>>20916502 (LB)
>I’m not understanding all this excitement about librarians. Nor does it make ANY sense that they have national gatherings
The 'excitement' is that anons, and both libertarians and maga, are noticing a large partial philosophical alignment that some have noticed a long time ago (many current maga started as ron paul followers), but now with the 'overt' endorsement, A COMMON ENEMY IS CENTRAL BANKING, and in case you have been living under a rock since at least 2008, the best central bank critics are intellectually within the libertarian sphere.
This is genius tier strategizing. ANY political movement that is intending to demolish the deep state, and its central bank hegemony ("there is no second place"), is going to need a philosophical/intellectual infrastructure to serve as the 'mind' justification to reflectively support and drive the 'body' praxis of demoloshing the 5th plank of the communist manifesto once and for all.
With the libertarian party and maga unified, the greatest political movement in world history now has the world's TOP academic "end the fed" movement in world history.
Nobody holds a candle to the libertarians for the WHY behind "end the fed". It has Ron Paul, it has the Austrian School, it has what maga needs to combine forces to take down the final tri side of "the eye", the Rothschild cult of fiat currencies controlling governments as a proxy to control populations.
This could not have gone any better, it is literally the smartest move.
And one really nice accicent of history, is that all the anti maga projection scam artists can't smear "end the fed" as anti-semitic, because the Austrian School is filled with jews, like Mises, Rothbard, Reisman, so maga is going to have jewish intellectuals as the intellectual engine to criticize and demolish the Rothschild fiat cult.
The deep state cannot claim the demolition is anti-semitic.
Maga is now equipped, armed, locked and fully loaded to dismantle the final tri side of "the eye".
How can you NOT be excited about this?