Corbyn is useless - just grandstanding. Need someone who can really question Theresa May and expose the crap deal she is negotiating for Brexit. Hope Rees-Mogg gets a chance to speak.
>Boris Johnson has now quit too. UK/Brexit winning?
Seems to me that the right people in the right places in UK govt circles need a bit of "encouragement" from DJT to do the right thing and precipitate the collapse of the EU at best and a hard Brexit at the very least.
I'm sure POTUS has many means at his disposal to "encourage" people to do the right thing!
>Hope you're right anon.
I'm just trusting The Plan and hoping that the UK is included in a positive way and what is happening now is just the UK part of The Plan going into action.
No it's not.
Theresa May will be ousted. She was never a Brexiteer, anyway. Her compromise plan for Brexit will not get through Parliament. There will be a leadership challenge and we'll get someone for PM who will negoptiate a prope Brexit deal which DJT will support with free trade between our two contries.
Steven Bannon has been busy in Europe and the UK preparing the way in case you hadn't noticed - that's why he left the WH - he had other work to do. The supposed fallout between DJT and Bannon was a distraction to allow Bannon to get on with the job in Europe that DJT had assigned to him, without draeing too much attention.
It will all work out - you'll see. And if all goes to plan, Brexit will quickly be followed by other coutries exiting the EU bringing about a collapse of the EU - at least, in it's present form.
Thanks for the heads up - haven't been paying attention. Trying to watch live Commons Debate at same time as keep up here and do RL stuff.
>Regardless of the stupidity you replied to, I think your summary here is good, likely correct, and it was worth countering the various concernfags whimpering here.
TY, Anon. And I'm sorry for the many typos and misspellings - trying to multi-task and making a mess of it! At least you were able to get something out of my post.
That's what I'm hoping for, anon.
I love this: "โฆeven more importantly, ourhandshake.) It takes me back to the times when we didn't have to have layers and contracts for everything; when a handshake was good enough to seal and deal and personal integrity assured that it wouldn't be broken. Days when the whole world knew that "an Englishman's word is his bond." If our schools concentrated as much effort on teaching their pupils character virtues like integrity and loyalty and honesty as they do on gender and equality crap, we'd all be in a much better place. I'm sure that's what DJT is pining for - the way the USA (and England) used to be.
Ah, but they were. I'm not talking about big, corporate stuff; I'm talking about the daily contracts we make between us every day of the week. For instance, I have used solicitors in the past (I'm from the UK in case you hadn't realised) without having to sign a formal contract. My solicitor acted for me - that was it. Now, if I consult a solicitor, I have to sign a contract before he will understake any work for me.
ALL abortion is a sacrifice to Moloch.
30 years ago I used to do amateur painting. One painting I did was of a huge ยฃ sign but in 3D presented face on if you understand what I mean. It looked like an idol with head, outstretched arms and feet. A flight of steps led up to this idol, lit each side by flaming torches. At the base of the step, women danced with raised spears piercing aborted babies. I intended it to represent the sacrifice of babies on the altar of Moloch and materialism/Mammon/money. It wasn't well received, I might dd and would be even less well received today, but it still stands afaic. Abortion is child sacrifice on the altar of Mammon/Molech.