Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 2:33 p.m. No.20919225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9249 >>9270

PODCAST: Donald Trump’s Libertarian Sang-Froid.

WASHINGTON, DC—President Donald J. Trump strolled onto the stage, cool as a cucumber. The crowd was rowdy, the libertarians raging at their own political impotence, but still, it scarcely stirred The Donald.How does a man like that stay so calm under such pressure? Simple: sang froid.Raheem Kassam discusses his night at the Libertarian Party Convention at the Washington Hilton on Saturday night, comparing it to prior such events over the past 10 years and illustrating its potential impact on the 2024 election.


Sang froid of Donald Trump was absolutely on full display last night. It was extraordinary. And he’s done it before, and he does it sort of every time he walks up to the sticks going into the courthouse. And he’s done it in debates, he’s done it in television interviews. It’s sang froid is, I guess, directly translated, cold blooded. Right? Blood cold. But it means kind of composure, coolness under pressure. If you look it up, it can even suggest an excessive composure, which is a strange concept, isn’t it? It’s like, it’s like you’re so. You’re just so dialed in. You’re so in the zone that nothing can rattle you. And that was what I really took away from last night. That was against all of the backdrop of what the left tries to portray Trump as, which is quite the opposite, by the way. Right? Hothead. He’s a hothead. No, he’s cold blooded. He’s composed. They try to portray him as unpredictable and in a bad way, because there’s obviously great levels of unpredictability, varying degrees of unpredictability. And it’s sort of the answer to my own question that I asked him. And he often quotes me, by the way, on stage, in the speeches, because I asked him once on his plane, by the way, that great Trump force one, that Boeing 5757, I said to him, look how, you know, how he looked at me? He’s like, how what? How do you do it? How do you do it? I don’t know how you could do it. You know, I don’t know about you ladies, gentlemen, but I…


Raheem does a great podcast on this link, very interesting. What a mess the event was.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 2:36 p.m. No.20919242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9247

RFK Jr. loses in first round of Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination vote. Trump didn’t file paperwork to qualify

By Aaron Pellish, CNN 4:03 PM EDT, Sun May 26, 2024


Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was eliminated from contention for the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination during the party’s convention Sunday.


In a surprise move earlier Sunday, Kennedy was put up for consideration as a nominee to represent the party in 2024, but he was eliminated in the first round of voting after receiving support from 19 delegates, or just 2.07% of delegates.


Kennedy, who spoke at the party’s national convention in Washington, DC, on Friday, was nominated by a delegate Sunday on the convention floor, where his candidacy was met with boos from other delegates.


Donald Trump was also nominated on the convention floor Sunday, but Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle ruled the former president was not qualified because he did not submit nominating papers. Trump spoke Saturday at the convention, where he was loudly and consistently booed, particularly when he asked attendees to “nominate me or at least vote for me.”


Trump received votes from six delegates as a write-in candidate. In a rebuke of the former president, adult film actress Stormy Daniels – whose alleged affair with Trump is at the center of his hush money trial in New York – received a vote from one delegate. (Trump has denied the affair and pleaded not guilty in the case.)


Candidates who received less than 5% of the vote were eliminated in the first round. In all subsequent rounds, the candidate with the lowest vote total will be eliminated.


Kennedy had accepted his nomination Sunday in a short video statement in which he thanked party members for the “unexpected honor.” He said he hopes Libertarians will join “an alliance” of third-party and independent voters to help his campaign defeat President Joe Biden and Trump.


“I’m very grateful to the Libertarian Party for this great honor, and I look forward to an alliance across the country, a fusion alliance of all of these independent parties who are now challenging the Republican-Democrat corrupt duopoly,” Kennedy said.


Kennedy’s video was received with mild applause from a small group of delegates. His surrogates who made speeches touting his Libertarian candidacy ahead of his acceptance were met with loud boos from the audience.


Kennedy told CNN last week that he did not intend to seek the party’s nomination at the convention this weekend.


Tim O’Brien, a Libertarian delegate from New Jersey, said he felt Kennedy was trying to use the party for his own gain without respecting its values.


“We’ve had a lot of people come into the party, they’ll run, they’ll make a big stink and then leave. And I guarantee you, he may come here; he’s not going to be here after the election,” O’Brien said.


“We want people that are willing to say, full force, ‘We’re Libertarians, we’re staying with you guys,’” he added. “He has no need for us. He wants to get ballot access.”


Kennedy, a former Democrat, began courting Libertarian officials even before he left his party to run as an independent, meeting with McArdle in July and February to discuss their shared beliefs.


The Libertarian ticket was seen as a possible pathway for Kennedy to circumvent ballot-access hurdles and take advantage of the party’s access to ballots in dozens of states. Kennedy is on the ballot in six states so far, compared with 38 states for the Libertarians.


Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, told CNN ahead of her speech Sunday that the Libertarian Party is “more relevant than ever” and that she hopes Libertarians and will work together with Kennedy.


“I think that there’s a lot that we have in common, and I think that there’s a lot of overlap here, and I think that there’s a great deal of possibility of success of us working together,” the Silicon Valley attorney and entrepreneur said. Shanahan’s comments mark the first time she has taken questions from a major news outlet since she joined Kennedy’s campaign in March.


Kennedy told CNN last week following a rally in Colorado that his views on the environment, foreign policy and Covid-19 will appeal to Libertarian voters.


“My approach is a free-market approach, which appeals to Libertarians,” he said. “I’m against war, which I think is another important issue for Libertarians. I support constitutional rights. President Trump dismantled our constitutional rights during Covid. So I think Libertarians are probably more inclined to support me if they follow their philosophies.”


Kennedy’s support in national surveys has reached double digits – at 16% in a CNN poll conducted last month by SSRS – with strong indications that he is siphoning support from both Trump and Biden.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 2:49 p.m. No.20919270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9276



More from Raheem’s podcast:


There’s an additional answer to that question that he didn’t give me, that I saw up there on that stage last night, and that answer is sang froid.


That answer is coolness under pressure. That answer is keeping collected, keeping cold blooded. He stared into a room, and the lights were on, by the way. He could see every person in there into a room that was rowdy as all hell, throwing signs all over the place, screaming all their different slogans, end the fed, free Ross, fuck trump, all of this stuff, right?


He stared into their faces and he said, listen, I think you should nominate me. If you want to win, if you don’t want to win, I get it. If you want to keep losing, if you want to keep turning out 3% every four years, keep doing what you’re doing.


My goodness, what it takes to do that, to do it. He wasn’t rattled. This wasn’t something where he was, like, heckling back. He wasn’t like, doing crowd work like a comedian getting heckled. He was just cool. He was like, listen, I get it. I hear you, I understand. And he definitely, he definitely meant that, by the way, because he was talking policy wise along their lines. He was talking about their issues. He says, look, I get it. I get all of these things. I get the Russell brick stuff. You mentioned a whole bunch of other things up there on that stage. The crypto stuff, central bank, digital currencies, etc. Etc. I get it. But. But this is a partnership. This is a two way street, and we need you to do certain things, and you want certain things out of that deal. That’s the deal. That’s the deal. And that’s it. That was the moment I thought, where it just really cut through. And I think, you know, for all of that, they’ll play on the television today and say, oh, Trump got booed out of the libertarian convention, I guarantee you. So I first ever saw Donald Trump in 2015 at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas, and I should make sure that is the correct date. And I walked in there really not knowing what to expect. I had really never truly known that much about Donald Trump as a politician and as somebody who could present to an audience. I sat at the back left of the room with my buddy Ben from England, and it wasn’t a huge crowd. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t huge.And I watched him turn an audience that was probably 80% hostile when he walked in to 80% favorable when he walked out, and he had standing ovations. And when he walked in, there were people with signs that say, we don’t want Trump here. We hate Trump, screw Trump. He’s not a libertarian. Blah, blah, blah. And then he got standing ovations and left, I would say, with at least, I think, 70% of the room thinking like, yeah, okay, fine, fair enough. I get it. I get my part of this deal, and I’ll take the deal. And I’m not saying that that was quite the same last night, because it was really a 30 30 30 split in the room where the other 10% go. But I think of those, of those middle ground people in that room, of that one third that were just there to listen, I think he probably got the vast majority of them. I think, of the 30% who were booing and jeering and trying to troublemake and so on and so forth, I think probably around 50% of that 30% will say, you know what? I got it out of my system. I had my little tantrum. He’s offering a way better America than Joe Biden is, and he’s offering policy things that we really can get on board with. And he said up there on that stage, he said, listen, when I’m back in the Oval Office, there will be an open door for you to come and make your cases about things.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 2:51 p.m. No.20919276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9279


Raheem Podcast the end

And I think that’s what a lot of people want to hear for far too long. You know, ordinary Americans, be they. Be they libertarians or whatevers or nothing at all, right, have felt themselves shut out, disenfranchised by the process. And Trump’s coming along and, you know, the left and the media and everything’s calling him a fascist. And meanwhile he’s saying, like, no, listen, this is a nation. We need to be united. The world.


