Marchese Piero Antinori is a top Florentine blood trafficker and he finances organized street gangs in Latin America like MS13 and in Asia like the Triads. The Antinoris are also financiers of the Apulian Mafia and they have an alliance with the Aldobrandinis. The Aldobrandinis married with the Antinoris and now own one of their palazzos in Florence and also took their Apulian titles of the Dukes of Brindisi.
Prince Donatus von Hessen with Princess Floria von Hessen. Prince Donatus is a high level authority over the bloodlines of the Holy Roman Empire and a top manager of militarized Nazism and Zionism. The Hesses are holocaustic Nazis that burn children alive. Nazis are Satanists. During WWII at least 4 princes of the House of Hesse were members of the Nazi military. Prince Donatus is the primary owner of the Iron Horsemen motorcycle gang. The House of Hesse were the Rothschilds original employers which would finance wars on both sides and Hessian mercenaries would then fight wars on both sides. The House of Hesse also co-founded Commerzbank.
Max Warburg is an owner of MM Warburg Bank and he is a top Zionist who finances militarized gang stalking, directed energy weapons, and wars. The Warburgs and Hesses were co-founders of Commerzbank and the Warburgs were involved in establishing the United States Federal Reserve. The Jewish Warburgs also directly financed Adolph Hitler through Max Warburg who was on the General Council of Reichsbank under Hitler. There were Jewish Nazis during WWII like George Soros and they were called Mischlings. Adolf Hitler also appointed Jews to the General Council of Reichsbank. There were at least 100,000 Jews that were Nazis called Mischlings.
Count Patrick Faber-Castell with Nicole Junkermann and Count Patrick is a wealthy businessman and a financier of trolls and shills. The Faber-Castells are officially worth at least 1 billion.
Count Andreas von Hardenberg with Countess Isa von Hardenberg and Count Andreas is a German banker. The Hardenbergs also merged a branch with the Spanish Bourbons which are the royals of Spain.