Anonymous ID: 98b571 May 27, 2024, 10:08 a.m. No.20923486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3516 >>3525 >>3596 >>3923 >>4225

Andrew Bridgen, an MP in England, "said this is probably bigger than the Holocaust, because we've lost…anywhere between 17 and 20 million people already [to the COVID injections]. And those are the people we know about, okay?"


Radiologist Dr. Phillip Triantos describes for The Blaze Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz (@RMConservative) how the COVID injections have likely been more deadly, on a global scale, than the Holocaust. The radiologist also highlights two personal instances of members of his family dying after receiving the injection.


Triantos notes that Andrew Bridgen, an Independent member of UK parliament, has said that "this is probably bigger than the Holocaust, because we've lost…anywhere between 17 and 20 million people already." The radiologist adds that "those are [just] the people we know about…"


Triantos also highlights injection-caused deaths he knows of in his own family, including his first cousin, who was a health instructor living in Greece.


"[S]he finally took it, she calls her husband driving home from work and says, 'I don't feel good.' She pulls over in her car and died of a heart attack," Triantos says.


The radiologist also says that he has a half-sister in England who died due to the injection.


"[J]ab, jab, booster, booster, [and they] found her dead on the kitchen floor of a heart attack," Triantos says.


Breaking News: British MP Andrew Bridgen London makes shock claim.


"I'm afraid I think its going to be bigger than the holocaust because there's got to be between 10 and 20 million people who have been killed by these experimental vaccines worldwide"


"the vaccine rollout is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust"


Other MPs "have got their hands into blood up to their armpits…they have put out hundreds of thousands of letters saying that the vaccines are safe and effective over the last few years"


The Vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

#ExcessDeaths #VaccineInjuries


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