Anonymous ID: 091abe July 9, 2018, 8 a.m. No.2091931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944

in 1989, i worked as in intern ad a small, cable tv ad sales department. what a shame this board is not being managed as well as a college intern with no computer experience managed the computer applications of a small ad sales company. have to assume our mission here is over or it has been overtaken by those determined to silence us.

Anonymous ID: 091abe July 9, 2018, 8:28 a.m. No.2092133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2164 >>2180



thanks for proving my point. this place has become a joke and if you can't see that you're as blind as any normie. clearly no one really wants normies to come to q research. most of them can't find their way out of a 2-click hole into the yahoo home page and will never be able to find this place. any of them who stick with it long enough to actually find a bread before it hits 751 is going to be treated to 'go back to reddit faggot' and 'lurk moar' and 'fuck you'. they will need no more than that to back out and summarily dismiss this entire movement as being a big joke and anything new discovered here that may actually make the news will be shouted down with a screen cap showing 'go back to reddit faggot' to PROVE their assessment.


children. all of you who are NOT shills but ACT as shills truly should kill yourselves or start wearing a star of david and submit because you are only serving the enemy by continuing to behave as children. when i was a child i spake as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things.


is this a game? is it real? 8chan faggots suggest yes.


i filter and move on…filter and move on. personal attacks are plastic but if Q truly wants normies on this site then there should be a half-page fucking link to the current bread posted on the 8chan home page right at the top and a link to it posted on every normie website homepage on the web and if the intention is for serious diggers to continue to work from here then KEEPING THE CATALOG BROKEN IS NO DIFFERENT THAN HAVING A QUOTA FOR HOW MANY AFLB'S AND MUH DICK'S THAT SHALL BE ONLINE BEFORE ANYONE ELSE CAN POST.


I trust in God and myself. I've made a lot of connections since I've been here….some going back over 40 years. I would love to continue to associate with those who have lived life like me….constantly searching for truth and understanding, wondering why our world stopped advancing after we 'went to the moon', wondering why a dual-income household in 2018 has a lower standard of living than a single income household 30 years ago. i finally found my people…and knowing they come from all places and age groups has made me have hope for this world for the first time in decades.


but insults, attacks, tooth-for-tooth bickering IS the beast we are fighting and those who push such activities ARE the antichrist and the false prophet and the two lamb horns it wears is the star of david and THAT's the fucking truth. MOAR fucking truth is that Jesus told us to IGNORE personal attacks and insults and MOVE THE FUCK ON and if you are not following that advice then you are either ignorant or serve the antichrist.


the 'eye' and '3 fingers' they flash? their 'symbol'? symbolizes letters from the phoneician alphabet standing for O and W…ayin and sin….eye and tooth. There are 22 letters in the phonecian alphabet and if you go through it 3 times you solved John's riddle from Revelation. First pass find letter 600. Second pass find letter 60. Final pass is letter 6. Answer is the symbol of the beast… and the followers of the beast wear a symbol on their heads or hands that represents the meaning of the beast's name….


dig on that. grow up or not. but i am. right.

Anonymous ID: 091abe July 9, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.2092211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2221


my words serve as a notice to everyone on this board that at least one anon knows the truth and the TRUTH is anons are either GOOD or EVIL and that for GOOD to stay AHEAD of evil one only needs to not engage with it at all. Those who NEED to hear my words WILL hear my words and the comfyness-level of this board WILL improve.

Anonymous ID: 091abe July 9, 2018, 8:44 a.m. No.2092277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2290


because they listen with more than just their eyes. they see the forest without needed to analyze each tree. they are 40000 feet above the target and see it's form as a single entity. autists don't think linearly, 2-dimensianally, 3-d, or even 4-d and THAT is the secret of the power of memes. INSTANT transfer of BULK information that appears as a complete picture….as if we are connected to each other by blueTOOTH over a T-1 line and each meme is a packet of truth being heard, understood, and acknowledged all at once instantaneously. wanna keep going?

Anonymous ID: 091abe July 9, 2018, 8:52 a.m. No.2092365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


we all found this place for a reason. we have each been directed here FROM somewhere TO here. this is no accident. have you been searching? i have….since i was 9 and saw the Zapruder film for the first time. Back-and-to-the-left answered questions my very young mind had already asked after reading about the assassination and viewing the still pics that were released for consumption. I KNEW something wasn't right…didn't need to understand WHAT and probably couldn't have anyway at that age but if research on this board has helped me realize just one thing it's that i now understand why my 'gut-feeling' has always been right and it's because 'gut feelings' are nothing more that GOD inside us giving us a little poke and saying 'that thar is evil'. EVIL needs no explanation…it just needs to be identified…have a light shone on it. THEN the righteous KNOW where their enemy is and can then CHOOSE how to deal with it….even if it means just keeping it close.

Anonymous ID: 091abe July 9, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2092680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2688



I made a decision to Trust Trump and I'll stick with that until it becomes unquestioningly clear that I should not. Starting there, his actions can be viewed as noise…dissonance…done intentionally to keep all sides interested, give all sides hope, keep all sides engaged, then reveal the ending when it's time…just like a GREAT movie. do the movies Q mentions have satisfying endings? whether they do or not, the correct answer could just be a mirror. who do you trust? who are we told to trust? is that correct or just another mirror? when you aren't sure you can trust anyone or which one you can trust, trust yourself, because god is in each of us.