Anonymous ID: ca489a May 25, 2024, 1:49 p.m. No.20914051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4193 >>4385 >>4605 >>4694 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825

Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups


“Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars since being elected to Congress to a consulting firm led by an anti-Israel activist working on behalf of groups linked to Palestinian terrorist factions, records show.


Tlaib, who often faces criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for her anti-Israel rhetoric and defense of a phrase calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, has delivered more than $435,000 in payments earmarked for “fundraising consulting” since 2020 from her campaign and leadership PAC to Unbought Power, according to Federal Election Commission filings. The Florida-based limited liability corporation is operated by Rasha Mubarak, a close ally of Tlaib’s who recently held key roles for terrorism-tied organizations in the United States.


The routine cash transfers from Rashida Tlaib for Congress and Rooted in Community Leadership PAC to Unbought Power underscore how the congresswoman has aligned herself with activists helping to coordinate operations for entities sharing connections to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other terrorist factions. A joint fundraising committee for members of the Squad, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and other Democrats, also paid $86,000 to the firm run by Mubarak, who once said she is tired of hearing the “lie” that “Israel has the right to defend herself” against terrorism.


Now, the progressive-left and pro-Palestinian base of the Democratic Party in Tlaib’s home state of Michigan is unhappy with the Biden administration for backing Israel amid its war against Hamas. One veteran Biden-allied Democratic strategist told the Washington Examiner the company the Squad keeps is “disturbing, antisemitic, and anti-American.” But to Republicans, Biden isn’t doing nearly enough to distance himself from anti-Israel activists defending terrorism due to a political calculation he is making for the 2024 election.


“Democrats as a whole have caved to their pro-terror base and abandoned Israel as they seek to help President Joe Biden win Michigan,” Will Reinert, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said.


Between 2023 and 2024, Tlaib’s campaign and leadership PAC have paid $139,000 to Unbought Power, with $43,000 of that sum being sent to Mubarak’s firm just this year.


Mubarak was recently listed as a press contact on the website of the Arizona-based charity Alliance for Global Justice, which has been cut off by payment processors and has lost top donors over a series of Washington Examinerreports on its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


Alliance for Global Justice and its offshoots, including the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, cannot fundraise online and are now instructing the public to mail checks to AFGJ’s address in Tucson, Arizona.


The Tlaib consultant, according to corporate records filed in Virginia, is also president of the advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.


The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights has sponsored the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee, which includes a separate coalition reportedly counting Hamas, the PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as members. The BDS National Committee shares close ties to AFGJ since a project that has been under the Arizona-based charity called the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is a founding member of the committee.


On May 9, the Mubarak-led advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights submitted documents to Virginia’s corporation commission indicating it would soon dissolve.


However, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit group has not yet filed a necessary termination report due May 31, meaning it may have to pay a 2024 registration fee, an employee for the corporation commission said.


“I’m assuming maybe they don’t know,” the employee told the Washington Examiner, noting it’s unusual for a group to have not already filed this report.


Mubarak and Alliance for Global Justice did not reply to requests for comment. The Tlaib consultant also worked from 2015 to 2018 as a top staffer for the Florida chapter for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to Mubarak’s LinkedIn profile.


CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator of Hamas in a 2009 terrorism financing case, and one of its former top staffers, Ghassan Elashi, was convicted in 2008 for helping to funnel millions of dollars to Hamas.


The Biden White House has sought to distance itself from CAIR after the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack on Israel over CAIR’s national director, Nihad Awad, saying he “was happy to see” Palestinians “break the siege” that day.


Tlaib’s campaign did not return a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: ca489a May 25, 2024, 2:36 p.m. No.20914229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4257 >>4385 >>4605 >>4694 >>4722 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825

Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure


Colombia on Wednesday declared a "protected archeological area" around the spot where a Spanish galleon sank off its Caribbean coast more than three centuries ago laden with gold, silver and emeralds.


The designation, said the culture ministry, "guarantees the protection of heritage" through the ship's "long-term preservation and the development of research, conservation and valuation activities."


The San Jose was owned by the Spanish crown when it was sunk by the British navy near Cartagena in 1708. Only a handful of its 600-strong crew survived.


The galleon had been heading back from the New World to the court of King Philip V of Spain, bearing chests of emeralds and some 200 tons of gold coins.

Before Colombia announced the discovery in 2015, the ship had long been sought by adventurers.


The value of its bounty has been estimated to run into the billions of dollars.


Culture Minister Juan David Correa insisted Wednesday: "This is not a treasure, we do not treat it as such."


He announced the area's new designation at an event launching the first "non-intrusive" phase of a scientific exploration of the wreck.