Number of times he used unite and unity and together and words like that up on stage last night, conciliatory hand out phrases. You know, that really kind of showed, and I think it’s a moment in which, and I’ll just wrap on this, where it’s gone from being, because I think for a little while it was, it’s gone from being the, the revenge campaign of Donald Trump to the, to the unity campaign of America. You know, and if there’s anything, I mean, I think there were lots of positives about last night, by the way, but if there’s anything really to pull from that moment, that sang froid from Trump, that, that coolness of the mind, it’s that trajectory, it’s that shift, it’s that, it’s actually a, a dovetailing in this current moment of those things. And so I’ll leave you with that. I mean, you know, I think it was a,I think it was probably, on balance, a worthwhile event thing to do.….

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 2:52 p.m. No.20919279   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Raheem the real endon the Libertarian Convention


I think it was definitely dangerous territory, definitely treacherous, and definitely will lead to some, let’s say, negative press covfefeBut sometimes you got to break a few eggs to make an omelet. And that omelette, ladies and gentlemen, is America. What are you to go over to, if you haven’t done it already, please sign up. It is Memorial Day weekend right now. So I launched my fundraiser for tunnel to Towers. I’ll be doing their five k in Manhattan again. For the fourth year running, we raised $25,000, no, $35,000 last year, 25,000 the year before that. We’re already at 15,000. The website is raheem. It’s also on the top of the linked there for you. It’s on all my social media. Raheem Kassam, make sure you’re following us at the Nat Pulse. And I’m very grateful for your time. Please share this show, leave your comments and post it around. Tweet it. Tag me as you know, I love to get involved on social media. I love to reply to just about almost everybody that I possibly can, uncle Tom Cobbley and all, as we say. So I hope you have a lovely Memorial day weekend. Think about the people who sacrificed so much for your freedoms and. And I will see you next time. We got to talk about the UK election next time, so. So prepare yourselves for that. Cheers.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 3 p.m. No.20919300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9312 >>9425

Dems Are Pissed At Hunter Biden.


Here’s Why… Democratic insiders expressed discomfort at Hunter Biden’s attendance at the White House reception for Jewish American Heritage Month this week. An anonymous Democratic operative remarked on the political implications, describing the First Son’s presence as “a blind spot” and highlighting the negative optics for the administration.


“It’s not exactly the look people need or want,” the source stated.


Hunter Biden, who frequently visits the White House given his father’s presidency, also attended a state dinner in honor of Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday.


The timing of Hunter Biden’s public appearances coincides with his upcoming legal challenges. Hunter Biden faces a gun trial set to commence in June, with a tax fraud trial scheduled for September. One source framed the upcoming presidential election campaigns by comparing the legal issues of Hunter Biden with those involving former President Donald Trump. “One guy is on trial, the other guy’s son has a trial starting in a month,” the source commented.


For these reasons, Hunter Biden’s visible presence at the White House, particularly at public events, is drawing scrutiny. His attendance at the Jewish American Heritage Month event featured several prominent figures, such as President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, alongside Jewish leaders and activists like Julia Haart, Tiffany Haddish, and Ginnifer Goodwin.


Hunter Biden’s numerous legal woes were recently referenced in aparody song by rapper Afroman, who remixed his 2000 hit “Because I Got High” into “Hunter Got High”



Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 3:10 p.m. No.20919334   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles.

King Charles III has discussed the possibility of stripping Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of their royal titles. The conversation reportedly involves lengthy discussions with Prince William, who is said to share concerns about potential backlash.


The titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex became a point of contention following their departure from official royal duties and subsequent move to the United States.


This development led to widespread calls for the couple to be stripped of their titles. Sources indicate that King Charles has recently revisited this issue with Prince William, though the decision remains unresolved.


King Charles and Prince William “have had lengthy discussions about stripping Meghan and Harry of their royal titles, but they are terrified this would backfire and make the situation worse,” said Royal author and expert Tom Quinn.


During their recent tour of Nigeria, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle prominently used their titles, with seating labeled “Duke” and “Duchess,” which has reignited the controversy.


“The last thing they want is to give the renegade royals something else to complain about,” Quinn said. He noted that even if their titles were revoked, Meghan and Harry would likely continue their activities, retaining a significant public following worldwide.After stepping back from senior royal duties in 2020, the couple ceased to be referred to as “His Royal Highness” and “Her Royal Highness” but retained their Duke and Duchess titles.


This year, they strengthened their association with the Royal Family by relaunching their website,, which features their titles and a coat of arms.The couple’s barely concealed distaste for the Royal Family and pursuit of profit led a Conservative Member of Parliament to introduce a bill last year to strip them of their royal titles.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 3:14 p.m. No.20919352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9380 >>9403

Citizen Free Press


2,000 soldiers and 1,000 police officers were deployed in a small El Salvadoran city after gang members were spotted.


President Bukele doesn't play games.


