Anonymous ID: 564f68 May 26, 2024, 8:27 p.m. No.20920869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

word on the street is dif than word on the internet?

who knows moar?

who knows where there is clean cheap water?

who knows which items to buy at which stores?

who can order online?

who is in better shape?

dif Lifestyles = dif benefits = dif Knowledge

share knowledge, work together = game over for swamp

watch [them] PANIC, watch [them] lie

remember these days so there are many Witnesses in court for Justice

don't forget about fauci, nancy, mcconnell, schumer, aoc squad, huma, weiner, podesta, obama, mueller, comey, etc

research swamp stories, make it easy to understand for Normies and their Children

if Americans research swamp creatures don't win elections

swamp creatures hire swamp creatures; 4example: biden = mayorkas garland

fake news won't tell Normies

Normies won't research

who will explain to Normies?

if Normies don't know how will they vote?

'Truth sets Free'

Truth is harsh sometimes which make GOOD Truths the best

Living in Truth requires Faith ime

thank you ALL who share info during information war

thank you Anons

Anonymous ID: 564f68 May 26, 2024, 9:24 p.m. No.20921054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let me begin by saying that there are honest, well-meaning editors of Wikipedia who take part for no other reason than it’s an interest or hobby. However, when it comes to matters of controversy—and there are many— these honest editors inevitably find themselves overpowered and outgunned by what I call Wikipedia’s “agenda editors.”


Wikipedia’s agenda editors are editors who watch and control Wikipedia pages in orther to further a particular slant or narrative. These editors not only add their own selected edits, but they delete edits by others if those edits don’t line up with what the agenda editors want to portray. ..