Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.20924025   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trust The "Science"…That Just Retracted 11,000 "Peer Reviewed" Papers


It's yet another reminder of why blindly 'trusting the science' may not always be the best go-to move in the future.


217 year old Wiley science publisher has reportedly "peer reviewed" more than 11,000 papers that were determined to be fake without ever noticing. The papers were referred to as "naked gobbledygook sandwiches", Australian blogger Jo Nova wrote on her blog last week.


"It’s not just a scam, it’s an industry," she said. "Who knew, academic journals were a $30 billion dollar industry?"

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:12 p.m. No.20924044   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hobbs’ Veto of China’s Organ-Harvesting Bill Spurs Questions


The April 10 veto has proponents of the legislation and human rights activists scratching their heads. Over the last year, Texas, Utah, and Idaho have enacted similar legislation, and legislatures in Missouri, Ohio, and North Carolina are debating similar measures. The bipartisan bills would prevent health insurance plans from reimbursing individuals for any organ transplants in China or other U.S. adversaries. They also would bar insurance payments for post-operative procedures related to organ transplants if the organ came from China or any other nation that funds or engages in forced organ harvesting.


Idaho’s and Arizona’s versions also included language prohibiting medical reimbursement for DNA and other genetic sequencing procedures conducted on sequencing devices from China and other adversary countries.


For decades, China has harvested prisoners’ organs even though the government initially asserted that all of its organ extractions were from voluntary donors. Yet, as far back as 2005, the top transplant doctor in China, then serving as the nation’s vice minister of health, admitted that roughly 95% of all organ transplants come from prisoners killed for their body parts.


Despite an international outcry over this practice, China ramped up its organ harvesting trade over the last two decades to become a $1 billion-a-year industry, according to international human rights experts. A growing body of research has revealed a particularly reprehensible aspect of the life-ending extractions: Religious minorities and political dissidents are the primary victims, with an estimated 25,000 to 50,000 being killed for their organs each year.


Other research has shown that Chinese authorities have used DNA tests on prisoners in forced labor camps to identify which prisoners would be ideal for organ harvesting.


China has vehemently denied these findings, but in 2019, the China Tribunal, a non-governmental commission in the U.K., concluded otherwise. The Tribunal found that the Chinese organ trafficking industry is harvesting organs from executed prisoners at an industrial scale, actions that constitute crimes against humanity.


Katrina Lantos Swett, president of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and co-chair of the annual International Religious Freedom Summit, hailed the passage of the state measures aimed at prohibiting any U.S. complicity in China’s organ-harvesting trade, calling the steps “greatly encouraging.”


“For years, we have known that China is engaged in the despicable and ghoulish practice of forced organ harvesting. We also know that the victims of this crime are most often religious minorities and political dissidents,” she said in a statement. “Sadly, the beneficiaries are usually wealthy patients who may not know the details of this illegal practice. Still, their ignorance does not excuse them from being complicit in this crime against humanity.


“I commend the states that are acting to cut off any healthcare funding for this barbaric practice,” she added. “The demand from wealthy westerners for healthy organs cannot justify, and must never encourage, the brutal harvesting of organs from helpless victims in China and elsewhere.”


In issuing her veto, Katie Hobbs provided a three-line explanation, arguing that the measure “includes overbroad provisions for genetic sequencing equipment that create compliance challenges for hospitals, healthcare providers, and researchers.”

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:17 p.m. No.20924072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4225

Global Outrage After Deadly Israeli Strike On Refugee Tent Camp In Rafah


There have been widespread reports of a civilian massacre following a Sunday Israeli air strike on a camp for displaced Palestinians in the besieged southern city of Rafah, which the Gaza Health Ministry says killed 45 people, including women and children.


Israel says it is investigating the strike, amid widespread international condemnation and as horrific videos of the attack aftermath circulate widely, with Israel’s top military prosecutor calling the attack "very grave".


Major-General Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi said in a briefing the Israeli army "regrets any harm to non-combatants during the war" and that "The details of the incident are still under an investigation, which we are committed to conducting to the fullest extent."


The targeted area of the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood had been a recognized UN-run "safe zone" which lies about 2km to the northwest of the Rafah city center.


Incredibly graphic and disturbing social media videos show people burning in tents and rescuers carrying mangled and burned children's bodies. According to an eyewitness description:


Mohammad al-Mughayyir, a senior official at the civil defense agency, told AFP that at least 40 Palestinians were killed and at least 65 wounded in the Israeli strikes.


"We saw charred bodies and dismembered limbs… We also saw cases of amputations, wounded children, women and the elderly," Mughayyir said. Eyewitnesses told Reuters that tents were "melting" after the bombardment, burning people alive.


The Israeli strikes followed a rare Hamas rocket launch on Tel Aviv earlier the same day, which included at least eight projectiles, most of which were intercepted.


An international humanitarian organization, ActionAid, said it was "outraged and heartbroken" that the strike hit a tent area to a UNRWQ warehouses stocking "vital aid."


"The images coming from our partners of burned bodies are a scar on the face of humanity and the global community, which so far has failed to protect the people of Gaza. One of our own ActionAid colleagues narrowly escaped this atrocity, having left the shelter just a day before the attack," ActionAid said.


A Hamas statement called it a "massacre" and said the group also holds the United States responsible as it supplies Israel's military with weaponry.

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.20924129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4142 >>4145

Democrat Congressman Rips The ICC Over Israeli Arrest Warrants


Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) slammed the International Criminal Court during an interview over the weekend over the arrest warrant applications that they filed for Israeli leaders last week.


