Anonymous ID: 37554a May 25, 2024, 5:06 p.m. No.20915077   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5090


no consensus to crack.

We're free thinkers.

That's the whole point.

And why you hate us.

since you can't have a free mind or you $$$ supply gets cut; or worse.


You're jealous of our strength.

Our stength is in our independance.

Go to Twit-Shit if you want to see consensus creation.

That and FB and the rest of the shit platforms.

Everybody knows why you pester us here.

that's not concensus building, Like Maggot Haberman and the NYTimes do; it's independent thinkers who think alike because of common sense and rationality between the 5 senses and methods of attaining knowledge.

Cry moar.

Shill are poor in meme-ery

I wonder why?


Anonymous ID: 37554a May 25, 2024, 5:23 p.m. No.20915179   🗄️.is 🔗kun



claimes I have nothing to say

proves himself as stooid then quits.

Perfect. Figures.


Not a DJT supporter. Not even close.


The Hate-GM are infilTRAITORS


Never have memes.

Don't get paid for that.

I hope you are cursed by the spirits of the people who you so brazenly oppose, deny and mock.


You lying freak shill, who work for mass murderers, will be remembered when the time comes, but not well.

Anonymous ID: 37554a May 25, 2024, 5:39 p.m. No.20915299   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good now i can reply to you and you won't know I'm there.



dude's a liar.


Claims I'm a mocker.


No, I'm absolutely serious

The GM haters are mentally ill


Claims "Good Morning" is a psy-op - sign of serious mental illness


Sign the dude's from Langley

Maybe both; what a concept?!



Wants to back out, cause it's losing.

Next step.

It filtered me.

Gave me free rein to answer.

That's how free speech works, But shills and leftist (maybe both)can never figure that out.

They either plug their ears, slander you, retreat, try to get you banned.

And the final move

WAAAAAAAA. Ur filtered.



"common type" as if you know?

Small superiority complex or what.

They all do that. Pretend to be above you.

That's why they call us "deplorables"

They need to diminsh us to make themselves feel powerful and big.

That's the whole motive for razzing anons over "Good Morning"

They need to diminish us.

In our own eyes.

That's one step toward shutting us up.

Destroying our self-confidence and self - respect.



Looks like the crap shill folded.

Outed himself, then closed up shop.

But not before posting something that looks significant; but withou a meme; naturally.

They never have many memes.

And when they claim to be here a long time; they are lying.

Anonymous ID: 37554a May 25, 2024, 5:58 p.m. No.20915517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


some might be Trump-haters.

Came there on purpose to scream.

There a overlap between Anarchist and Libertarian.

Anarchist are insane and next door to Marxists.

Anonymous ID: 37554a May 25, 2024, 6:12 p.m. No.20915669   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Libertarians are usually of higher intelligence so are more likely to resent people getting in line ahead of them for education based on their irrelevant identity issues?


DJT is fired up. He's passionate.

Chanting "Freedom"

"We Want Freedom"