Anonymous ID: c8a9ef May 25, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.20914044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4065 >>4170 >>4605 >>4694 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825 >>4831 >>4861

Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House: report

Story by Victor Nava • 16h


President Biden plans to address former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial in a “White House setting” when the jury delivers its verdict, according to a report.


The 81-year-old president’s message will be tailored to the outcome of the trial, according to Politico, but in any scenario, he intends to stress that the US legal system worked and Americans should respect the process.


Biden will deliver remarks whether the 77-year-old former president is convicted, acquitted or the jury cannot agree on a verdict.


Closing arguments in Trump’s trial over alleged hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels are set to commence on Tuesday.


It is believed that the jury could reach a verdict as early as next week.


The exact timing and setting of Biden’s speech have not been definitively determined, but it won’t be done on the campaign trail, multiple sources told the outlet.


In an effort to have his remarks not perceived as being political, Biden will deliver them from the White House grounds.


The Biden campaign is also prepping for the historic verdict, reportedly considering referring to the presumptive GOP nominee for president in social media posts as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump” if he’s found guilty.


A poll released by the Cook Political Report on Thursday found that a majority of swing state voters are more worried about Biden’s age than Trump’s criminal cases.


When voters in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin were asked whether Trump’s “temperament and legal issues” or Biden’s “age and ability to perform his duties” were more concerning, more than half (53%) responded thatthe president’s stage of life and mental acuity were more troubling than the former president’s four criminal cases and the two civil judgments against him.Kek


(The evil old man will take glee in whatever happens. The fucker)

Anonymous ID: c8a9ef May 25, 2024, 1:48 p.m. No.20914049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julie Kelly


In a late Fri night/holiday weekend part damage control, part clickbait motion, Jack Smith wants Judge Cannon to prohibit Donald Trump from making "statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case."


His motion, predictably, is filled with distortions, omissions, and misrepresentations.


Smith gave short shrift to how 30 FBI agents were instructed to prepare for the 9-hour raid.


This is how Smith described the FBI op order:


Smith purposely omitted key details of the order–which, of course, Judge Cannon has.


Smith omitted that agents were instructed to bring "Standard Issue Weapon, Ammo, Handcuffs."


He also omitted that the order instructed agents to have their "Badge and Credentials (concealed)."


Smith left out that agents brought "medium and large sized bolt cutters."

Smith crucially omitted instructions related to how agents should handle Secret Service.


Screenshot shows how Smith described it.


But this is from the FBI op order: Should USSS provide resistance or interfere with FBI timeline or accesses, FBI…will engage with USSS [point of contact.]


And as far as Mar-a-Lago staff, here is what FBI op order included:


"Should MAL Guest Reception be unwilling to provide a list of occupied guest rooms, FBI Search Team will knock on each guest room door to determine occupation status. FBI will request a map, list of rooms and skeleton key/card for all rooms from MAL staff. An FBI [investigator] with lock-picking equipment will be on scene."

Anonymous ID: c8a9ef May 25, 2024, 1:50 p.m. No.20914053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4605 >>4694 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825

Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

Tyler O'Neil / @Tyler2ONeil / May 23, 2024

As three college presidents testified about antisemitism amid anti-Israel protests and riots on their campuses, a prominent House Democrat brushed off concerns about a Jewish student’s inability to walk on a path at the University of California at Los Angeles and went on to fault UCLA for not protecting anti-Israel protesters.


Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., responded to a video in which anti-Israel protesters blocked a Jewish student wearing a Star of David necklace from walking on campus.


Omar asked UCLA Chancellor Gene Block whether the student would still be able to access the campus via other routes.


“Chancellor Block, just for clarification, that video we just watched, we saw people moving around,” she said. “Was it possible, do you think, for that student to be able to get into campus? Was that student actually being blocked from entering campus?”


“Well, that was in the middle of campus,” Block responded. “They’re not being blocked from being on campus, maybe being blocked from a pathway on campus.”


“He should be allowed to pass,” the chancellor added. “I mean, any part of campus is open to students, so blocking him was really inappropriate.”


Omar went on to condemn Block’s administration, claiming UCLA failed to adequately protect the anti-Israel protesters.


Anti-Israel protesters had established an encampment outside UCLA’s Royce Hall for a week until authorities declared it an unlawful assembly and arrested more than 200 people.


Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., slammed UCLA’s leaders for having “allowed their campus to become a severe and pervasive, hostile environment for Jewish students, standing by as students, faculty, and affiliates were assaulted and harassed.”