The ICC filed for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for what they claimed were war crimes in Israel’s war against the Hamas terrorist organization.


Moskowitz made the remarks during a Sunday interview on “Fox News Sunday” with host Shannon Bream when asked about the development from last week.


“When [Syrian dictator] Assad killed 300,000 civilians using chemical weapons if you recall, which was a red line for this country, did the ICC go after Assad? No, they didn’t because they said Syria was not a party to the ICC,” he said. “People have asked them to look at the human rights violations in China, have they gone after China? No, the ICC has specifically said China is not a party to the ICC.”


“But is Israel a party to the ICC? They are not, and yet they are now going after Israel,” he continued. “This is totally political. The ICC is irrelevant. They have no jurisdiction. We might as well call them the Harry Potter Ministry of Magic. They’re irrelevant because Israel is not a party to their treaty.”

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.20924168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Egyptian soldier killed in fire exchange with Israeli forces near Rafah crossing


Egypt confirms death and says it is investigating the incident on the border with Gaza


An Egyptian soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli forces at the Rafah crossing on Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip on Monday.


Kan public broadcast said no Israeli soldiers were hurt in the incident which left one Egyptian killed and others wounded.


The Israeli military said: "A few hours ago there was a shooting incident on the Egyptian border, the [incident] is under investigation, dialogue is taking place with the Egyptian side."


Egypt's military confirmed one person was killed and said it is investigating the shooting.


Daily News Egypt, an independent English-language Egyptian newspaper, cited unnamed sources as saying Egyptian soldiers were "affected" by the Rafah massacre on Sunday, in which an Israeli bombing led to the killing of 45 Palestinians at a displacement camp.

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.20924185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: IDF Negotiator Says There Will Be No Hostage Deal Under Netanyahu Govt


Indirect negotiations are expected to resume soon


An Israeli military officer involved in the indirect hostage deal negotiations with Hamas has expressed frustration with the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to a report from Israel’s Channel 12.


The report said that Maj. Gen. Nitzan Alon told Israeli military officials that Israel wouldn’t reach a deal with Hamas under the current government. “We are desperate. With this government formation, there will be no deal,” he said.


Alon also explained that it would be possible to restart military operations in Gaza even if Israel agreed to a deal that would include a commitment to a permanent ceasefire, which has been Hamas’s main demand. Netanyahu has repeatedly rejected the idea and continues to vow he will “eradicate” Hamas, a goal the US believes is unrealistic.


“The deal I’m pushing for would provide for the return of all the hostages, while Hamas insists that it must provide for an end to the war,” Alson said. “I told the prime minister that it will be possible to return to fighting at any given moment.”


In response to the report, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) insisted Alon was taken out of context. “Gen. Alon was asked a question by the public about the effect the political leadership has on the talks, and he answered that as one in uniform, he cannot answer such questions,” said IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari.


Netanyahu’s office released a statement criticizing Alon’s comments. “The clashes from within the negotiating team only strengthen Hamas’s position, harm the families, and distance the release of our hostages,” the office said.


Hostage deal negotiations have been suspended since around the time Israel launched its invasion of the southern Gaza City of Rafah, which it began by capturing the Rafah crossing on the Egyptian border. Reports say negotiations are expected to continue this week after CIA Director William Burns met with Mossad Chief David Barnea and Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim al-Thani.

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.20924197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stoltenberg Joins Calls for NATO Weapons To Be Used on Russian Territory


Blinken is reportedly pushing for Biden to lift the restriction


On Friday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg joined calls for Ukraine to be able to use NATO-provided weapons to strike Russian territory, a step that would mark a major escalation in the proxy war.


“The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have put on the use of weapons they have donated to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg told The Economist.


“Especially now when a lot of the fighting is going on in Kharkiv, close to the border, to deny Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against legitimate military targets on Russian territory makes it very hard for them to defend themselves,” he added.


Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv has prompted calls from many members of Congress, including House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), for President Biden to allow Ukraine to use US-provided missiles in strikes on Russian territory. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is reportedly leading the charge within the administration to get the restriction lifted.


Russia has made clear that it could have a major response to NATO missiles hitting its territory. After UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron said Ukraine could use British missiles on Russian territory, Russia warned the UK that it could strike British military sites in Ukraine and “beyond” in response.


Ukraine has been using US and other Western-provided missiles to target Crimea, which has been controlled by Russia since 2014. But Russia appears to be drawing a red line when it comes to attacks on territory inside the Russian mainland.


Hawks in the US downplay the risk of escalation, but Russia just launched drills simulating the use of tactical nuclear weapons in response to provocative rhetoric from Western officials, including the talk of potentially sending NATO troops to Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: f8f13d May 27, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.20924229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4243

Israel Massacres Children, Which the Western Press Says Is Fine


Israel has not only completely disregarded the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah as we expected it to do, but has actually ramped up its ruthlessness as though trying to make a point. There were reportedly more than 60 Israeli airstrikes on the southernmost city in the Gaza strip in the 48 hours after the ICJ ruling, including a horrifying massacre on a displacement camp full of civilians in tents.


The ABC reports:


Israeli air strikes have killed at least 35 Palestinians and wounded dozens in an area in the southern Gaza Strip city of Rafah designated for the displaced, Palestinian health and civil emergency service officials said.


Gaza’s Health Ministry said women and children made up most of the dead and dozens of wounded.


The strike took place in Tel Al-Sultan neighbourhood in western Rafah on Sunday, local time, where thousands of people were taking shelter after many fled the eastern areas of the city where Israeli forces began a ground offensive over two weeks ago.