghislaine Maxwell.
I think we're done.
That guy is clearly a rapist who get triggered by shit that has nothing to do with him. Then spurges about it.
Luckily I've moved on.