of course the will, you are helping them shill for General Motors
I know it is unpopular, but is it technically true? Which war in recent memory has not been a banker war? Good intentions on the part of enlistees does make the fact that they were suckered into getting killed (loosing) for a country being run into the ground by the elite.
time was Swordy got 20 replys in a few minutes.
seems I was right about the psyop being about replacing swordy with support for General Motors.
well of of the ones left are vaxed so i guess he was right technically.
you would get further with his support for the vax, plenty are actually mad about that. but the military got rich off Trump and those who are stupid enough to support the military in its current form will take money over insult any day.
enjoy your time abroad fighting the Russians alongside your gay brothers in arms. Kill for the jewish banking order, make trans great forever.
your brain is just as washed as anyone.
and no, not because Trump said it, because idiots 'just following orders for the greater good' make a world full of death and tyranny no different than the red coats did 200 years ago, only today they volunteer for the chance to do so.
A corrupt government makes a corrupt military and if you can not see how corrupt our government is you deserve your comrades.
go idolize service to corrupted ideal where propaganda works or actually do something useful and figure out how to recreate the ideal without killing millions.