Anonymous ID: 6a92bf July 9, 2018, 9:11 a.m. No.2092513   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2090280 (pb about Elon Musk being comp'ed)


I think that before POTUS, anyone with real wealth, it has to be assumed was comp'ed, blackmailed, extorted, or MK'ed.


My hope is that Elon is a true space visionary. We should have already had manned public/private partnership settlement-type missions to the moon and Mars. /They/ have decided that too much of /their/ wealth would be spent on these endeavors so they've stalled the exploration. With /them/ out of the way, we can do what man was always meant to do: EXPLORE and grow. /They/ have fed us sci-fi entertainment to curb our appetite until now.

Anonymous ID: 6a92bf July 9, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.2092677   🗄️.is 🔗kun


here is another possibility for the Clintons flying commercial: part of the reason Hillary lost is that she couldn't shake the, "Elite," label, which contrasted with the voter base she was after. She once bragged that she hadn't driven a car in like, 25 years. She jet-set around the globe on private aircraft. The Clintons social circles includes bankers and billionaires.


They cannot truly convince the population that they are just regular people, so when they end up in criminal court, the People are more apt to believe that they were always just corrupt Elites because actions speak louder than words.


That being said, are they now just attempting to appear like the average citizen, ahead of the trials?