When can we adopt his methods to clean up gangs in U.S. cities.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 3:22 p.m. No.20919386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Night With Jimmy Failla

10PM]5/25/24|FOX NEWS HDSHOW | LATEST TRUMP'S NEWS|Saturday, May 25, 2024

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 3:53 p.m. No.20919511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9521 >>9531 >>9547 >>9551 >>9565 >>9574 >>9583

Hilarity as Transgender Libertarian removed from audience, loses his wig.


Citizen Free Press


Normal scene from Libertarian National Convention.


Transgender delegate is removed, loses his wig, while Trump speaks.


May 25, 2024

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 4:09 p.m. No.20919604   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9649 >>9656 >>9741 >>9767 >>9951


5/26/2024 2:25 PM PT

Johnny Wactor an actor best known for appearing in nearly 200 episodes of "General Hospital" has died, TMZ has learned.


Wactor was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles early Saturday morning, his mother Scarlett tells TMZ.She says Johnny was with a coworker when they saw three men messing with Johnny's car. While authorities haven't release his name, this matches the description of an incident where three suspects allegedly tried to steal a catalytic converter.


Scarlett says she was told Johnnydidn't try to fight or stop them … but, the men shot him anyway before taking off.According to police info, paramedics rushed to the scene just after 3 AM PT. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.


Police have not provided a description of the suspects … but, Johnny's mother says she hopes they'll be found quickly.


Johnny got his start in acting back in 2007 on the hit Lifetime show "Army Wives," playing a few different roles before working steadily over the next two decades.


Some of his bigger credits include "Westworld," "The OA," "NCIS," "Station 19," "Criminal Minds," and "Hollywood Girl."


Many of Johnny's fans will remember him for his time on 'GH' where he played Brando Corbin – married to drug addict Sasha Corbin in the series. He played the role from 2020 until his character was written off the program in 2022.


Wactor's mother remembers him as a loving young man … adding his death leaves a huge hole in the family's heart.


He's survived by his mother, and his younger brothers Lance and Grant. He was 37.

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 4:18 p.m. No.20919637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9643


Citizen Free Press



Let's be honest. Libertarians can be kinda fucking crazy.


Vivek calls for some Aerosmith Dream On in response to the boos.


6:24 PM · May 26, 2024



(No wonder Libertarians never win except Crazy Bernie)

Anonymous ID: 50fb1a May 26, 2024, 4:29 p.m. No.20919675   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9741 >>9767 >>9797 >>9951

Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party: docs

Tina Moore May 25, 2024, 1:25 p.m.


An NYPD cop from China was fired by the department for allegedly spying for the CCP, internal disciplinary records show.


Lt. Steven Li was working at the Internal Affairs Bureau when he helped a Chinese national connect with a woman targeted by the Chinese government from between 2019 and 2021, FBI and NYPD investigators alleged.


Chinese national Sun Hoi Ying was in the US to conduct “Operation Fox Hunt,” a program that started in 2014 to repatriate alleged Chinese fugitives, sometimes by bypassing authorities, to face charges in the People’s Republic of China, according to the documents.


Li allegedly set up meetings for Ying in the city with the woman, who was identified as “Huang” in the documents. She was accused in China of embezzling money from a Chinese state-owned company before moving to the US in 2001.


The following year the Communist Party of China accused her of using the stolen money to buy various properties in China. The Communist Party of China seized the properties, which were the subject of an ongoing dispute for several years, the documents show.


Ying was dispatched to the US to allegedly pressure the woman to settle the dispute. Li met with the woman multiple times and communicated with Sun. Investigators looked at whether he was acting as an agent of the PRC and whether he pressured the woman.


Li denied he was acting as an agent and said he had made it clear to the victim, whom he knew from community events and occasionally had dinner with, that he was a police officer and that he didn’t represent Sun or the Chinese government, according to the NYPD Order of Dismissal.


“The thought was that since (Li) was a police officer, a position held in high esteem in the Chinese community,” according to the document, “the woman would be more amenable to discussing her case with Sun as him as her intermediary.”


All three met in a Queens restaurant on Dec. 1, 2019. Li claimed he made introductions but left the room “as the two of them talked about the dispute,” according to the NYPD paperwork.


At one point, Li texted an unidentified person on WeChat to report the targeted woman appeared to be “a little bit emotional.”


Sun also sent passport photos to Li asking that he do checks on them, but there was no evidence the cop ran their names at the NYPD.


He was also accused of making false statements to the FBI during interviews and of not notifying the NYPD of the investigation for two years.


Li hasn’t been criminally charged.


The department concluded he didn’t pressure anyone and was not acting as a Chinese agent.But the NYPD did find him guilty during a department trial of making false statements and failing to report the FBI probe.


He was fired on Feb. 16, according to records first discovered by Documented.