Lots of nonsense in play right now.
My guess is it's a variation of the red text girlfriend spammer, most likely from the same handler. Similar style of delusion and deflection.
A good way to think of it is if it wasn't posted by the shills that are paid to post it, would it still be posted by others. Would it have the same reach across multiple platforms had the paid forum manipulators not pushed it? They need to constantly prop up their fake for it to survive. Their narratives and motivations are parasitic in nature.
Silence, failfag. Desperate to defend your gimmick.
>Al Jazeera.
Yeah, that's not a biased channel at all. I've watched a lot of that channel. Never seen so many men crying before. Is that an Arab thing? Men crying on camera moar than women?
I meanโฆ looks to me like they don't know what to do right now. They're all over the place, with no coherent narrative. Nonsense and noise.
That's classified.
Did he put a gun to people's heads and say they had to take it to participate in society like they used to? Did he force people to take the vaccine so they could keep their jobs? No, he didn't. Take your 3-year-old talking point that has been beaten to death by past fucktards and get in the filter.
>Okay but if he did
New hires? Regular tards swapped assignments with another platform's crew? The regular tards finally trying something new? Doesn't really matter.
KEK. You know they're mad when they bust out their parody bot.
No. I have other things to worry about than an abbreviation.
Think about that one post above. Why would they have to beg someone to say it? That should tell you everything you need to know about their gimmick's intent.
Ah, I get it. "Let it in." Yeah, nah, I'm okay the way I am.
KEK. Nice.