Spain had laid claim to the ship and its contents under a UN convention Colombia is not party to, while Indigenous Qhara Qhara Bolivians claim the riches were stolen from them.


But the government of President Gustavo Petro has insisted on raising the wreck for purposes of science and culture.


Spanish and Qhara Qhara delegations were present at Wednesday's event.


The wreck is also claimed by US-based salvage company Sea Search Armada – which insists it found it first more than 40 years ago and has taken Colombia to the UN's Permanent Court of Arbitration, seeking $10 billion dollars.

Anonymous ID: ca489a May 25, 2024, 2:40 p.m. No.20914247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4385 >>4605 >>4694 >>4746 >>4813 >>4825

Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom


HONOLULU — A former CIA officer and contract linguist for the FBI accused of spying for China for at least a decade pleaded guilty Friday in a federal courtroom in Honolulu.


Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 72, has been in custody since his arrest in August 2020. The Justice Department said in a court filing it amassed “a war chest of damning evidence” against him, including an hourlong video of Ma and an older relative — also a former CIA officer — providing classified information to intelligence officers with China’s Ministry of State Security in 2001.


The video shows Ma counting the $50,000 received from the Chinese agents for his service, prosecutors said.


During a sting operation, he accepted thousands of dollars in cash in exchange for past espionage activities, and he told an undercover FBI agent posing as a Chinese intelligence officer that he wanted to see the “motherland” succeed, prosecutors said.


The secrets he was accused of providing included information about CIA sources and assets, international operations, secure communication practices and operational tradecraft, charging documents said.


As part of an agreement with prosecutors, Ma pleaded guilty Friday to a count of conspiracy to gather or deliver national defense information to a foreign government. The deal calls for a 10-year sentence, but a judge will have the final say at Ma’s sentencing scheduled for Sept. 11. Without the deal, he faced life in prison.


Ma was born in Hong Kong, moved to Honolulu in 1968 and became a U.S. citizen in 1975. He joined the CIA in 1982, was assigned overseas the following year, and resigned in 1989. He held a top secret security clearance, according to court documents.


Ma lived and worked in Shanghai, China, before returning to Hawaii in 2001. He was hired as a contract linguist in the FBI’s Honolulu field office in 2004, and prosecutors say that over the following six years, he regularly copied, photographed and stole classified documents. He often took them on trips to China, returning with thousands of dollars in cash and expensive gifts, such as a new set of golf clubs, prosecutors said.


In court Friday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Sorenson revealed that Ma’s hiring as a part-time contract linguist was a “ruse” to monitor his contact with Chinese intelligence officers.


In 2006, while Ma was living in Hawaii, Chinese intelligence officers sent him photos of people they wanted to know the identifies of, Sorenson and Ma contacted the co-conspirator relative and convinced him to reveal at least two of the identities.


Ma, in pleading guilty, said everything Sorenson described is true. Ma said he had signed non-disclosure agreements that he knew would be in effect even after leaving the CIA and that he knew the information he was providing to the Chinese intelligence officials could harm the United States or help a foreign nation.


In 2021, Ma’s former defense attorney told a judge Ma believed he was suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and was having trouble remembering things.


A defense motion noted that Ma’s older brother developed Alzheimer’s 10 years prior and was completely disabled by the disease. The brother is referred to as the co-conspirator in the indictment against Ma, but prosecutors didn’t charge him because of his incompetency due to Alzheimer’s, the motion said.


The co-conspirator is now dead, Sorenson said in court Friday.


Last year a judge found Ma competent and to not be suffering from a major mental disease, disorder or defect.

Anonymous ID: ca489a May 25, 2024, 2:46 p.m. No.20914262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4280

Exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui scammed supporters out of more than $1 billion under the guise of launching a movement against the Chinese Communist Party


Guo — also known as Miles Guo and Ho Wan Kwok — is accused of lying to prospective investors and promising them outsized returns if they bought stocks in his Chinese media platform GTV, and other companies, including Himalaya Farm Alliance, G CLUBS and the Himalaya Exchange.


He faces criminal counts of racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud, securities fraud and money laundering, among others. If convicted, he could spend decades in prison or possible deportation to China, where he is wanted on accusations of rape, kidnapping and bribery.


Assistant U.S. Attorney Micah Fergenson told jurors Friday that Guo — who amassed his fortune as a real estate developer in China before moving to New York — gained a cult following posting videos criticizing the Chinese government.


When authorities in China and Hong Kong seized his assets in retaliation, the government says Guo began recruiting investors to support his “whistleblower movement” against the Chinese Communist Party. Instead of putting the money toward GTV and his other companies touting that cause, prosecutors said Guo then put those donations to personal use.


“For years, the defendant deceived thousands of people and stole their money to pay for a lifestyle he could no longer afford,” Fergenson said.


