Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 5:37 p.m. No.20920007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0016

Vic thrives on teaching people to frame and extort people. They use woman most of all to try to cry helpless when in reality they like to sexually harass men by talking about “eating there ass” at work… of course they do not give a crap. They call it “culture” as they auto correct to explain… yet they say anything about other people in the news and media…


Of course they protect there own people that are part of there sexual harassing team… this what I experience from woman due to Vic training. Don’t you want Vic to train your daughters how to sexually harass men just like this…


Note they have a frog meme that says thistle and now that comes up in my auto correct.


What happens with sorry is not good enough…


This is where this person Vic is unstoppable… the manipulation of ethic and race is the next most used thing they try to do… everything is “racist.”


Don’t worry Vic is the dictator and owns everyone and everything they work for the government no one is powerful enough to stop them because they are mob protected.


Must be part of the HRC body count…


So Vic do you train all your human traffickers to talk about “eating ass?”


Is that your code language for try to find any extortion you can?


Imagine being taught this with government representative to encourage sexual harassment constantly…?


The excuse is don’t worry your a woman you can do what ever you want…


Vic is it short for “Victoria Secrets” is this code for your extortion groups of woman that are trained to sexually harass and abuse men counting on that their is no real gender equality?

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 5:38 p.m. No.20920016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0029


All woman are now tools of Vic to try to make people gay…


I even saw Reddit chats saying let’s try to groom him

To be gay…


This is human trafficking and grooming…

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 5:42 p.m. No.20920029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0033 >>0075


They want to groom men to be gay and hate woman but sending sexually harassing woman around to talk about “eating ass” at work. Let’s remember sexual harassment only applies to men and not woman so they where coached this was completely ok to do. Let’s remember the coach who encourages this behavior continues to thrive on this type of behavior even after being caught because nothing will be done. This is do to the massive gender inequality… that is bs that woman project about gender equality being an issue.


This how they try to groom men to be gay and no longer be attracted to woman by constant bs of trying to sexually harass people with there government access.

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 5:51 p.m. No.20920062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0081 >>0082


I had a customer say what she said to me out… she was fired from her job I was told the next day after they did not do the project.


It was a waste of my time…


Not only that I did not say anything to provoke these people in any way…


I consider it sexual harassment as well as this going back to that which means it was some type of operation.


So they want to hide behind woman as there crap and have them sexually abuse men…


They get off on using woman as extortion tools like this…


Vic is not not expert ever he is or has done this for the Chicago mob. This is there trade mark…


The problem is there is nothing and they know it.


So the reality is this is what the HRC crime family does to people…


They want to say it is all about “woman and children.”


Obviously men do not matter that is why they teach woman to sexually harass and abuse men…


This is what he is the best at using woman… and being mob for extortion.


Vic do you feel powerful… doing this teaching woman to sexually harass men by teaching them to talk about “eating ass.”


Vic I bet gets a lot of action and praise for this he is the ultimate white night and we must all bow down to the mob leader that promised to “get Trump.”

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 6:02 p.m. No.20920105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0114


Auto correct says careful why they are threatening to have me killed constantly…


For what Vic… what’s the matter you can speak about anything. I thought you are god…


Come on Vic give everyone lessons on how to eat ass more… we all need to hear how you coach woman to “eat ass.”


Do you give them directions and diagrams for this situation. Is this a term you thought up all on your own…

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 6:16 p.m. No.20920146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0154 >>0155


No there is not the mob which Vic controls make sure that everyone has to be subject to it.


They make sure that the number one lesson is to use race religion and gender to constantly try to human traffic people simple as that…

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 6:24 p.m. No.20920185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0191


Vic wants me to get down on my knees and suck his dick for everyone to see… he wants to human traffic me to do sexual favors for him… he wants to dominate my butt hole and sends woman to talk about “eating my ass.”

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 6:43 p.m. No.20920262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0274


So I just took a piss in my bathroom and this is posted like when I master-baited. They like to do this as a form of sexual harassment and to let you know you have no privacy…


They are perverted…


This has been going on for years

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 6:57 p.m. No.20920325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0340


Every day I remember that I am being human trafficked constantly by people.


Good mornings are never there as I remember that I am being human trafficked by some rouge entity in the government.


I really do not believe much about anything positive in life as again these people want to act like my life is a movie…


That they are writing the script to the story… so they play both sides…


They told me that this is a movie and that I am there puppet. So I am a human trafficked slave… that is owned by these people. There is nothing anyone can do family members play along customers employees and so on continue with the constant mental abuse…


The worst so far was being sexually harassed by an employee I worked with that was a woman that talked about eating my ass on the phone to someone. She was coached into doing this…


I don’t know what kinda sick grooming programs they are running but this was code for find any black mail you can on this person.


This is what they are teaching the young communist coming up in life. That it is ok to sexually harass men in the work place because there is no gender equality for men. It is only a term used to describe what woman want something or bs like that.


So nothing will be done because they are above the law. To me it is who is coaching them that is even more important to me…


Imagine if a man talked about “eating ass” in the work place about a woman. Do people have any idea how bad the law suit would be… so on…


This oh no one can do a thing because we’ll it is a woman. Gender equality is bs… it is code for they can do what ever they want.


Can say anything no one believes men if they been sexually harassed by woman… that is what makes this worse…


That is almost as bad as a violent crime racially motivated assault… being ignored and hundreds of people saw it.


That is power… the power of fear…


This is no different…


So it continues to go on…

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 7:03 p.m. No.20920355   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Most of all they want to try to act like they are saving you as a person when in reality they are human trafficking you…


I take things at face value people are nice they are nice but just for that moment. I learned they can turn on a dime… treat you like shit and say creepy shit that related to grooming and human trafficking.

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 7:13 p.m. No.20920409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Note the post number 19…


I will not even watch because they do propaganda you no longer know if anything is true or not period…


I am still a fan but never watch any media here it could be tampered with that simple…


This is where they often have groups like “patriot front group.” They are really trying to well go against Trump or other things and frame people not much different then antifa or blm…


So I am not saying anything bad about Trump… but you can’t trust anything on a screen anymore is my thoughts

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 7:31 p.m. No.20920523   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0534


Post him smoking crack some more Vic…


Everyone loved how you do this and say that you are so in with the mob and understand that you control the government.


So when are the Biden coming to kill me… you seem

To imply they are mob and coming after me…

Anonymous ID: 4a9dd3 May 26, 2024, 7:41 p.m. No.20920587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0603 >>0607


This is to try to act like be like this…


The country has abandoned any type of real concept of a republic or free society anymore…


They try to act like they are helping people and grooming them when they them selves are the problem…


They are depressing and completely destroyed my life to the point all the relationships I had are no longer the same…


They are slowly finding this out as I no longer am around them anymore… as for some reason people that treat you like dirt think it should be treated as good just to be around them…


No I avoid them as to me they all seem brain washed with AI…


They some times seem scared and intimidated by whoever is doing this to them…


So I just let things be and avoid all situation because it is about them not about you that is the problem.


You see the groomers want to act like you are there Star so they want you to look good for them after the abused the shit out of you.


I am a victim of human trafficking and grooming… I have been sexually harassed by woman and threats intimidation continue and it seems to all come from crazy communist people…