“For days, the unlawful encampment’s checkpoints illegally denied students access to campus buildings,” the North Carolina lawmaker added.


Foxx claimed that “Jewish students were attacked, harassed, and intimidated for walking on their own campus” and students were “denied a safe and uninterrupted learning environment.”


Omar referenced reports that UCLA campus police failed to intervene in an April 30 incident between the encamped protesters and a group that attacked them. The assailants reportedly beat protesters, hitting them with poles, spraying chemical irritants, and setting off fireworks.


CNN claimed it identified two of the assailants, who support Israel. The day after the attack, the UCLA chapter of the Jewish student group Hillel denounced “fringe members of the off-campus Jewish community,” urging them to “stay off our campus,” and warning that their “actions are harming Jewish students.”


Block announced on May 6 that a UCLA campus safety officer had launched a law enforcement investigation to identify the perpetrators of the violence and to hold them to account. The Los Angeles Police Department assigned a detective to assist those efforts, and the FBI may also help. The chancellor also said UCLA spoke to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, asking him to help ensure “that the instigators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Block also announced that campus safety officers would conduct an overall analysis of “all acts of violence over the last 12 days, including those against counterprotesters.”


UCLA reassigned John Thomas, the campus police chief, on Wednesday. Critics faulted Thomas for failing to intervene during the April 30 attack.


“You could have prevented this by protecting the diverse groups of pro-Palestinian students that were peacefully gathered on campus to share meals set in solidarity against the brutal genocide,” Omar said Thursday. “You could have prevented this by protecting these students’ First Amendment right to assemble.”


Omar also faulted UCLA for failing to act “when there was an anonymous group funded, [which] constructed a giant video with loudspeakers to play vile and disturbing footage,” an apparent reference to pro-Israel counterprotesters who set up a screen playing footage of the brutal Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on Oct. 7….

Anonymous ID: c8a9ef May 25, 2024, 1:58 p.m. No.20914084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4088 >>4788

Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

By Gabe Kaminsky

May 21, 2024 5:00 am


“Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars since being elected to Congress to a consulting firm led by an anti-Israel activist working on behalf of groups linked to Palestinian terrorist factions, records show.


Tlaib, who often faces criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for her anti-Israel rhetoric and defense of a phrase calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, has delivered more than $435,000 in payments earmarked for “fundraising consulting” since 2020 from her campaign and leadership PAC to Unbought Power, according to Federal Election Commission filings. The Florida-based limited liability corporation is operated by Rasha Mubarak, a close ally of Tlaib’s who recently held key roles for terrorism-tied organizations in the United States.


The routine cash transfers from Rashida Tlaib for Congress and Rooted in Community Leadership PAC to Unbought Power underscore how the congresswoman has alignedherself with activists helping to coordinate operations for entities sharing connections to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other terrorist factions. A joint fundraising committee for members of the Squad, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and other Democrats, also paid $86,000 to the firm run by Mubarak, who once said she is tired of hearing the “lie” that “Israel has the right to defend herself” against terrorism.


Now, the progressive-left and pro-Palestinian base of the Democratic Party in Tlaib’s home state of Michigan is unhappy with the Biden administration for backing Israel amid its war against Hamas. One veteran Biden-allied Democratic strategist told the Washington Examiner the company the Squad keeps is “disturbing, antisemitic, and anti-American.” But to Republicans, Biden isn’t doing nearly enough to distance himself from anti-Israel activists defending terrorism due to a political calculation he is making for the 2024 election.


“Democrats as a whole have caved to their pro-terror base and abandoned Israel as they seek to help President Joe Biden win Michigan,” Will Reinert, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said.


Between 2023 and 2024, Tlaib’s campaign and leadership PAC have paid $139,000 to Unbought Power, with $43,000 of that sum being sent to Mubarak’s firm just this year.


Mubarak was recently listed as a press contact on the websiteof the Arizona-based charity Alliance for Global Justice, which has been cut off by payment processors and has lost top donors over a series of Washington Examinerreports on its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


Alliance for Global Justice and its offshoots, including the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, cannot fundraise online and are now instructing the public to mail checks to AFGJ’s address in Tucson, Arizona.


The Tlaib consultant, according to corporate records filed in Virginia, is also president of the advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.


The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights has sponsored the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee, which includes a separate coalition reportedly countingHamas, the PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as members. The BDS National Committee shares close ties to AFGJ sincea project that has been under the Arizona-based charity called the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is a founding member of the committee.


On May 9, the Mubarak-led advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights submitted documents to Virginia’s corporation commission indicating it would soon dissolve.


However, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit group has not yet filed a necessary termination report due May 31, meaning it may have to pay a 2024 registration fee, an employee for the corporation commission said.


“I’m assuming maybe they don’t know,” the employee told the Washington Examiner, noting it’s unusual for a group to have not already filed this report.


Mubarak and Alliance for Global Justice did not reply to requests for comment. The Tlaib consultant also worked from 2015 to 2018 as a top staffer for the Florida chapter for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to Mubarak’s LinkedIn profile.


CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator of Hamas in a 2009 terrorism financing case, and one of its former top staffers, Ghassan Elashi, was convicted in 2008 for helping to funnel millions of dollars to Hamas

Anonymous ID: c8a9ef May 25, 2024, 2:15 p.m. No.20914143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4193 >>4232 >>4385 >>4605 >>4694 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825

Citizen Free Press



Hamas cosplay hilarity never ends.


Driver earns extra points for tossing her out of the truck.


Gunther Eagleman™

Last edited

11:20 AM · May 24, 2024




There’s something seriously wrong with these people!

Anonymous ID: c8a9ef May 25, 2024, 2:23 p.m. No.20914179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4181 >>4267 >>4385 >>4474 >>4605 >>4694 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825

Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

Hannah Grossman

Fri, May 24, 2024 at 5:00 AM EDT

6 min read


EXCLUSIVE – A Democratic Boston city councilmember, who called to "dismantle the White backdrop" in America and "create a revolution," is starting to disturb her liberal colleagues with her wild antics and threats, according to a source who spoke with Fox News Digital.


The source is a city hall employee, who requested anonymity because council member Tania Fernandes Anderson has created an "unhealthy" environment. The employee believes Fernandes Anderson is a "troubled person," who uses accusations of racism to get people to fall in line. The source discussed the challenges of having someone in the city's government who has been – in their view – hostile, verbally abusive and antisemitic.


"People are intimidated by her. And that intimidation does work," the source said. They said some members would give into her because "no one want[s] to disagree with Tania because she's unpredictable."


Fernandes Anderson was elected in November 2021, and is self-describedas "the first formally undocumented African born immigrant & first Muslim elected in the city of Boston."


Since being elected, she stated her goal was to create a "revolution" for "equity."


"It will be about equity and I hope we don't have too many disagreements in there," she said in an interview in December 2021. "I think that systemic racism is long overdue for us to overthrow it in order for us to create a revolution that brings about change."

Since then, Fernandes Anderson has become known for her public outbursts featuring "swearing, yelling and screaming" at public city council meetings, according to the source.


"The last thing someone wants is to be labeled as a racist in this city," the source said.


Fernandes Anderson refers to her own tirades as giving "smoke."

"Don't come for me, because if you want smoke, you'll get smoke. I'm not afraid of any of you," she said during a March 2024 meeting.


"It's a threat. I feel like it's a threat," the source said about her comments.

During a tirade in August 2022, the council member also called the city council "depraved" and "stupidly racially divided" because of disagreements about redistricting.


"I can't even call you guys cowards because desperation deserves mercy," Fernandes Anderson told her colleagues. "Your votes here sometimes are racist… I am here to represent every Black woman and man in the community."


"What the f— do I have to do in this f—ing council to get respect as a Black woman," she yelled, while slamming her fist on the table.


In private, Fernandes Anderson doesn't shy away from the impact of her blowing this type of "smoke" on colleagues. She once sent a text to the city council telling them to "toughen the f— up."


"Whatever the f— is the problem work it out and leave out your evil resentments. Toughen the f— up… I don't want to always feel I need to give anyone smoke because when it comes to family, I know we are all capable of becoming warriors," the council member said in a text message to her colleagues.


The text message simultaneously asked her colleagues to give up "dirty politics."


The council member, referring to her frank manner of speaking, calls herself "a language person" and says, "I think about how to be raw on purpose."


Fernandes Anderson said the goal of her manner of speaking relates to the fact that "we should dismantle the White backdrop [in America] and we should restructure it so that it's welcoming."

On another occasion, shortly after the Oct. 7 attacks, Fernandes Anderson broke down in tears as colleagues refused to support her resolution which had originally called Hamas' brutal crimes, which included sexual assault, a "military operation."


"It's ridiculous. Get up and oppose all killing of all civilians, of all children, not just the ones that line up with your political bulls—," she said.


"No Jew that is praying that is faithful and righteous is killing children," she said about Israel's military response to Oct. 7, while adding the same was true for Muslims. "These people are political animals."…