Fergenson said Guo lied to investors when he urged them to invest in his media company GTV by saying there was no risk and promising to pay back any losses.


“These were lies. And the defendant even lied about the most basic part of the GTV investment: That the money raised by GTV investors would be used by GTV to grow GTV,” Fergenson said. “Even that most basic promise was a lie. The defendant’s followers trusted him.”


During the company’s fundraising period, Fergenson said supporters invested over $400 million in GTV. But days after, Guo used $100 million of those funds for a “high risk investment” on behalf of his son.


As for Guo's other companies, Fergenson said they were just a “spin on a simple fraud,” and mirrored the same strategy as the media company.


The Himalaya Farm Alliance, Fergenson said, was comprised of online groups of Guo's followers in various cities and countries. These groups, called “farms,” pooled money from investors interested in buying GTV stock.


But Fergenson added that these “farm loans” were just another extension of the scheme orchestrated through GTV and that investors never saw their money again.


“What were the farm loans? They were another way that Miles Guo lied to take other people’s money,” Fergenson said.


Another example was G CLUBS, which was marketed as a high-end membership club. If investors paid an initial membership fee that ranged from $10,000 to $50,000, Fergenson said they were promised GTV stock.


The government says that Guo then transferred these funds into accounts he controlled and used the money to make luxurious purchases that included a $30 million yacht, a $26 million mansion, a $3.5 million Ferrari and two $36,000 mattresses, among others.


But Guo denies claims that he needed investors’ money, citing his fortune in real estate, and says he was simply living the same lifestyle as usual.


“It was not a bet. It was not a scheme. It was not a con. It was none of those things,” Sabrina Shroff, an attorney for Guo, said during opening arguments Friday. “The evidence will show the fortune is humongous.”


Guo argues that his only goal was to criticize the Chinese Communist Party, and each of his companies was an extension of that aim.


“He started to and continued over time to speak out against the Chinese Communist Party,” Shroff said. “That’s what he did all the time and all day long. That was the goal. To get the story out.”


Yvette Wang, Guo's former chief of staff, pleaded guilty earlier this month to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. She faces up to 10 years in prison and will be sentenced in September.


Guo is an associate of American conservative media strategist Steve Bannon, who he met at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in 2017. Guo made headlines in August 2020 when Bannon was taken into custody while aboard Guo's 150-foot yacht off the coast of Connecticut, on charges he defrauded online donors in the name of helping construct then-President Trump’s southern border wall.


Bannon pleaded not guilty and was pardoned of the federal charges in Trump’s final days in the White House.

Anonymous ID: ca489a May 25, 2024, 2:48 p.m. No.20914273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4294 >>4316 >>4695

Inside the Fraud Trial for the Billionaire MAGA Backed To Take Down Communist China


In 2017, the exiled Chinese mogul Guo Wengui began to remake himself in America as a dissident celebrity. In media appearances, tweets, and lengthy YouTube videos, Guo launched tirades against Chinese Communist Party corruption. They made him famous among extremely online Chinese emigres and won him prominence as an ally of Steve Bannon and other Trumpworld luminaries.


Guo sold a brand: A mega-rich, Brioni-clad, rule-breaking Bannon buddy leading a “whistleblower movement” with an audacious goal to “take down the CCP” and install his own supposed government-in-waiting in Beijing.


But the truth of Guo’s story is now at issue in the federal courthouse in Manhattan, where he stands trial for fraud and money laundering. In an opening statement Friday, Assistant US Attorney Micah Fergenson previewed evidence he said shows that Guo—who has also used the names Ho Wan Kwok and Miles Guo—stole more than $1 billion from his own ardent fans who invested in scam financial ventures Gou launched in 2020 and 2021.


“Miles Guo ran a simple con on a grand scale,” Fergenson said. “He lived a billionaire’s lifestyle using money he stole from people he tricked and cheated.”


Prosecutors argue Guo’s whole shtick is bogus – that he is neither a real dissident or really rich. Fergenson suggested on Friday that Guo’s movement and complaints against the CCP are, instead, a story he created to win the trust of followers before fleecing them.


And while the mogul did become wildly wealthy as a Chinese real estate developer before fleeing to the US in 2015, Fergenson said he was short on cash funds after the Chinese and Hong Kong governments seized most of his assets in 2017. That was “shortly before the scheme began,” Fergenson said. “The defendant needed money.”


Prosecutors allege Guo’s criminal conspiracy started in 2018, when he launched, with Bannon at his side, two nonprofits supposedly aimed at exposing corruption in China.


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Anonymous ID: ca489a May 25, 2024, 3:28 p.m. No.20914430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NBC reporter forced to admit that Blacks and Hispanics support Trump