Anonymous ID: 364d74 May 27, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.20923855   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Canada #58 >>20923541

EU in serious danger – Macron

26 May, 2024


The bloc is living through a crisis of democracy and could end up “dying,” the French president warns


The EU is facing a record number of “external and internal enemies,” who pose an existential threat to the bloc, French President Emmanuel Macron has said, doubling down on a warning he’d given earlier, that “our Europe” could end up dying.


Macron made the remarks while speaking alongside Germany’s head of state, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, on the first of his three-day state visit. The two attended the Festival of Democracy, held in Berlin’s government quarter, to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the country’s constitution.


“I think that we are experiencing a moment in our Europe which is existential because I really believe that our Europe can die,” Macron stated, referring to a keynote speech he’d delivered in April.


The French president urged a vote for pro-EU forces in the upcoming European elections, warning the bloc has “never had so many enemies inside and outside” as it has now. The purported internal enemies are apparently European nationalists, with their rise raising questions about democracy itself, Macron asserted.


“There is a form of fascination with authoritarianism which is born in our own democracies … which also feeds nationalism and other extremes on our continent,” he claimed.


Macron painted a grim picture of “nationalists” entering government, alleging that they would have failed to tackle Covid-19 and shown “no capacity to respond to migration challenges,” climate change issues, and so on.


“We would have abandoned backing Ukraine against Russia, which all the nationalists in our countries support. And, therefore, history would have not been the same,” the president alleged.


“For all these reasons, it is important to vote in the Europeans,” he concluded.


The call was backed by Steinmeier, who said that the mere fact that Macron had shown up at the Festival of Democracy was somehow “a signal that we need an alliance of democrats in Europe.”

Anonymous ID: 364d74 May 27, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.20923860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923 >>4225

Canada #58 >>20923367

Judge Approves Class-Action Lawsuit Against American Airlines Over ESG Pension Investments

Authored by Matt McGregor via The Epoch Times Sunday, May 26, 2024


A district judge has granted a pilot’s request for a class-action lawsuit against American Airlines for allegedly investing pension funds into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds.


The case revolves around the allegation that American Airlines—headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas—violated its fiduciary obligation to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) “by investing millions of dollars of American Airlines employees’ retirement savings with investment managers and investment funds that pursue political agendas” through ESG initiatives.


“By pursuing ESG goals, Defendants gave Plan assets to fund managers, such as BlackRock, who allegedly ignored financial returns as the exclusive purpose and lowered the value of Plan participants’ investments,” the order states.


In addition to being disloyal to the employees, the plaintiff, Bryan Spence, argues that American Airlines’ investments were “imprudent because it is well known that ESG funds are associated with poor performance given the detrimental effects of such activism on stock prices.”


“To remedy these alleged ERISA violations, Plaintiff filed this lawsuit individually and on behalf of a proposed class of Plan participants and beneficiaries,” the order says. “ERISA authorized participants in a qualifying plan to bring an action on behalf of other participants to enforce the statute’s fiduciary obligations and remedial provisions, as well as recover all losses to a plan caused by a breach of a fiduciary duty.”


Texas District Judge Reed O’Conner—a George W. Bush appointee—writes in his order that the case is eligible for class action because of the similarities of ERISA violations.


“Even if the damages are diverse, finding in favor of Plaintiff on his ERISA claims would also resolve the ERISA claims of this class,” he writes.


The remedy for damages would be the same for all plaintiffs in the class-action lawsuit, he says.


‘Underperforms Financially’

According to the complaint, ESG funds are usually more expensive for pension enrollees than non-ESG funds.


They also “underperform financially,” and instead of maximizing “risk-adjusted financial returns” for enrollees, they “engage in shareholder activism to achieve ESG policy agendas.”


“Defendants have also selected and included as investment options funds that are managed by investment companies that pursue ESG policy agendas through proxy voting and shareholding activism,” the complaint says. “Many of these funds are not branded or marketed as ESG funds; however, the actions of their investment advisors and managers give rise to the same ERISA violations as those funds that do market themselves as ESG funds.”


The complaint states that Mr. Spence, an American Airlines pilot and Lt. Col. in the U.S. Air Force, “has suffered specific financial damages” as a result of American Airlines’ “unlawful conduct.”


The pension plan itself “has suffered millions of dollars in losses because of the Defendants’ fiduciary breaches and the Plan remains vulnerable to continuing harm.”


The complaint defines ESG as an investment strategy “aimed at influencing societal changes.”


“Generally, three criteria are used to evaluate companies for ESG investing,” the complaint says.


‘Aggressive Climate Goals’

Among the criteria are environmental commitments to reduce a company’s carbon footprint and a pledge to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) agendas.


“American Airlines is fully committed to ESG strategy as a company,” the complaint says. “According to its annual ESG Report, American Airlines views its ESG efforts as a ‘key part of American’s success,’ and ‘an important part of American’s long-term strategy,’' the complaint says. “It sets DEI goals and strives to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.”


On its ESG webpage, American Airlines declares its commitment to “aggressive climate goals.”


American Airlines states on its DEI webpage that it strives for diversity in hiring and that its employees “work to make American a place where people of all generations, races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, gender identity, disabilities, religious affiliations and backgrounds feel welcome and valued.”


The Human Rights Campaign awarded American Airlines a “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality” in 2021, according to the webpage.


The Epoch Times contacted American Airlines for comment.



Anonymous ID: 364d74 May 27, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20924144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4150 >>4174 >>4176


Do you have any idea how many times the "heartstrings" tactic has been pulled here?

Some of us don't need PTSD forums, we know what today is and we've seen some shit in our time

Here you come trying to guilt trip anons, get sympathy?

Not gonna happen.

I don't buy your story

Take your bullshit back to reddit

Anonymous ID: 364d74 May 27, 2024, 12:37 p.m. No.20924178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4191



This tree:


Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails←You Are Here

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails

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Now is the part where you try to start an argument to waste bread and bury good stuff